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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    It may be slightly off, but by no more than 1o or so. The horizontal lines on the tail is tilted in relation to the image; rotate the picture clockwise by about 4-5 degrees and the crookedness almost disappears.
  2. It's as if hundreds of prospective Macross purchases suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced...
  3. I, for one, welcome the delay; heck, I wouldn't mind it at all if they delayed it another month or two beyond that. I've waited this long, a few more months become irrelevant where this VF is concerned.
  4. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    The VF-1 Valkyrie, Super Pack equipped, as renamed for BattleTech -- as a non-transforming battle mech. It's an inside joke by koofasa.
  5. ^ Can't wait for the kits, maybe even toys, of this fighter to be released; although, I don't like the grafted "alien tech" under-wing glow-y boxes... they're too bulky, do not match the aesthetic of the craft, and break up the sleekness of the fighter way too much, but with a kit they can be easily omitted. But who knows, seeing them in action and context may yet change my mind.
  6. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Thank you... finally able to get in on a pre-order for one.
  7. Indeed. That came out of nowhere, and then you're just left slack-jawed, going... damn!!! Intense episode.
  8. ... and red dwarfs aside, our sun is kind of a runt in comparison to some of the heavyweights in our Galaxy, which is a damned good thing.
  9. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    VF-1S Hikaru @ HLJ VF-1S Hikaru @ CDJ VF-1J Hikaru w/GBP1S @ HLJ VF-1J Hikaru w/GBP1s @ CDJ Edit: When searching specific items at HLJ, you have to check the box for Display Discontinued Items. At CDJ you have to check the box for incl. Out of Print.
  10. ^... It's not the styrene... it's the paint thinner and plastic cement fumes...
  11. Didn't Luke make a similar comment, although not in a firefight context, regarding the inability to see anything out of the Stormtrooper helmet?... Very entertaining season 2 so far.
  12. Neodymium magnets, even small ones in the 1/8" sq -1/4" sq range, are surprisingly strong. This little 1/4"x1/4"x1/16" block magnet, for example, has a pull force of 1.77 lbs; a couple of them per side, pulling against each other (even with 1-3mm plastic separation), strategically placed, would provide quite a hold... maybe too much, perhaps.
  13. A bit of matching white paint will do wonders in minimizing the visual impact of those screws. For those fugly tabs, nothing short of cutting the off will suffice, but then you'd need to come up with some alternate solution for locating, stabilizing, and locking the two carapace halves... Properly aligned and strong rare earth magnets might do the trick.
  14. Considering that the VF-0A Shin Kudo type is still available at NY for 28,920¥ and HLJ for 31,320¥, unless the VF-0S proves a bulletproof release right off the gate, it's mostly safe to assume that it will be available at or near retail for quite some time after release.
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