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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Were the Starkiller Base planet, the Senatorial Capital planet, and the Resistance Base planet all in the same solar system? Because, if they weren't, that whole sequence made absolutely no sense whatsoever... what with Resistance people being able to visually witness (JJ pulled the same sort of nonsensical visual stunt on his Star Trek movie with old Spock watching Vulcan implode...) the Plasma shot(s) (kind of like a focused and concentrated CME on steroids; therefore, slower than light speed) streak across space and annihilate that planet and its moons. And if they were on the same system, just the act of draining the sun would have effectively "killed" all the planets orbiting it. There is suspension of disbelief, and than there is checking your brain at the door before entering the theater... I can't do the latter.
  2. Leaving aside the whole giant and transformable mecha vs. 50ft aliens or AI divas or giant bugs, visual gags and silly scenes are a completely different animal from a series built around the silly, eye roll inducing, premise of frilly dressed magical girls singing and dancing their way through a battlefield with prancing VF-31s as chaperons. I sure hope that the intro episode is not indicative of Delta as a whole, because...
  3. As long as I've not prepaid I'm fine if this never comes to fruition; I'd be mildly disappointed, but nowhere near devastated, specially in light of all the pictures showing a lackluster execution released so far...
  4. The way I see it, Vader gleans the existence of Luke's sister directly from Luke's mind. Both Vader and Sidious were goading Luke and playing on his insecurities regarding the fate of his friends, the rebellion, and the ultimate success of the mission on and above Endor, in order to trigger an unguarded moment and emotional turmoil to give them an opening to corrupt Luke towards the Dark Side. Remember, Obi Wan's Force ghost himself admonished Luke, upon his realization that Leia was his twin, to bury his feelings deep lest they be used to serve the Emperor. So, there was no incongruity with Vader having no idea Luke had a sister before the confrontation in the throne chamber of the DS2.
  5. Have you looked into rubber O-rings? They're a bit doughnut-like due to them being torus shaped, but they are available in an almost limitless variety on inner-outer diameter combinations, purchasable from several sources both online and brick-and-mortar, and would cost a fraction of the price of scavenging tires off random toy cars.
  6. I'm sure alcohol, a mild bleach+water solution, or nail polish remover, carefully applied with a dampened -- not soaked -- cotton swab should do the trick; but test on an inconspicuous spot first to see how the paint and plastic react.
  7. Think F-16 parked next to a F-15 and you get a pretty good idea of how the VF-1 compares, size wise, to most other VFs.
  8. I apologize for the confusion, I must've misunderstood your question. When compared to the original Yamato 1st attempt at a 1/60 YF-19, the Arcadia, which was designed as a Yamato release before it folded (forgot that Yamato closed before the toy's development was completed and it was released as an Arcadia product from the get-go ), is a completely new beast based on the engineering development of Yamato's VF-19 toys; and as I mentioned, the terrible ankle design created for the Fire Valkyrie and its brethren was carried over into the development of the Yamato-Arcadia YF-19. The true Yamato YF-19 has the better ankle design, but everything else feels and looks inferior to the Arcadia version (Ex.: the Arcadia has no prominent gullet and arched back aesthetic in fighter mode, and no awkward long-legged lankiness in battroid form. So, yes, the Arcadia version is worth upgrading to over the derpy Yamato... and so is Bandai's VF-19 Advanced, by the way -- opinions vary regarding its superiority/inferiority (personal tastes are all that matters in this regard) to Arcadia's YF-19, but it is a brilliant toy in its own right.
  9. Same molds created for Yamato, so I doubt any changes or improvements have been/will be made; expect what is, in essence, a straight re-release of the Yamato toy under the Arcadia banner... warts and all -- gimpy ankles included.
  10. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ Trained like a bunch of circus seals, Bandai has us.
  11. That does help. That's the 2.0kg EMS rate, and I can't imagine that the VF-0S in-box is heavier than the VF-0D. So, 35200 JPY all-in ~ 300.25 USD + exchange fee.
  12. I'd buy the laziness/expediency explanation, but ignorance?... not possible nowadays; the modelers, physical and CG, would need to willfully avoid, from the time they were kids, absolutely all the available source materials, publications, and previously released model kits from the OT in order to not know that the wing bars on the T-70s correlate with the fighter's call-sign.
  13. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ @ current exchange rates, approximately $110.00-$115.00 and up.
  14. If you're in the US, then Amazon.com is your best bet, with eBay as a last resort.
  15. Slightly tempted, but I will wait until Silvie's version is in my hands, if I even go through with that purchase, to see how it holds up and if I can live with ET's design and aesthetics compromises before committing to more. On the plus side regarding the yellow, it can go naked so that Gena's gets the SAP because they share the same design (Nexx's has the extra gun with the notch in the left leg armor to mount it); although, I wish they'd just sell the SAP separately.
  16. My favorite VF-31 would be a non-individualized, non-campy, non-flashy cannon fodder version... if there will even be such a variant in the show.
  17. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    A disappointing possibility for preorders placed late in the cycle, to be sure; personally, I don't think I've much to worry about since I put my 1 piece order in shortly before my last post, and I received a confirmation email @ 3:31AM EST... I'll keep my fingers crossed, though.
  18. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Amiami still has it available... What is this, some parallel universe or something?
  19. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    It usually means that the item in question is a special or limited edition, but not necessarily limited production, available exclusively through the Manufacture's, or partner's, Web store and, sometimes, select E-tailers like Nippon-Yasan.com; and yes, Web exclusives almost always retail at a higher MSRP then general releases.
  20. Finally watched the .89 episode in its fansub form and... umm, call me neutral with a moderate lean towards mildly hopeful. It wasn't bad, but neither did it grab me the way Frontier's preview did; and right off the gate this new entry into Macross had some massive groan-inducing moments for me. The Good: The Mecha, specially the SV-262... can't wait to see it G and B modes. The "Emulator" induced, Fold Wave derived-affecting Var Syndrome. The planet bound setting thus far. The Bad: Cookie-cutter characters lifted from the every recent Anime cliche bin, at least at first glance and/or until they are developed as the series unfolds. Combat choreography was way too fast paced to follow sometimes. Frontier suffered from this at times too. The Silly: Walkure... magical girls singing group is a major turn off for me. I know it can be viewed as a natural progression from Minmay to Basara/Sound Force/Humming Birds (the very aspect I did not care for in M7) to Sherryl and Ranka; but as presented in Delta, presently, it takes this concept to ludicrous levels, specially with its Sailor Moon-esque wardrobe transformations... its eye-rolling-ly Verp inducing.I'll certainly give it a chance, but so far it did not instill me with any sense of excitement. It's a shame because I really wanted to be blown away by it.
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