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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. YouTube it. Sit back and watch... hilarity and disbelief ensues.
  2. Photo-etch, resin add-ons/replacements, and lighting/electronics producers, both licensed and cottage, are going to have a field day with this SD...
  3. Hello Nurse! I must say, however, that if her boobs were half the size she'd be twice as sexy.
  4. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    I've got a Max and a CF in HLJ's PW... just waiting for their deployment orders...
  5. The nose landing is a dead giveaway... it's a custom painted 1/35 Gakken.
  6. Actually, now that I get a better look, it looks far more like a 1st gen Esprit... very angular.
  7. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    6000 yen, store front item, VF-1J Hikaru at mandarake... http://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1053720901&ref=list
  8. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Figinstock to the rescue. Checked my email and there it was, clicked on the link and was able to secure a copy... email confirmation received and everything. Now I feel I can place an order for Millia's with N-Y too.
  9. ¥14,800 + S&H for a 5.7in tall mecha figure?... I want a drag off whatever Alter is smoking...
  10. Got the FigInStock email alert for the 31J this morning and was all excited... but at full retail -- not even a measly 5% preorder descount -- they can keep it. I'll keep an eye open for N-Y instead.
  11. Curious about how ET handles MOSPEADA? Sure, but after what they did with the VF-2SS, my curiosity is more of the morbid variety...
  12. Preorder placed and, more importantly, confirmed. Thanks for the heads-up. Edit: Looks like I got one of, if not the, last one of this availability batch as it's now listed as Order Stop again.
  13. 1000 ft???... That's 29.5 atmospheres (Yes, I did look that up... ); That's nuts, awesome but nuts... awesomely nuts?.. .. Deep sea commercial divers take note, the wristwatch of your dreams is about to be made real. Thanks for the props, but you did all the groundwork, I just translated it to 3D and had the 250 grow it; It was my pleasure to participate, even in a small way, in this project. How do the straps look next to the watch case? If you can get it to match the color of one those components to tie it all together, or alternatively offer a stark contrast to them as an intentional visual break (related in palette, but distinct and subdued) to drive the wearer's focus to the watch itself... could work.
  14. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Woohoo! N-Y has shipped my Hi-Metal R VF-1J Hikaru... now to wait 3 weeks for it to show up.
  15. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ I sure hope the same holds true when the Max 1J comes out/is near release; I've yet to secure a preorder for that one.
  16. That's coming together really nice. It looks super rugged... like it could survive a nuclear blast at ground zero, rugged.
  17. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Received "Preparation in progress" email from N-Y for the 1J Hikaru already...
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