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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. The obvious die-cut edges are a dead giveaway even if one can't ready Japanese...
  2. The only reason I actually selected N-Y's USD currency option is because it afforded me the opportunity to use Paypal Credit in order to get 6 months to pay without interest... more of a personal accounting gimmick that anything else.
  3. Holy cow, that's some serious repair work! Did somebody catch the number of the bus?...
  4. I guess you didn't read the whole page. I posted the exact amount I paid to have it shipped via SAL.
  5. I do hope Arcadia ends up offering the Fast Packs as separate accessories, just like Yamato did in the past; otherwise, I'm not biting because I already own a V2 VF-1S Roy and I don't need another.
  6. Time to see for myself just how decent =/= mediocre =/= horrible Evolution Toys' VF-2SS Silvie Gena really is. I just placed an order for a copy with Nippon-Yasan. They've slashed the price from ¥20480 to ¥11980 + shipping ($139.84 shipped via SAL for me); at this price I figured it's worth it just to sate my curiosity.
  7. Most people who happen to remember the VA-3 soon wish to forget it... I keed, I keed!...
  8. mechaninac

    Macross figures

    You asked for it...
  9. Well, that's certainly... different. Ingeniously weird, or weirdly ingenious; I can't really decide which. I can't wait to see how the toy will handle it.
  10. If you consider 1776 or even earlier to be recent. Most countries built on immigration will adopt, borrow if you will, words and phrases from the various immigrant groups that had an impact on its cultural formation, specially early on. In the case of America that would include, in addition to the obvious English: German, French, Yiddish, Italian, Spanish, and many more. And it's not only limited to immigrant built nations, but common in colonizing ones as well; Great Britain infused English (itself an amalgam of many languages and dialects) with many words from its colonies (Ex: India). What I'm getting at is that there is no such thing as "stealing" (in this case, a politically loaded term divorced from reality) someone's culture/language (there is destroying other cultures/languages through conquest, and the phenomenon of primitive ones extinguishing themselves by casting aside the old in favor of the new, but those are entirely different topics), and borrowing/adopting words and customs -- even the commingling of cultures -- is something that's been a part of humanity for as long as it's existed; the only difference today is that modern transportation and communication technologies make this process of cross-pollination and dialect evolution a lot faster in any society open to growth. Sorry for the thread derailing...
  11. Missed it dammit... I guess I'll wait for HLJ to offer it at a discount.
  12. Wouldn't a movie, just like a 2-part episode, more than likely focus on some significant event within those 20 years anyway? I'm not implying that one would be a superior, or inferior choice/medium over the other... just saying...
  13. It looks to me like they're just ejector pin marks. but I could be wrong. I noticed the misalignment too; very prominent in the Prometheus, but it appears that it may be due to the elbow joint not being rotated all the way... or so I hope; otherwise, this toy will be relegated to a Storm Attacker display piece only. In-scale space pickles? Sure, why not?... Or, you could just put a large zucchini on a display stand and call it a day...
  14. ^ The only thing missing would be heavy breathing to complete your description...
  15. mechaninac

    Macross figures

    This! 1000,1000x this!
  16. Space Battleship Yamato/Stablazers is a classic and worth checking out, but the animation has not aged well. Much like SDF:Macross and MSGundam, the quality ranges from near sublime to downright awful; also, the character designs are, as is to be expected, thoroughly mired in mid-late 1970s aesthetics, which can be nostalgic, kitschy, or jarring depending on your own preferences. Sticking with 2199 and beyond is entirely understandable given its superb quality, which takes the best of the original designs and stories, and updates them to modern standards for modern audiences.
  17. I'll give that movie props for being aptly named. Sucker punched is exactly how I felt after sitting through that piece of garbage, even though it was a Redbox rental with a substantial discount code... pout-y T&A was nowhere near enough to salvage that incoherent, unwatchable mess.
  18. Burning Pockets Syndrome is a terrible, debilitating affliction...
  19. I got the Amiami payment request as well; and since I had the Figma Motoko Arise figure awaiting payment too, I decided to combine them into one shipment. Now just have to wait for their final quote and deadline... hope it's first week of April as I have already spent way too much this March.
  20. How many people understand that small nugget of wisdom? That being said... In one small sense, it does: Studio execs look at profitability as a measure of the quality/popularity of a property and decide to keep pumping out more and more crap... because movie audiences love lapping up crap. Disclaimer: I'm in no way intimating that BvS is crap... will have to see it to make that personal assessment. My post is a general response to a general statement.
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