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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    So it does. When I first posed the question all my Order History stated was "payment okay"... or something to that effect. Good to know that things are moving along.
  2. I don't know.... A Pink Pecker sounds like something you'd need to treat with copious amounts on antibiotics...
  3. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    I noticed that N-Y lists the Defender as In Stock, but I ordered mine through CDJ; has anyone, who did also, receive shipping notification from them yet?
  4. I like pink on my strawberry ice cream, not on my VFs, but the blue on grey version would be so bought.
  5. That's if they don't send you an email requesting extra money for shipping, even though they charge for it upfront...
  6. Why oh why did I venture into this topic?... cannot unsee... My poor eyes, they bleed!
  7. ^ Or the same ones who designed the N.S.E.A. Protector? Parody a parody that parodies a franchise primed for parodying, exactly because of things like ST:V and Nemesis... an oroboros or a chicken and the egg paradox...
  8. No one is bashing Charlize Theron specifically, at least that was not what I wrote. The overriding theme is one of a general frustration and bewilderment at these incredibly privileged actors' cavalier penchant to tell people to do as they say, and not as they do. It's tiresome. Charlize is a good actress, and I don't begrudge her playing roles that may directly contradict her beliefs; it's her job and her craft, after all... but it is elitist, hypocritical, and disingenuous to push an agenda that will never affect her personally and that she (using her/she as a stand-in for they) does not live by 100%. As for the movie itself... it strikes me as just another "girl" power movie (110 lb petite woman beating up men twice or more her weight without breaking a sweat... the cliche is getting very old). I have no intention to watch this until it hits basic cable.
  9. It's easy for these holier-than-thou elitists to be anti-gun when they've got the means to hire armed bodyguards or have bodyguards hired by third parties for their benefit... the irony never seems to get through to their echo chambered brains...
  10. Soooooo tempting, but oh that sticker shock I'm anticipating...
  11. 36800 vs 32800... so it's within my 5000Yen mark-up limit, and with a currently better exchange rate. I won't lie; it's doable, but still a hard pill to swallow.
  12. There have been gems in the midst of all the goat droppings, though... anything from Marvel Studios, for example, or the Avatar Series; and it's not like 80s and 90s American animation haven't had glaring faults: The 80s were notorious for stilted animation and even more wooden dialogue; the 90s had some pretty bad forays with animation styles too numerous to mention. But I've been noticing this particular Shockwave Flash-esque style more and more in the past few years; it's over-saturation, and I find it disappointing... I guess I've just reached my limit of being able to overlook it.
  13. The best, most positive thing I can say about the ET Legioss is that it may be worth a purchase once it hits the 50% off Bargain Bin.
  14. Oh, I'm aware, but it shouldn't need to look that cheap, style wise, to be cost effective. Everything they're producing, or are about to release, has this godawful style: Tangled, Hotel Transylvania, Forces of Destiny, the upcoming Duck Tales, BH6, etc.; and it's not just Disney either, CN, Nickelodeon, and others, are just as equally guilty. Now, I know these programs are almost exclusively targeted at children who couldn't care less about the quality of the animation (It's all about the colors and frenetic pace), but still...
  15. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    These should be up for preordering for better than a whole month, right? I'm wondering how long I have to ponder a purchase, or more, before the window closes and I'm left SOL... I'd like to put this off as long as possible to give my wallet a chance to catch its breath, what with the pay upfront requirement and all.
  16. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ ... And suddenly I'm getting severe doubts about purchasing a set. The information regarding what's included in the set has been very confusing up until this point, but with the above disclaimer from bandaionline the perceived bargain has turned into a ripoff.
  17. This! It's been clear since the first JJ helmed Star Trek movie, and cemented now with Discovery, that fans and semi-professional independents, are far better at portraying the universe, as previously established, than the license holders. I must admit that some of the hand props (phaser and hand communicator) look very good as re-imaginings of the original designs so that they don't look too out of place, but everything else just look too advanced for the intended prime timeline period the show is supposed to be set in.
  18. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ If it were just the two Regults and nothing else, I would completely agree with you, but it appears to be the Regults plus a set of Large Missiles Pod and a set of Small Missiles Pod... so, double the price of 2 Regults + the additional cost of 2 Pods, which makes the final price a lot more palatable. However, including the fancy stand would go a long way in sweetening the deal further.
  19. They produced the Refit Enterprise 1701 and 1701-A variants, the NX-01, and Voyager in 1/850, and the E in 1/1700, and that was it. Today, you can find them on eBay, but they are pricey as hell.
  20. Do you mean this?: https://world.taobao.com/item/541644952829.htm?spm=a312a.7728556.2015080705.14.6a16283717sYVV&id=541644952829&scm=1007.12006.72291.i555370296852&pvid=f360b79d-f15e-4d2f-b9f5-8b6e104ad45b
  21. ^1/100 and/or 1/60. 1/72 is great for consistency with other die cast aircraft, but it doesn't fit with any of the **contemporary** Macross toys. However, I'm sure they'll look perfect next to Bandai and Hasegawa kits.
  22. ^ Or maybe it literally is a dedicated Laboratory (Research and Exploration) Vessel?...
  23. I'm likely in for one of these reissues. The first time around the price of Yamato's SDF-1 grossly violated what I considered to be a price I could justify for such a frivolous expense as a toy, no matter how nice; I just couldn't bring myself to buy one for such an exorbitant amount... a "bridge too far" as it were. That, and I had recently gotten a WHAM movie color edition which I figured, at the time, was more that good enough. Fast forward to today, having spent that kind of scratch on stuff like Megahouse's High Spec Orguss and Olson Special, and some high end die cast cars over the intervening years, has shifted my threshold to where Arcadia's Macross may be doable... if they price it within reason (no more that 15% ~ ¥5000 over Yamato's MSRP). Isn't it amazing how these companies, and the niche nature of this hobby of ours, have slowly desensitized us to the insane prices they charge, and we're willing to pay, for these lumps of plastic and cheap metal?
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