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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. I got invoice for an extra 300 yen for the packs, which amounted to less than 3 USD, but it's still annoying, specially when just about every other retailer would honor their original charge. Oh well, I suppose these quirks theirs are the price we pay for the convenience they offer in securing these web-shop exclusives.
  2. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    I got the payment request for my Spartan preorder with HLJ today; paid for it, and it's now sitting in my PW... to be shipped with my DX VF-31F and 1/1000 Andromeda kit.
  3. 2014's The Book of Life from 20th Century Fox.
  4. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Watch me... I actually like this announcement; it gives me the opportunity to take a breather.
  5. I decided to go with N-Y... with SAL shipping, the total came out to just 530¥ more than Amiami's before-shipping PO price, and 1030¥ less than HLJ, and that's before their mandatory EMS/FedEx shipping.
  6. HLJ request received and paid... and into the PW it goes.
  7. Available for PO at Big in Japan also
  8. Oh goodie, another rabbit hole to fall into... Who am I kidding? Bring it on Bandai; show us what you can do; impress us, and we'll be tripping all over each other to buy them.
  9. You're right... saw it wrong, silly me. But it's still a few hundred Yen too far for what this is, so the PASS stands.
  10. 17480¥ + shipping + no pay later option (it's their current policy pertaining to Special Editions and Exclusives, I know)= PASS It looks nice, but not THAT nice. Oh, well
  11. Which would become a non issue if Arcadia would just release the damned Fast Packs as a separate stand-alone accessory purchases, ditto for the GBP, like Bandai has been doing with nearly everything they've produced from their Frontier and Delta DX lines; alas...
  12. Dear lord, 23 to 18 years ago when B5 aired ; shocking when that realization mercilessly slaps you on the face. Damn, I feel old now . Thanks you so much for that...
  13. LOL! Duty free 25800 still qualifies as a Dayum! in my book... and once you factor in shipping, things go into Hot Dayum! territory , Hikaru premium included. These toys are fast surpassing my ability to justify they purchases, specially for items with fully amortized tooling sporting tampo applications that should've been there all along; it's a bit less jarring to contemplate that kind of price for something entirely new or unique with all the decorations present by default and with an included stand.
  14. ^ It's all about balance. Reducing the lower legs by, say, 5% and having the feet collapse into the calves to reduce the amount by which they stick out would do wonders to improve the look of the Armo-Fighter and have a negligible impact on Armo-Diver and Armo-Soldier modes. Unfortunately, and with no small amount of blame placed directly on the amount of anime magic plaguing MOSPEADA's human mecha, all the contemporary renditions of the Legioss/Alpha slavishly attempt to mimic the battroid line art to the detriment of the fighter's proportions.
  15. How? Human sacrifices, black juju, and deals with all sorts of dark demons (evil entities going by such nefarious names as HLJ, and Amiami, and Bandai, etc. whose mear mentions make wallets shudder and bank accounts shrivel to dried husks)... oh, and money, lots and lots of money.
  16. But could you abide the notion of a Schrödinger's Draken?...
  17. I blissfully slept through the whole 31C pre order insanity... not having any particular preoccupation with securing a copy of this individual version sure is restful. That is not say that I won't pouce if I happen upon a chance at one, say HLJ or Amiami, between now and release.
  18. ^ Witnessing the battle over Scarif from the Ghost's perspective (we know Hera, at the very least, was there) would be kind of awesome...
  19. I recall Yavin being mentioned in the season finale -- Phoenix's ultimate destination after the loss of their base in Thrawn's attack, if I'm not mistaken -- so we're bound to see X-wings... at least I hope we'll get to see them. This also indicates that Rebels is getting very close to the events of Rogue One... within a couple of years, at most.
  20. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Ditto on the N-Y prep email.
  21. Crud! I've preordered an Andromeda with them as well... it must be a box size issue, or something. Look on the bright side; at least you'll get it fast, and so will I when I decide to ship it.
  22. ^ Where was this? It does sound crazy except for the most extraordinary of circumstances.
  23. Just got my 262 and 31J today. That was some fast transit time; shipped out of HLJ's warehouse on Tuesday, and in my eager paws on Thursday. Both pieces are pretty impressive despite some minor flaws and/or arbitrary choices by Bandai (31's misalignment just behind the cockpit causing an unsightly gap, and the semi opaque glitter-rific golden frosting on the canopy, for instance); of the two, I find myself liking the 262 more: It's far more unique, and given the amount of panels and sections -- that have to align perfectly -- it's a wonder it fits together as well as it does. And I'm happy to report that the protective adhesive plastic sheets came off without causing any damage to pampo or paint applications.
  24. Got shipping confirmation from HLJ this morning that my 262 and 31J are on their way... should have them by the end of the week.
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