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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Rei Yamamoto from Uchuu Senkan Yamato (Space Battleship Yamato/Starblazers) 2202.
  2. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    The Sun, the air, and chemical breakdown all take their turn at taking a rascally whiz on some Yamato VF-1s...
  3. The only reason, and a tenuous one at that, to use N-Y's USD price is to be able to use PayPal Credit for your purchase so you can take advantage of the 6 months interest free payback option, as long as your total is more than $100.00... and lets face it, most of the stuff we buy related to this hobby ends up blowing right past that amount.
  4. The following dimensions were taken off a Yamato 1/48 VF-1A: Wing Trailing Edge: 3 1/4" (82.55mm) Chest Width: 3 3/4 " (95.55mm) Lower Leg: 4 1/4" (107.95mm) Cockpit Section: 5" (127.00mm) Cheers!
  5. I'm still waiting for a payment request from Amiami; however, I did order a 31C in tandem with another item they had listed as preorder, so I guess I'll have wait some more until that second item is in stock before my invoice is submitted... good thing I'm in no hurry.
  6. I don't know about replacements (someone would have to model the parts in 3D and upload them to Shapeways), but they look repairable with the use of a plastic welder formulated for ABS... look for anything containing methylene chloride.
  7. As far as processing orders and getting them out the door, in my experience Amiami has the fastest turnaround, most of the time. HLJ and N-Y can be fairly slow, specially N-Y. Of course, once it ships it's in the shipping company's hands and subject to all sorts of extraneous factors... specially if SAL is the method chosen. Customer service wise, HLJ is the best in the business. Edit: Lolicon beat me to it...
  8. ^ IKR? Preorder day presents you with sleepless anticipation followed by either blissful accomplishment, or infuriating frustration. This was far more stress free and enjoyable.
  9. Saw the Figinstock email and, lo and behold, Amiami's listing was still up. Since I missed the slightly less expensive HLJ reopen from a couple of days back I decided to bite the bullet and place my order with Amiami this time... hopefully shipping will be a bit cheaper to make up the difference, since they don't corral you into EMS or FedEX the way HLJ does. At least now I have a copy secured, and a single copy is all I was looking for anyway.
  10. I missed it by 4 1/2 hours. I guess the rule of this game is that you have to check your email every 5-10 minutes or you're SOL.
  11. Saw the emai from Figinstock as soon after waking up this morning; of course, by the time I did, it was already too late... another case of if you miss it by a minute it may as well have been a day. I'm hanging my hopes on HLJ reopening their listing, personally.
  12. ^ Oof! That's likely to leave a mark, specially the Orgroid. I'm actually hoping that the Orguss II gets included in HLJ annual X-mas/end of the year sale... it would make it much more palatable to bite.
  13. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Another HLJ cancellation heads-up: I just dropped my preorder as I have one with CDJ.
  14. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    CDJ's price was just too good to pass up; with shipping, it totaled just 100 yen over HLJ's "before shipping" price. Now, just to make sure, CDJ won't charge a CC until the item is close to or at release, right? I've never shopped with them using a CC and the preorder already shows up as a currently uncharged "Pending Transaction", and my Paypal experience with them is that the bill goes through immediately... I'm just looking for a bit of piece of mind as I don't want to pay for this thing until release.
  15. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    I secured one with HLJ. Amiami is slow as heck and the slight savings, before shipping, over HLJ is not worth the hassle. Now I'll just wait for N-Y...
  16. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    The only sounds you hear are the collective biting of fingernails... soon to be replaced by gnashing of teeth.
  17. Could they be mislabeled, or the wrong stock images used for the listings? They look more like the old-school transformable 1/48 kits to me.
  18. ^ Well, I remember it being mentioned somewhere that not only are the AT-ACTs much taller than the AT-ATs, but also lightly armored as they were never intended for front-line operations; therefore, weapons capable of taking down the former had little to no impact on the latter. This explanation for the apparent inconsistency in resiliency and survivability between the two models may be a bit contrived and entirely too convenient, but it has enough in-universe consistency and logic to be adequately serviceable, so I'll go along with it and move on.
  19. ... but the NATO convention is to have adversary forces' fighters' names start with "F", bombers with "B", etc. So, how about F'n Spread Eagle?...
  20. Su-57 Fizzle, or Flutter, or Fuzzy, or Fluster, or... The amount of comically unflattering names are almost endless.
  21. If I'm not mistaken, the Russians liked the NATO designations Fulcrum, Flanker, and Bear so much that they actually adopted them as the semi-official names for the Mig-29, Su-27..., and Tu-95, respectively. I don't think they were as keen on some of the other code-names (Fagot, Fishbed, Foxbat, etc.) that the West have chosen for their aircraft, though.
  22. 'Good news, everyone!' I hereby propose Farnsworth as the NATO designation for the newly christened Su-57...
  23. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    .... and CDJ has shipped my HM-R Defender. Now the waiting game begins.
  24. All my other 1/60 VF-1s are regular finish, so going Premium with Millia's, and then Max, would make it (they) look out of place in my collection, which would then gnaw at me and prompt me to eventually replace my current Valkyries with Premium versions... and that is one can of worms I do not want to open.
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