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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. mechaninac

    Macross figures

    Bandai's Alto Saotome with EX-Gear was the first and only contemporary Macross articulated action figure, if I'm not mistaken.
  2. That utterly sucks. I've had packages delivered to the wrong house a couple of times... like having the online tracking show the parcel as left by the front door, only to arrive home and having nothing there, and seeing it sitting on the next door neighbors' front steps; that is annoying/heart stopping enough, but having some low-life punck just take the box right off your front door... Definitely try to file a claim; that's what shipping insurance is for.
  3. Members 2-99: What the...?!!!... Sonavabi...!!!... Missed it again!!!
  4. Wow! That's brilliant. Come on Bandai, get busy creating a Hi-Metal R version of this... STAT! And Hasegawa, Wave, what are you sitting on your hands for? 1/72 kits... please...
  5. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    The sculpt on the Tomahawk looks righteous, but, maybe due to lighting, its color looks purple... and that is just -- wrong!
  6. Wow! The anticipation to watch this series is killing me... And isn't that overloaded with box missiles fighter-bomber at 0:41-0:42 somewhat reminiscent of Yamato-Rebith's Cosmo Pulsar?... I like it... want a 1/72 plamo of it.
  7. HLJ for the win on the 1/1000 Andromeda: Lowest price + cheapest shipping costs + drama-free cancellation if necessary.
  8. Perhaps Andromeda and her subsequent sister ships consumed almost all available budget?...
  9. It's marked in USD and they accept PayPal. Assuming you're in the USA, you have the option of using PayPal Credit which, for anything over 99 USD, automatically gives you 6 months to pay, interest free. So, even if Yellow Sub does not offer pay later, and I have no idea if they do or do not, PayPal does give you the option because it's invoiced in USD.
  10. Saw the FigInStock alert email and clicked on the link like I'd done before, but this time I was able to get an order in... and confirmation email received. I knew that if I waited long enough my patience would be rewarded. N-Y can sit on their 25k yen stock until they burn a whole in their warehouse for all I care. Edit: Of course, now I have a compelling reason to preorder the Super Parts Set... and the money drain goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on... Edit 2: And it's still available, albeit low stock now.
  11. Yes. One of the best things to come out on basic cable in a very long time; epic, expansive, and intimate all in one. Another noteworthy show, of an entirely different genre, is The Expanse... not quite on the same league as Vikings, but fantastic in its own right.
  12. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Once it's all said and done, N-Y price ( 6770 yen w/ECO Sal shipping) will be within a hair's breadth of HLJ's final cost. Much like the VF-1A CF, this may end up getting discounted to a certain degree some time after release; I'll wait until then to determine if I'll spring for a second one.
  13. No, I've never purchased from them, preorder or otherwise. They've been mentioned on this Forum before and I had them bookmarked; I checked and saw they still have the 31F available for 21600 yen + shipping (their shipping quote calculator doesn't work at all, at least not for me). I already secured a copy with HLJ, so I don't need to try these guys, but I figured someone may want to take a chance... some brave/desperate soul may wish to volunteer as the guinea-pig in vetting hTp as future go-to e-tailer... once upon a time, N-Y was an unknown quantity too.
  14. DX Chogokin VF-31F still available for preorder @ hobby TOKYO portal if anyone is interested, or too impatient to wait for N-Y's inevitable listing.
  15. It does now. but it was $266.99 when I originally posted. Oh well, at least the prices are now consistent.
  16. I'll be 48 this year and I'm still collecting these things, despite the occasional quizzical looks and dismissive, sometimes disdainful, reactions of others... I don't care. I'll be damned if I can logically explain it, though, other that to say that I enjoy these thing immensely (the imagination that created them, the engineering that it takes to bring them to "life", the execution - manufacturing - that turns it all into the physical objects we get to handle and display), and I refuse to let my inner child die.
  17. In addition to Tking22's suggestions, there are also the following: Entertainment Earth... $299.99 + free shipping. eKnight Media... $266.99 + free shipping Amazon... $299.99 + free shipping
  18. It's not the screen time or pre-release hype, it's the character's idiotic acquiescence in the face of being threatened; but for her blatant cowardice and lack of dedication to her cause/comrades, Starkiller Base's defenses wouldn't have been disabled; her sacrifice would've won the day, but she caved immediately and her betrayal doomed the First Order to an ignominious defeat. If Phasma is representative of the caliber of officers the 1st Order produces, they've got bigger problems than the Resistance. Boba Fett wasn't a plot device misused as a means to an end. For the most part he was just background and, at the end, a bit of comic relief.
  19. Agreed on all points; although, I did enjoy the movie to a certain extent... including Anakin 2.0 There were two things that did annoy me to no end, however: The resistance visually witnessing the CME bolt from Starkiller base streak across the heavens, and the destruction of its intended targets. Pure Star Trek - Spock witnesses Vulcan's demise from a moon light year away as if he were orbiting the planet - JJ-ism. And most disappointing was the purely Geek bait insipid plot device that was Captain Phasma... just about the worse waste of time of a character in any SW movie.
  20. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    These will be widely available upon release, but I secured one with HLJ just for the piece of mind, as well as the no-hassle ease of cancellation if I so choose later on.
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