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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. That was then (2008-2009), this is post 2016 now... an entirely different -- drastically lower, in general -- caliber of writers and producers with wholly different goals in mind... for every House of the Dragon, you get a slew of Rings of Powers, Willows, Blood Origins, and other sundry sludge. If the Alien TV series turns out half as decent as The Sarah Connor Chronicles, we can count yourselves blessed; however, my enthusiasm has been subverted and betrayed so often that that tank is empty, so I'll not trust, but will certainly verify.
  2. Those just look so wrong.
  3. It is all too easy to get tunnel vision with these things, no matter how well versed one happens to be on the subject... the ambiguous anime magic involved and toy manufacturers don't make it easy; it's like one's mind locks into an assumption or some other bit of minutia that it becomes very hard to see the bigger picture. We all fall prey to this kind of mental short circuit from time to time.
  4. Sheesh! When some media executive, or worse - a CEO, gets a bug up their butt regarding some IP/programming (almost always sci-fi or fantasy show), he/she becomes the worst enemy of good worthwhile entertainment... CBS' Les Moonvez ignominiously cancelling Enterprise when it had finally found its legs, Amazon's Jennifer Salke vehemently passing on Conan The Barbarian because of... reasons, etc.
  5. Don't get hung up on scale. The overall size and proportions are what would make the components to be swapped compatible between the two mechs. The "real world" size differences of the VF-1 battroid vs Orgroid is too great for them to jive at the same scale... like trying to exchange parts between a VF-1 and a FV-0 -- impossible -- and those even share the same architecture.
  6. The problem with ESG is that it is entirely, nefariously, political... and politics will derail and have this thread locked faster than anything I can think of, other than religion. So, lets just say that companies bow to the scheme at their own peril, and leave it at that. Back to upcoming movies discussions
  7. Not necessarily. The VF-1 in battroid mode is 12.7 meters in height, while the Orgroid is 8.7 meters tall; so, the structural compatibility of the necessary components for a conversion between the two may be more in line with Orguss HM-R and a 1/72 Valkyrie... the chest plate dimensions would be a good indicator of what scales go together. The Bandai DX would be way too big for the parts to match the line art of the kit-bash cameo. Someone who has a KitzConcept VF-1 and an Orguss HM-R in hand may be able to post a side by side picture, maybe with a VF-1 HM-R thrown in, for comparison.
  8. If Disney of 20, maybe even 15, years ago had announced -- even just a trial balloon -- their intent of making a theatrical "LA" version of Gargoyles, I'd be one of the OMG!!!OMG!!! crowd; current Disney, on the other hand, going by the godawful butchering they've been doing to most of their own past IP glories... not trusting them to do any justice to, or anything good with, Goliath and his clan and all the Druidic, Anglo-Saxon, Frankish, and Gothic mythology/folklore that underpins its setting, and that they won't make the casting look like downtown LA even for the pseudo-historical bits; as a company, they just can't be trusted until the product is released and vetted. Caveat Emptor is most certainly advised.
  9. So, roughly 1/48-1/50 scale... Height = 8.7m → 342.52" / 7" = 48.9
  10. Here's hoping Gunn can pull this off... current DCU still has two more -- very likely -- theatrical bombs to get out of the way before it can even begin to try and become a contender. The only saving grace, for Warner Bros, is that its only rival is also circling the drain at the moment, and the foreseeable future... also ironic that the only Disney-Marvel movie that was both well received and made a (very!) modest profit since Endgame was a James Gunn flick.
  11. That looks amazing. 1/48 scale?
  12. Hero/Titular mech; however, other variations pop up later in the series; notably, the Olson Special and Cannon Fodder.
  13. Yes, I remember that little gem... the blueprint, in whiteboard form, for a franchise's utter destruction. It also reeks of using that which better people created as a therapy session for adult toddlers with axes to grind. What I meant by lack of planning is related to how their preeminent product, the KK self-insert girl-boss sequel, was handled... a rudderless mess devoid of connectivity where they actually admitted they had no overarching plot for any of it, and were making $h!t up from film to film. George Lucas had treatments for both of his trilogies, where they started, basic character beats, where they ended, and even provided Disney with his outlines for a sequel which Iger reneged on utilizing, handing the unfettered reigns to KK, because he trusted her (of course, foolishly, so did Lucas) to produce brilliance in pursuit of the "MODERN AUDIENCES before the pithy term was coined." Going back to Asoka, going by the trailer alone, it is abundantly apparent -- I'd like to be wrong -- that the show has all the hallmarks of KK's Girl-Boss Force is Female overused bankrupt trope; heck, it reeks of being the crescendo of it.
  14. Yeah, Lucasfilm (KK) summarily decided to ditch all the EU immediately after the Disney purchase because they (she) wanted to do their (her) own thing -- "The Force is Female" -- without being bound by ANY of the extensive lore in the books, etc. Too bad for Lucasfilm under KK's handling and meddling and Disney's inability/unwillingness to keep her honest, they did not have the imagination, creativity, planning, or writing talent to pull it off... with the exception of a precious few bright spots, an entire decade wasted and a decimated franchise.
  15. Reminiscent of Akira and Jin Roh (very much on the nose, methinks), respectively?..
  16. It's the ultimate bad-ass fictional example of the old real-world joke regarding the F-4 Phanton II: "Proof that if you put enough thrust behind a brick you can make it fly."
  17. The Mandalorian, seasons 1 and 2 at any rate, harkens back to old westerns; that's what made it good, if not all that original, so it is easy to appreciate because it feels like old-school SW. Unfortunately, season 3 became infected with a lot of the same drivel and poor writing that ruined, depending on your point of view, Obi Wan and BoBF... they better wise up, or the drop in viewership will only get worse. Out of all the Disney Star Wars live action series, Andor is the only one consistently well written... it's almost as if Andor was produced by an entirely different studio, so it is a damn shame it got hamstrung by the garbage before it.
  18. Lets not also forget that, in their arrogance and their expectations that the lemmings will buy anything they produce... a normalcy bias echo chamber they've erected around themselves, these studios have bloated their budgets in these films, while woefully diminishing quality, that these movies have little to no chance of ever turning a profit.
  19. On this we can wholeheartedly agree. Indiana Jones should've ended as a trilogy; both #4 and, in my opinion, especially #5 were terrible ideas that should never have been made because both, in their own ways, diminishing and tarnishing the character.
  20. I think what you are trying to explain, but failing to make the proverbial horse drink, is the difference between explicit and implicit, nothing more, nothing less. In both Mutt's and Helena's case (*), they were not explicitly shown as meant to be taking the passed-on torch to carry the franchise forward (within the movie), but the idea was implicitly there for anyone to see. (*) Helena's was/is a much more in-you-face attempt by the studio to push a replacement due to the confluence of modern day ideology with current lack of writing talent and directorial finesse. Indi 5 displays all the hallmarks of hackneyed editing trying to stitch together original directions that miserably failed in test screenings with hastily conceptualized and shot ideas meant to fix those issues... the ending of the film is evidence of the thematic neurosis the whole production suffered in its multiple rewrites and reshoots scrapbooking road to release.
  21. It's the ONLY Disney-Marvel production I'm excited for. Please, please, please don't let Disney's corrosive BS ruin this. I sure hope Ryan Reynolds is in full control of this production... given their recent track record with Marvel, they better be smart enough to be COMPLETELY hands off on this one.
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