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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    I've got my copy, purchased from AE, waiting on the release of the Hi-Metal R Regult Missile Type Set and subsequent Riobot MOSPEADA Stick type to have everything shipped together, so I won't have mine in hand for a while yet and will have to enjoy the toy vicariously through all the pictures posted herein. To all of you guys sharing images and impressions: Thanks and Cheers!
  2. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    It's a piece of garbage, no doubt about it. However, it almost looks decent enough in GERWALK and Battroid modes (there's no helping the floppy and unsightly mess ET did to Fighter mode) to gain a reprieve from the disposal chute until Arcadia or Bandai graces us with a comparably sized substitute.
  3. It's kind of a nice figure overall but those knee joints look terrible, the kind of eyesore that draws one's gaze and make it impossible to ignore once noticed.
  4. Millia has landed!... Got N-Y's shipping notification on the 20th of October and it was waiting for me by my front door this evening. Japan to CT-USA in 19 days via SAL, not bad. I just hope that Max's will be available at N-Y for the same pre-order price upon release, just like Millia's is. I procrastinated too long and now it's listed as NOT AVAILABLE... Millia needs the hubby/nemesis.
  5. ET's is larger. at 1/60 scale, to be sure, but it being better than Bandai's old kit is debatable. The kit's fragility is not a demerit against it ( it's a model kit after all, and 1/100 to boot), and arguably has better proportions than the larger toy due in part to the kit's parts swapping nature and the fact that ET's is an unsightly mess in that underneath; it's only true shortcoming, other than coming from a time of much lower design/engineering standards for such things, is that it's a SAP-equipped only affair. Skip ET's version entirely, unless you find one at a deep discount, and go for the upcoming Hi-metal R instead.
  6. If they do follow through with dubbing it, maybe 2199 may eventually get broadcast on Toonami or Adult Swim, or something. This is great news as it would mean greater exposure to a much broader audience and the prospect of expanding the fan base, not to mention the merchandising benefits, but also bode well for 2202 (it'd make sense to acquire both licenses to streamline all aspects of the dubbing production... more cost effective from translation to VAs and director(s) contracting.
  7. The re-imagined versions look quite a bit more elaborate/rugged/updated then the originals. But as has been mentioned before, there are re-imagined MOSPEADAS only for Stick and Ray. To the best of my knowledge, there are no redesigns for Blowsuperior or Rook's ride; however, there is nothing stopping Sentinel from commissioning new artwork depicting re-imagined versions of the two in question along the lines of the redux for Stick's and Ray's Ride Armors. Or they could just go with the originals and I'd be equally happy... as long as they are actually produced.
  8. Ordered my Stick version from AE -- because I procrastinated too long and N-Y closed their listing far too quickly -- and the Ray version from N-Y... won't make the same mistake twice. Now here's hoping that Sentinel will eventually produce Yellow's and Rook's versions as well, original or re-imagined, I don't care which.
  9. ^ That first image is a dead giveaway, unless one is completely unfamiliar with the box-art style of every other 2199 and 2202 1/1000 kit releases.
  10. Sooooo... wait until it's out on Bluray so that I can adjust the volume to my tolerance level. I remember going to a screening of Rogue One and sitting through a trailer for Logan that was so loud it was nausea-headache inducing painful, as in 'I was surprised my ears didn't bleed afterwards' painful.
  11. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ Meh! I found a very simple solution to my dislike of the Messer liveried VF-1S: I just didn't buy one...
  12. ^ Give them time; I'd be surprised if they didn't.
  13. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Yep! It finally did work... fantastically so. Pre-ordered a DX Kairos for a total shipped price of $228.72 from you_sun*japan, and since the amount was billed in USD I was able to select PayPal Credit which means I can delay payment, interest free, for six months or make small payments at my discretion until then. I've never pre-ordered anything on eBay, but the seller seems legit and eBay covers you in case something goes Tango Uniform. Thank you F360 for originally posting the Promo Code. The members of this community are awesome.
  14. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't know why but that coupon code refuses to work with me. I tried it for a DX VF-31A and an Orguss II, even a Figma, and I was shot down with a " This code can't be applied to your order." every single time whether I logged into PayPal or not... oh well, I'll try again tomorrow but I don't expect it to make any difference.
  15. It's the Tamashii Web-store Exclusive nature of this release that makes it a pay upfront affair. N-Y, for example, offers a pay later option on every non-exclusive pre-order they sell.
  16. O heck! This is a must have (2 copies if I can swing it... but pay upfront makes that a bit harder to pull off). As others have stated, this has been a wallet hemorrhaging year, with more bloodletting yet to come.
  17. I just received an email notification from N-Y that Millia's release date has been changed again, pushed to 10-31-2017. This makes it what, 3 times this thing has been delayed by Arcadia already?...
  18. You can get it directly from Eaglemoss ( https://shop.eaglemoss.com/usa/star-trek-starships/uss-enterprise-ncc-1701-d-85-inch-oversized-edition ). It's in Stock, and discounted too.
  19. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Cunning, isn't it?...
  20. 3 - 3.5 weeks is to be expected. If your package hasn't arrived after 5 weeks, then you start to wonder... 6+ and you worry.
  21. Much like Blockbuster killed the local Mom and Pop Video rental joints to then be killed in turn by Netflix and Redbox, so too Toys-R-Us decimated small/regional toy stores like Toy Works and K-B Toys; it may now be their turn to fade into the ash-heap as they're out-competed by Amazon and eBay... if they can reorganize into a more nimble enterprise that offers true value to their customers they may yet come out of this situation stronger and more competitive, and if not they'll go the way of Borders and Circuit City.
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