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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Another AutoArt, Kyosho fan here, and Minichamps too. I haven't bought any 1:18 die cast stuff in a long time due to just how expensive they've gotten over the last few years... much like Macross related merchandise, prohibitively so. The one item that will cause me to lose my resolve, that I'm actually eagerly waiting for, is AutoArt's 1/18 version of McLaren's P1 in Volcano Orange; I have their F1, in Platinum Silver, and MP4-12C, in Orange -- both superb.
  2. ^ Possibly, but the biggest difference -- for those to whom such things are a deciding factor, like myself -- is that NY gives you a Pay Later option for this item; whereas, AE demands upfront payment with shipping calculated upon release. In addition, NY gives you the choice of invoicing in your currency of choice, which may come in handy if PayPal Credit is desired (an extra 6 months to pay on purchases over $99).
  3. 9,980¥ @ https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/18981-hi-metal-r-dougram.html
  4. Over 2.5 hours after placing a preorder with HLJ and still no confirmation email... now expecting to get a cancellation one, instead.
  5. I guess I was able to secure one with HLJ, after 2 "Sorry, link not found" errors, as I got the "Thank You! We've got your order" page, but no email confirmation yet... fingers crossed.
  6. mechaninac

    Macross figures

    That's a V1. No stand adapters if I'm not mistaken.
  7. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    There is a way to pay up to 6 months later, or in small installments, interest free if you order from NY and are willing to select USD as the currency and PayPal Credit as the payment option; must be a minimum of $99.00 to qualify. If you do this you'll end up paying a bit more than if you select to pay in Yen, but it may be worth it for the extra time and flexibility to pay [Ex: 1 VF-1J Millia with JP Eco Post, as of today. is $120.31 with up to 6 months to pay with PayPal Credit; the same item with the same delivery choice is 11140 Yen -- app. $108.93 + exchange fee (1% if bank or balance funded @ PayPal = $110.02, or 1%+3.9% if credit/debit card funded @ PayPal = $114.27)].
  8. It's an AT-ACT, so... That orange brick does look incredibly out of place, though.
  9. ^ The one DX 31 from Delta I insist on getting come hell or high water is the VF-31A; I'm ambivalent at best on all the others.
  10. mechaninac

    Macross figures

    Make it Miria @ 1/12 and you've piqued my interest...
  11. Hehe! Obi-wan was exaggerating; engaging in portraying Vader from a certain point of view , as he liked to phrase it. ... you really can't trust most Jedi to be straightforward with their opinions, descriptions, and pearls of wisdom...
  12. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    You're right, this is Macross World, it should've been nyah...
  13. When you click on the [Reply to this topic] window you're presented with some basic posting functionality, but if you hit the [More Reply Options] button to the right of [Reply], you'll be given a few more options including the ability to attach files; just scroll down until you see the [browse...] button under the Attach Files heading: Click on [browse...], select your picture file off your HD, Click [Attach This File], Click Add to Post to have it show up directly on the post instead of as an attachment, Click [Preview Post] to get I preview ( all the way on top) of how the post will look, make any adjustments you may deem necessary., Click [Add Reply]. That's how I included the dancing banana animated gif, and it will work with most picture formats too.
  14. 1/3000 SDF-1 DYRL? reissue/Arcadia issue?... something I skipped the first time around and have been kicking myself for it ever since will be available again?... for less than half the going rate for the original Yamato whenever it pops up on eBay?... If true... :yahoo: Is that a choir of angels singing I hear?...
  15. Somewhat off topic, but all kinds of awesome... https://youtu.be/ktPM-ot1ADc
  16. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Tell me about it...
  17. ^ Well, you could almost excuse/explain that away by claiming that the Stargazer was much closer to the camera than the Enterprise, and it was TV. One example I cannot excuse is the one from First Contact where the Enterprise E crosses in front of the Defiant, making the Though Little Ship look no bigger than a large shuttle craft and/or the E appear some 5X bigger than it should be. So yes, nothing in Start Trek, TNG, and DS9 has ever been regularly visually consistent.
  18. Yes. The continuity split occurs after the establishment of the Federation, which the NX Class predates. Also, a model of Cochrane's Phoenix and of an NX Class ship appear on Fleet Admiral Alexander Marcus' desk in Into Darkness. As for the size increase... because JJ's reasons -- ostensibly as a plot device to allow for a larger shuttle bay, and justified by a contrived explanation regarding the need to upscale the ship due to the Narada incursion (the event that caused the alternate timeline).
  19. ^I'm not just referring to the concept image but also to the final design shown at the end of ST Beyond... better than the flying brewery and a step in the right direction, but still a visual insult to the Prime original and refit, in my opinion.
  20. Same here. All the good stuff that's been shown so far for R1 are the old stuff.
  21. Another sinfully fugly JJ-prise, although a very small step in the right direction... the proportions, shapes, aesthetic balance are all kinds of wrong. I actually like some of the Starfleet ship designs in the Kelvin-verse, but the Enterprise itself, including this new A, is a hideous thing to behold; to so butcher the iconic ship that defines Star Trek is beyond my comprehension.
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