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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. N-Y is listing it as IN STOCK. It's only a matter of time now before Amiami requests payment too.
  2. I stand corrected, but I don't really count single mode items when I'm talking about toys anywhere near the same league as a Bandai DX or a Yamato/Arcadia 1/60...
  3. Bandai should forego the YF-19 -- Arcadia's done it already and is about to pop out a re-release -- and produce a VF-19A Ravens instead; drop the Frontier Boosters (maybe keep the fast pack bits) and add some ordnance for the wing hard-points to spice things up, and perhaps the fold booster. Since the argument could be made that the VF-19Adv is just the VF-19A with upgraded avionics to allow it to utilize the VF-25's boosters and personalized to Isamu's specks, there would be no need to make any changes to existing tooling, or create new ones... no split canopy like the prototype. I know I'd buy one if they made it (the only Ravens 19A in toy form to date is the old, craptastic, 1/72 Yamato); an Alpha One by Bandai would be an easy skip for me.
  4. Most of the Mecha Collection Yamato 2199 kits released so far have been comprised of two sprue trees, each shot in a different color plastic; and all are snap fit construction; model cement is not required with the exception of a few kits with very tiny parts that could not be engineered with adequate pegs, but paint to varying degrees is necessary to get the kits to look like the box art because any foil or regular stickers provided are unlikely to be comprehensive enough... it all depends on the subject. I do not expect the Macross Δ Mecha Collection to be any different.
  5. There's always the possibility that Bandai's Hi-Metal R version will come to fruition, but that would be 1/100-ish. Seeing as Evolution's version is very likely to be the only 1/60 rendition produced before I'm old and grey and no longer interested, maybe ever, I'll go through with my Silvie preorder in the hopes it will surprise me -- not expecting it to, but if it does I'll buy the rest of the line; and if not, I may spring for a stand-alone SAP if offered, and that will likely be it. Should Bandai deliver on what they've shown, I'll get theirs too... now it they would consider a DX version...
  6. Flat coats are good for model kits and customized toys you don't intend to touch too often. I do agree, however, that a dull finish would have done wonders to make the toy look more sophisticated, less "cheap" -- for lack of a better word. The problem is that a flat finish, any surface finish aside from paint application, is built into the mold tools, and ET clearly decided to go with high polish for a high gloss effect. Think of it this way to see how it works: Take a wad of modelling clay and press it against a piece of wet (so it won't stick) mirror; the resulting surface will be smooth and "shiny"... gloss. Press the same piece of clay to the business end of a sheet of sandpaper (say 320 grit) and the clay will assume a rough texture... flat. Molten plastic behaves just like clay when injected into an injection mold tool; it will inherit the surface finish of the tool's cavities, resulting in a gloss or matte finish.
  7. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Forgot to consider that possibility. You're absolutely right; if Bandai goes the Tamashii Web exclusive rout for the Monster, then all bets are off in regards to discounts... easier to secure a pre-order to be sure, but a larger, more immediate dent to the wallet.
  8. You're right. The Power Armor Samus looks just like the one I already have. The one in the shiny blue catsuit (I assume that's what the grey prototype will end up being), though, is as good as bought!
  9. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm sure the Monster will be available at discounts ranging from 5% to 15%+ from the usual sources when pre-orders go up. It is expensive, but it's huge, and it's not like it's way beyond the range of prices Macross collectors are willing to pay recently (before discounts, VF-0S = ¥34800, VF-4G = ¥27000, etc. -- the HWR-00 does not transform, true, but that does not mean it's all that much cheaper to engineer and produce). The real sticker shock, I expect, will be how much this sucker will cost to ship.
  10. VF-31A FTW... just love the non-flashy, realistic color scheme. Delta-02's colors are growing on me as well... it's the least "flying circus" looking of the Delta bunch, and the Hooded Reaper art looks kind of cool. The dark blue and gold on the SV-262 that's been shown thus far reminds me a lot of Gunbuster, and that's a good thing.
  11. The wrist portion of the forearms are blue in the GERWALK image and white, just like the rest of the forearms in Battroid mode; also, the arms, in total, look more robust in GERWALK too, when compared to their skeletal appearance in Battroid. Is that what you mean? Otherwise, they are the same. Edit: There are the blue stripes by the elbows that are omitted from the Battroid too.
  12. How so? Do enlighten me. Facetious: adjective 1. not meant to be taken seriously or literally:a facetious remark. 2. amusing; humorous. 3. lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous:a facetious person.
  13. Arcadia v Bandai boils down to personal preferences and expectations; but to your points: Arcadia's minimalist approach to Tampo application is disappointing to many due to what they charge for the toy, specially when compared to Bandai's abundance, some may even claim overkill, in this area... and for a lot less money. If Arcadia included true water slide decals, this dearth of Tampo would be far less of an issue, but they don't; instead, we get stickers, which never look as good as factory markings or decals. As for painting... given the tight tolerances and moving/rubbing surfaces, good luck. Arcadia's are way too thin and Bandai's are a tad too wide. The thing is, both items are toys, not scale models, so Bandai's approach is better exactly because there is no need to highlight them. It's all well and good if an owner wishes to panel line or do a wash to enhance detail, but there should be no need to do so in order to see them... and most owners are not inclined to alter their toys either because they like their toys pristine or lack the desire or ability to do so. Arcadia's forward fuselage profile may be elegant in its own right, but Bandai's is more accurate (none is perfect, nor can they be given the nature of the subject); however, what makes the Bandai superior, in my eyes, is the larger -- and again, more accurate to the line art --cockpit canopy... Arcadia's looks so under-sized by comparison. One should not need to fix a design flaw on any item, regardless of manufacturer, that costs as much as what Arcadia charges for their YF-19. Bandai has the same gimmick, but none of the issues. Err... not to nitpick, but what you show is a workaround, not a fix. The problem with Arcadia's design remains. I don't claim to be unbiased -- anyone who does so is lying -- but I do own both, so I can physically compare them. They're both excellent representations of the mecha they portray (YF-19 and FV-19Adv, so they are not the same and can coexist on equal footing), but in my assessment, as toys, the Bandai outclasses the arcadia; not by much, mind you, but just enough.
  14. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Two Regults are more than enough for me, one from AmiAmi and the other from CDJ. Bandai will need to pump out SMC, LMC, and scout versions to get me to buy more.
  15. If you're in the US, plastic weld -- methylene chloride -- is readily available at hobby stores everywhere; TENAX, AMBROID, TAMIYA, etc. all have their own versions. The stuff is called by different names depending on the manufacturer: plastic weld, plastic cement, etc., but the one constant is that they work by melting the plastic chemically so that the pieces fuse together (weld) into, essentially, a single unit where the join is usually as strong as the parent material; cyanoacrylate -- super glue, on the other hand, just creates a mechanical bond that is very strong in tension (pulling apart), okay in shear (opposing forces that make the joined surfaces slide against each other), and quite weak in torque (bending/twisting). Even model cement like Testors, which is formulated for Styrene, will work on most ABS (a stronger type of Styrene) since they are chemically similar. Edit: Either the name TENAX applies to different brands or the sales person with whom you spoke was disingenuous, ignorant, or an imbecile.
  16. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    They're offering Registered SAL as a shipping option (1310 Yen); even with PayPal conversion fee, CDJ's price can't be beat. I put an order in for one, with a 100 Yen discount I had, my total came to 6990 Yen = 59.18 USD.
  17. HLJ hasn't offered parts service in a long time... well before Yamato went under. Like others have stated, they accept returns for like-item exchanges if the request is made within 10 days of receiving your shipment. As for fixing the damage yourself, DO NOT use super glue, it'll likely make a mess and it will not work. If the landing gear is made of plastic (ABS), use liquid plastic weld (TENAX, Abroid Pro Weld, etc.). If it's painted die cast metal, which I think it is, try straightening out the bent piece slowly with smooth tipped needle nose pliers or even tweezers and use two-part epoxy -- just a tiny drop -- to fill in and build up the crack; file or sand once cured, and paint to finish. The best repair would involve pinning the piece, but that would likely require disassembling the leg.
  18. The positive: Great quality molding with fantastic detail for the size... if 2199 kits and the 3D renders for the VFs being released are any indication. Bargain price that makes for an affordable opportunity for squadron building and all sorts of customization. The likelihood of a plethora of other Macross kits, from VFs to capital ships, in the future, and all for a pittance individually. The negative: Non standardized "box" scale. Similarly sized VFs should look fine next to each other, but smaller craft will look over-sized, and forget about ships matching.Overall, this announcement of Macross kits in the Mecha Collection line is, to me, most welcome. I'm all in.
  19. That's actually pretty decent at $20, and at 8" long, a tad over twice the posted length of Bandai's model... hmm...
  20. And you'd think that the smiley I tacked at the end was a clear and present indication that I was being facetious...
  21. Thank you. People around these parts get so damned defensive and passive aggressive whenever they come up against differing opinions; it's as if they feel personally slighted with an Earth-shattering insult if someone dares to not blindly follow the "perceived" prevailing view of a show or any aspect thereof... so dogmatic. I'll stick with my first, negative, impression of Delta's use of the magical girl shtick. I'll give the show a try once it starts its broadcast run to see if it improves in my eyes, but I don't hold much hope; at this point, I'm mostly in it for the mecha action, and as long as the parts I find silly and groan worthy don't become too prevalent and obnoxious, I'll likely slog through it... and who knows? The show may surprise me and prove me wrong. The VF-31 and the SV-262 look very interesting, although none of the 31's color schemes have grabbed me as something I must own, yet. If the show ends up introducing a less acrobatic-team-colored version, CF maybe, I'll be far more enthused.
  22. There are no official replacements; however, VF5SS, one of our MW members, has created replacements available from Shapeways.
  23. Hansel and Gretel and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter... You just can't make this $h!t up. Oh, wait, Hollywood can... never mind, move along.
  24. I fail to see how you fail to see it. I'll just ascribe it to different strokes for different folks; personally, I've always found anime about magical girls, regardless of franchise, to be silly, eye roll inducing, and impossible to watch.
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