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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. You don't expect Arcadia to re-design/fix a breakage-prone flawed design on something they suggest should retail around 34000 Yen, do you?... Because that would be crazy.
  2. I caved too. AmiAmi has it up as well but I decided to go with HLJ due to their better shipping rates.
  3. Maybe these images, courtesy of Hobbysearch, can be of some help... You can go here for more.
  4. They didn't nickname it "The Thud" for nothing...
  5. Like barurutor wrote, payment requests were sent out about 2 weeks ago; the deadline to avoid delinquency and cancellation is tomorrow (8/24/15). Sildani, if you pre-ordered from N-Y, and for whatever reason missed the email, just log on to your account and go to "ORDER HISTORY" to finalize payment... unless you do want to let time run out to let them cancel. I'm pretty confident that the Grace VF-27ß will be available upon release, and for some time thereafter--perhaps at a slight markup at first, going higher as stocks diminish.
  6. Quite nice, but the 'pulling off the shirt' arms positions make for a very awkward pose when displayed without the castoff-able pieces.
  7. @#$*!!! After a substantial wait to get my YF-29B (almost 4 weeks), I missed the delivery. I swear, more often than not, registered SAL is more nerve-wrecking than regular SAL... the tracking status never updated past the per-shipment phase -- had me worried --until, all of a sudden, it listed as out-for-delivery, and I wasn't around to receive it; had it been non-registered, I wouldn't have been able to fret over the lack of updates and the package would've been left at my door... now I have to make a trip to the post office or reschedule the delivery...
  8. It's been quite a while since the last VF-25 was released/reissued, and still not a peep on a VF-25G re-release...
  9. I don't think the word epic is anywhere near "epic" enough to describe this project. This is the sort of thing that, upon witnessing, either inspires one to improve one's abilities beyond his/her competence/comfort level, or prompts a hobbyist to swear off modeling/scratch building altogether, and gather all hobby tools into a trash bin for ignominious disposal...
  10. A gloss finish is inherently more reflective than a matte one, even when dealing with the much longer wavelengths of the radio spectrum of EM energy. It's not much, but every little bit counts towards a planes' low observability quotient.
  11. It seems that 'wrong color', 'wrong shade', 'wrong tone', 'wrong hue', 'wrong saturation', will be a recurring theme with most Macross related releases by Arcadia... certainly every M0 offering so far.
  12. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Arcadia did learn the wrong lesson from the 30th 1J fiasco and jumped to the conclusion to which you allude.
  13. The whole thing has so many big IFs that one has to take it all with a healthy dose of skepticism. However, if the claims of measured thrust prove true and a working prototype can be eventually tested in space (just like they did with Ion Drives), the EM drive could turn out to be a boon for interplanetary exploration and exploitation, and even future colonization and tourism; but this has the massive potential of turning out to be just another Fleischmann & Pons style cold fusion hoax. The photon rocket thing had me scratching my head too... it's a misnomer. Photons do exert pressure; therefore, thrust, but there is no such thing as a photon engine that derives its thrust from direct emission of light or other forms of EM energy... that would be like using a flashlight or laser emitter as an engine. The closest thing that comes to mind would be the indirect approach of a solar sail.
  14. O, come on now. The Andromeda is boss, but you've gotta admit that this one is pretty cool too.
  15. EM Drive, the impossible rocket engine seems to be not so impossible after all...
  16. My apologies in advance for the extremely crappy photos... but they'll get the point across, vis-à-vis the relative size compared to the 1/100 kit [the whole PBC -- or is it a rail gun? -- is 10" (254 mm) long].
  17. It would be neat if the series started with the fighter types from 2199, only to have the Hayabusa prove itself inadequate to the threat presented in the new series, prompting the introduction of a new Space Superiority Fighter (Cosmo Tiger II) to replace it over the last third of the season.
  18. I'm already beginning to salivate at the prospect of 1/1000 kits of all the EDF ships, Andromeda and Borodino most of all..
  19. If Arcadia is truly "all-in", I'd like to see them tackle the ADR-03-MIII Destroid Cheyenne and the Octos.
  20. The first and third are pretty cool. The second just looks like Alto's, with the red swapped for blue. The Highlander version... just NO.
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