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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. And we have a candidate for MW diehard fan/collector of the year... We, who cannot afford to bite, salute you.
  2. Other than a poster no one can confirm to be real, and some have affirmed is fake: No.
  3. Pull the fin-hinge assembly out of it's slot on the leg. Isolate the area with the break with scotch tape. Knead small portions of the 2-part epoxy putty together until homogeneous. Apply to break and let cure. After curing, apply pressure to it to see if it comes off... if it does, use super glue to reattach. File, sand to shape. Paint to match. I removed one of mine to check, and upon close inspection, it occurs to me that this is a piece that could easily be manually carved from a block of Evergreen brand Styrene, or equivalent.
  4. Yes (Earth's diameter, for example, is 7,899.83 miles pole to pole vs 7,926.41 miles at the equator... an oblate spheroid, not a sphere), and far more pronounced in gas giants, but a planet would need to spin at a ridiculously fast rate in order to squash itself to the degree shown of "Balun II"... that's just nuts, and visually stunning and unique.
  5. The Terram mecha would be a most welcome branching out of the line, but I can understand why the CF Orgroid is up next; after all, only a few new parts need to be designed and tooled, as opposed to an entire toy. I just hope that WAVE Megahouse does continue exploiting the property into Nickicks, Ishkicks, Ishforns, etc. ... but I'm not going to be holding my breath.
  6. Do you still have the broken-off piece of that hinge? If so, you'd be much better off using a tiny drop of ABS plastic weld on it to fuse the bit back in place. If that is not an option, the hinge can be repaired by shaping a piece of spare ABS to fill in the missing portion, making the thing whole with plastic weld (NOT CA super glue, NEVER super glue). Another option is to use 2-part epoxy putty to patch the area -- this would likely require CA or some other type of strong glue. The first option is ideal as it woukd not require any painting, just a little filing, sanding, and buffing of the joining edges to have the hinge look and work almost like new.
  7. Fooly Cooly + more GitS + CC + Belldandy + Macross Figmas? ... My brain tells me that my eyes deceive me; my wallet whimpers, but the kid in me is going
  8. Impressive looking to be sure, but it's the kind of thing that only an extreme diehard collector/fan with way, way, way more money than sense would even contemplate, let alone purchase, at that price; heck, even half that would still be highly exorbitant... but dayum if doesn't look like a showpiece to put just about all 1/6 showpieces to shame.
  9. Ha! They misspelled Dreadnought. -- unless they intend Dreadnaut to be that ship's actual name. To me, I consider the Yamato, and the Andromeda class ships, to be much better fits for that designation. The Borodino class Battlecruiser sure looks sweet, though...
  10. Today marks the 4th day my RA from N-Y has been sitting in "Preparation in progress" limbo; but since I chose SAL-R as my shipping choice, I'm not too bothered by their slow pace.
  11. Past performance may not be an absolute indicator of future results, but DC-WB's record with DCEU movies thus far point to mediocrity at best; so, yeah... not expecting much despite the solid trailers. I do hope WW breaks the mold and will be pleasantly surprised if it does, but deeply doubt that it will.
  12. If Bandai ever delves into VOTOMS within their H-M R line I'll be in so much financial trouble...
  13. ^Maybe a SV-262Ba for May? Or perhaps, the only DX for May will be the previously scheduled Super Parts Set for the VF-31J, and Bandai are taking a break from any other releases that month... I sure as heck could use a breather.
  14. Pugnacious is an even more appropriate adjective where HG is concerned...
  15. I don't see any quantity restrictions in the item's page, so...
  16. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ What are the guys at N-Y smoking?...
  17. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ Nippon Yasan is probably your best bet. There's also Big in Japan, although they're not as comprehensive in what they carry, and their prices tend to be higher some times. And finaly, there are proxy services.
  18. mechaninac

    Macross figures

    I can't help but have mixed feelings on this. On the one hand, I rather they didn't go there, and on the other I would be ecstatic if they did; while I have no interest whatsoever in getting Delta figures other than select DX mecha, I'd be all over SDFM, DYRL, M+, MF, and even M0 Figuarts action figures... so, I can save a bundle if MD ( M7 too) is all they release.
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