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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. So, the TIE Striker has a cylindrical fuselage like the TIE Bomber... interesting. But yes, Hasbro's early offerings for the R1 license are anything but inspiring.
  2. The problem I see with a planet orbiting within the habitable zone of a red dwarf star is that said zone is so close to the primary that the planet will have an extremely short orbital period and is likely to be tidally locked (one side always faces the star so that it broils while the opposite hemisphere freezes in perpetual darkness, with massive global winds caused by the extreme temperature differential as the cold air from the dark side rushes to fill the low pressure of the rising hot air on the sun-lit side); so, even if Proxima's planet is the right distance, the composition, has the right atmospheric density, an adequate magnetic field, etc. for the presence of liquid water and a proper water cycle, it may not be a very pleasant or even hospitable place for life.
  3. I wouldn't know. I haven't watched a single episode since the Preview Special left a sour taste in my mouth. I take it Delta has been 7-level cringe worthy for the most part, then?
  4. Ditto! I feel much better now. Yes folks, this certainly was way too good to be true; but given the refunds, it was worth a shot... worst case scenario: toss the whatever it is in the garbage as soon as it's delivered, so no harm no foul. If this was indeed Walmart's fault, I sure hope they reimburse Toynk for their foul-up. The sad part however, is that this went from the best deal ever, to the biggest disappointment in a while.
  5. I'd love to get both, but there's no way I'm going to fork over that kind of scratch... made that much more painful by the lousy exchange of late. I'll have to make do with the old Imai 1/40ish transformable kits, if/when I ever get around to tackling them.
  6. Oops!... Hilarious nonetheless; I'm just so used to typing that prefix on MW that I have to consciously prevent myself from doing it, but sometimes...
  7. To be fair, LM were able to iron out a lot of the ugly from the YF-22 in its transition to the production F-22; but you're absolutely right, the YF-23 just looked right from the get-go and I can only imagine how gorgeous and deadly sexy a production version VF-23 would look.
  8. Every once in a while the movie going audience surprises me positively in their avoidance of blatantly uninspired, unnecessary and unwanted remakes/reboots/re-imaginings of classic movies that were as near-perfect as one could ask for... my faith in humanity has consequently been slightly elevated.
  9. Too good to be true, indeed. As soon as I receive my abominable trinket I'll be filing a complaint with Walmart and PayPal and my CC (CC through Paypal because of the added protection... once had a previous Walmart account hacked and my CC# on file stolen). And I expect to be reimbursed for the return shipping too; this has nothing to do with the money, a pittance, but with the principal of not standing for being defrauded by a dishonest bunch of A-holes. :angry: Edit: In light of glane21's post, if ToyNK handles my complaint the same way, I'll be mollified.
  10. That CAD render looks remarkably meh. It's appearance is closer to the VFX-4 than the FV-4... too flat. Yamato/Arcadia nailed it far better, at least so far.
  11. Well, I'll be a monkey's brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate... I actually got a shipping notification with a tracking number and everything; estimated to arrive 8/29. BEST ... DEAL ... EVAH !
  12. Ha! ... completely unintended, I swear.
  13. Too good to be true but too good to ignore, so I gave it a shot... for $7.98 delivered, how could I not?
  14. That speeder bike base came out great; excellent use of natural materials for an authentic looking result. However, the bike is only 99.9% finished;... you're supposed to cut off the little slug spanning the two belly-gun square blocks, unless you decided to keep that there as a bit of extra, non-canon, detail -- like a small pressure cylinder.
  15. If I remember Turnabout Intruder right -- it's been years since I watched any TOS -- It was never implied that women could not be captains or even that they were discouraged from doing so. Janice Lester was denied promotion to captain and command of her own starship because she was deemed unstable by Starfleet... and how right they were in their assessment of her qualifications and temperament; the discrimination she blamed for her failures and as justification of her paranoia and gender issues (self hatred) was all in her own mind.
  16. To me the U-wing looked like a flying tuning fork, until I saw its wings-deployed mode; now it reminds me of a collapsible clothes hanger... but in a good way, sort of... The Shuttle is kind of meh; not as craptastic as Kylo Ren's in TFA, but it doesn't hold a candle to the Lambda Class. The one that I really want to see more of is the TIE Striker. It looks slightly reminiscent of the TIE interceptor and has a passing resemblance to the TIE Phantom.
  17. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    You forge a sword, you cast jewelry. Forging = take an ingot of metal and place it in a forming die where it is struck by a hammer or press to be shaped. The compressive forces result in a very hard but brittle part; it's then heat treated to give it its final strength and resiliency. Forging is labor intensive and expensive. See here Casting = molten metal or resin is poured into a mold, like filling an ice cube tray, where it flows into its cavities which are the negatives of the final part... nowhere near as strong as forging, but it is much simpler and cheaper. The biggest problem with casting metal is that if the metal's or molds' temperatures or subsequent cooling is off there is always the possibility of defective parts due to inadequate density or microscopic gas bubbles that weaken the parts, defects that are not readily apparent but make the parts vulnerable to shear, bending, and torque stresses. See here Die Casting = metal casting under pressure; in a sense it is somewhat similar to injection molding for plastic. See here
  18. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Ouch! Got my invoice from Amiami. They're only offering 3 shipping methods for the Monster: EMS (6,740 JPY), SAL Parcel (5,690 JPY), and DHL (11,100 JPY) = cheapest option totals out at 28550 JPY + Paypal conversion fee and poor exchange rate... Now, where did I leave the Dramamine?...
  19. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm actually dreading getting the invoice from Amiami. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to get the Monster, but the final cost is going to be nausea inducing...
  20. Nice pen holder... also good to hold a thermometer, or a cotton swab, or a pencil, or a toothbrush, etc...
  21. There are several canon and semi-canon designs they could've used directly or as inspirations that would give the new show a sense of continuity with the rest of pre-established Starfleet aesthetics, or create something completely new yet familiar; but no, instead they go with an awkward nacelled Star Destroyer reject with an afterthought Frisbee tacked on top. Something innovative and unique, yet immediately recognizable as a Federation ship would be infinitely preferable, like the Chariot Class, just as an example
  22. I agree that the Excelsior design is one of the best in Star Trek (#1 - Refit Enterprise, #2 - Excelsior class, #3 - Miranda class, #4 - Sovereign class... imo). However, NX-2000 wasn't introduced until ST-III, NCC-2000 in ST-VI, 1701-B in ST-Generations; and as for not seeing much use... ... it was the most ubiquitous ship class in TNG and DS9.
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