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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Order confirmation from HLJ received... Got one! And now it looks like Order Stop.
  2. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    "Mercy is a Regult hill and I am but a cock that climbs atop it to crow" ... Maximilian Jenius -- attributed -- Poor Zents... never had a chance. Happy New Year!
  3. ^ That's a bummer. However, if you have the broken antenna piece, all is not lost. Drill both ends with a pin-vise (1/8", ~3mm, deep should suffice), making use they align as closely as possible, to receive a metal rod (I like using a seamstress' pin cut to length for such things... the drill bit should be >= the diameter of the pin to be used). Press fit the pin into the antenna's hole and then the resulting piece into the antenna's base on the head, properly oriented, until it's almost bottomed out (leave a 1/32", ~1mm, gap). Apply a small drop of ABS plastic weld into the gap: Tenax 7R, Plastruct, Tamiya cement for ABS, Ambroid Pro Weld, Even Testor's Plastic Cement (DO NOT use Superglue). Finish pressing the two pieces together until a small amount of molten plastic oozes out; let cure 24 hours; clean the seam with a X-acto knife and a sanding stick. You'll likely need to buff the join to have it match the surface finish of the rest of the plastic, and touch up any painted areas. Another option is to swap the head for the CF version. Or, if possible, swap the antennas.
  4. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    This site should answer most of your questions: http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=8199
  5. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Outstanding! I may have to get 2.
  6. I just can't bring myself to pull the trigger for this at the prices they've been offered at Amiami, N-Y (non early pre order), or BiJ. Holding out for HLJ to see if it'll go up again for 18K yen or so; otherwise, I can skip this thing without regrets... there are plenty of other, better looking, variants on the horizon, specially the one a truly want, the 31A version.
  7. ^ ... ... ...
  8. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    "Put up you dukes!"
  9. I just received my MegaHouse Hi-Spec Olson Special Orguss II Drifand today from HLJ... door to door in 3 days. Wow! FedEx rocks for speed. On the figure itself: I absolutely hate this... . . . . . . . . . . It's so cool that now I just must get the Kei type.
  10. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    The Toynamis are excellent 5 feet VF-1 toys for display purposes... their appeal rapidly diminishes the closer you get.
  11. It's at least something worth keeping an eye on in case it doesn't become just another case of vapourware, like the MP Shadow Beta...
  12. ^ $90 each, $120 for the red and green bundled... and they gouge on shipping.
  13. Success! Amiami cancelled my order without making a stink... I guess the request I sent them was sufficiently deferential and apologetic to not incur their wrath. While I dislike pulling this kind of stunt, the difference in price, regardless of extra perks, was just too great to ignore; had it been up to 1500 yen I would have let it go and just chalked it up to bad timing on my part.
  14. #@%*&$!!!... I could've saved myself 3800 yen on the price, get FedEx 2-5 day delivery for just 1700 yen, and get 4200 Yen Store Credit on top if I'd only waited about a day. I haven't paid for my Amiami order yet; I wonder if they'll let me cancel it if I ask nicely... Edit: Well, cancellation request sent to Amiami... I wonder if they'll be in a magnanimous mood.
  15. Damn you!... That's one mental image I did not need put in my head... urgh!...
  16. ^ Oh darn; there is no end in sight for the financial bloodletting... Bring it on!...
  17. ^ I did... I swear, the enablers at MW will be the financial ruin of me...
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