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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. ^ Best advice would be to sign up for email notification at Nippon Yasan; that way you'll get an message when the Stig goes in stock, and you'll have a small window of opportunity to secure a copy at, or with a small mark-up over, the pre-order price. I'm also pretty sure that, upon release, HLJ and CD Japan and some others will have additional inventory available; how long that inventory lasts is an unknown factor. Also sign up for replies notification to this thread as members are bound to post links to online stores that have it available. I wouldn't be too worried about your prospects to secure a copy -- this is no high demand Macross Bandai DX -- unless you're completely asleep at the switch or "off the grid" come end of January/beginning of February. --//-- 1. First time I've noticed, and only because you've brought it up, that the targeting scope is absent, or at least not shown in any of the posted pictures that I've seen. 2. The mudguard is easy: That's how the illustration the toy is based on shows it... no rear wheel mudguard. (Source material illustration may also be an explanation for #1. Edit: Cool Bimmer motorbike.
  2. ^No argument there. Your experience with the AA/DS fare parallels mine. However, I see them as decent display pieces for anyone looking for affordable large format representations of some iconic Star Trek ships, who won't be to put off by some of their shortcomings and idiosyncrasies, or who just don't want to be bothered building, lighting, and painting model kits (or lack the skills and/or time to do so). The Aoshima Galaxy Class is stunning, a true centerpiece, but it's cost was prohibitive even when it was first released, and is now even more so. And as mediocre the AA/DS can seem to be by comparison, they're leagues better than the Playmates garbage that preceded them... with a possible exception of the Defiant from DS9 -- I don't have one but have thought about procuring it -- as it's not represented in the AA/DS lineup and could look decent after a coat of flat lacquer.
  3. @Lolicon posted it actually, I only re-posted in response to him. I wen't on eBay after I posted here, out of curiosity, just to check out the prices, and found one new Enterprise D for $599.00 w/free shipping, one Limited Edition USS Yamato NCC-71807 for the same 'Buy it Now' price plus shipping (both CRAZY), and another Yamato for $1456.00 w/free shipping (clinically INSANE!).
  4. Art Asylum's/Diamond Select's "D" can do it too, but it doesn't have all the pretty lit-up windows. That Aoshima must be a bloody fortune nowadays, while the smaller non-scale (although, it's about the same size as the old AMT kit, so around 1/1400) nowhere near as awesome AA/DS can be had very reasonably and displays quite well.
  5. No more so than the Yamato 1/48s did. Kitz Concept's rendition of the VF-1 actually looks pretty good; my only beef with it is the way the nose cone seems to be split top and bottom at the leg anchor bulges' mid-line; it's bound to cause an unsightly gap in fighter mode.
  6. I wouldn't rule it out entirely. Didn't Toynami release Macross DYRL? 1/100 VFs and Regults, after all?
  7. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ Real news, but several years out of date.
  8. Rick and Minmay for starters, so it would seem. Their sculpts look fairly good too, much better than those wide-shouldered monstrosities shown, by Toynami maybe, a year or two back. I like that it appears they're employing Figma-like joints, specially on the knees (never liked the aesthetics of the SH Figuarts ones), but at lest at this stage it doesn't look like either figure includes waist or torso articulation... cleaner, unbroken, body lines at the expense of a lot of pose-ability.
  9. ^ Go to Nippon Yassan and set up a notification request -- you may need to sign up -- and they'll send you an email when/if the toy is available for preorder again or when it is in stock. Other places to try besides AE would be CD Japan which is likely to get additional stock after release, and the long shot Big in Japan.
  10. Ha! I ended up starting a heated debate just by making an innocent little quip... I love Macross World; if nothing else, it always provides eye watering entertainment with some of the things people decide to get snit-y about. Despite all that, and at the risk of personifying my own observation above, I've always associated Battroid with Macross, and Battloid with ROBOTECH... not that either is any more or less right than the other (the whole R vs L thing, and all that), but because just about all, if not all, Macross related works from media to merchandise have used Battroid exclusively in reference to robot mode. The only places I've ever seen Battloid used has been in the context of ROBOTECH; hence, the distinction without a difference.
  11. Hmm... It appears to have side covers for Battloid* mode; however, if it indeed does, I highly doubt it's integral. * Yes, I am using the ROBOTECH designation here as it is entirely appropriate given this particular product's source.
  12. Looks decent enough and priced at a reasonable amount, and at 1/72 it will fit right in with a plethora of preexisting real-world aircraft die cast models of the same scale. As much as I adore the 1/60 and DX fare, they are oddballs that only "play" nice among each other... too big for 1/72, too small for 1/48. I just might get one to see if Kitz Concept manages to do better than Toynami -- admittedly a fairly low bar to overcome -- and Evolution Toys.
  13. Holy crap dude, that's insane! To say I'm impressed, and jealous, would be an immense understatement.
  14. No harm no foul at all. I'm not against the KitzConcept Robotech SDF-1, and at 1/2000 it would be a gigantic centerpiece item, but like no3Ljm intimated, I'll be damned if the HG licensed offering doesn't look like they just bought a Hasegawa kit, scanned it in 3D, printed the parts at 2x scale, and after sanding everything smooth painted the prototype in the most garish metallic paints they could find at the local auto-parts store; the overall shape isn't bad (Hasegawa wrong, but not bad), but it does scream corner-cutting plagiarism. Still, if that thing actually gets released, with anime accurate coloring, and for a decent price, I'll bite. Edit: Be that as it may, I'd still prefer an Arcadia, or Bandai (don't really care which other than an Arcadia version would be more consistent with the DYRL? version in terms of details and execution), TV SDF-1 in 1/3000.
  15. There's one DX YF-25 available at AE at the moment, to fill that glaring hole... just doing my part in helping a fellow member to be parted from some of his hard-earned cash.
  16. I broke down and ordered a non Premium Finish SDF-1, and just got it today. Those of you who commented on just how big the box is, you mofos weren't exaggerating in the least... no wonder shipping was such a hefty price. But I finally have one and am thoroughly satisfied even though if left a sizable whole in my wallet. Here's hoping that 2018 will either be easier on the finances or present us with some amazing items that we just can't do without, cost be damned... cough... 1/3000 SDF-1 TV version... cough... Arcadia, are you listening?...
  17. They're still on track for January and February releases, aren't they?
  18. There's an idea... foldildos for all the DX ladies...
  19. There's no reason for a VF-19Adv_to_YF-19 swap be any more invasive than the VF-171-_to_VF-171EX changes were. In actuality, only the forward fuselage parts need new tools with the proper canopy opening design engineered into the new parts. All the shapes remain the same so their engineering department can re-purpose the CAD files before sending the data to the tooling guys. One thing is for certain, if Bandai cheaps out and just goes with a paint applications change and decide to call it a day, regardless of all the accessories included, what will the be their almost-but-not-quite YF-19 will be an easy pass.
  20. The nerve of us consumers getting so them picky about accuracy and fidelity to source material, scale consistency, engineering excellence, materials quality, playability and articulation and accessories inclusion, product quality and resilience, and perceived value for the price charged...
  21. They redefine the paradigm...
  22. To the best of my knowledge, the Arcadia version is an all new mold. Truth be told, with the exception of some gappiness, some floppiness, and weakness in the wings (their tendency to be barely able to support their own weight and inability to support the boosters and/or ordnance, the Yamato toy is a really good representation of the SV-51. I have the Ivanov and Nora versions and find them quite adequate... but if Arcadia's proves a significant improvement over the older generation one, I'll feel compelled to dip into this new line just as I did with Arcadia's VF-0s.
  23. ^ The writers did miss a great opportunity to name drop Edith Keeler as the cause for Germany being the first to develop the Atomic Bomb during that little Earth X historical exposition sequence. I know that there are likely legal reasons that would not be feasible, but it would've been immensely cool and satisfying in a full geek-out sort of way.
  24. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes and no, and apparently with no rhyme or reason... where's my alternate liveried YF-30 Chronos DX Bandai?...
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