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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Definitely a VF-4.... and a VF-11, a VF-5000, a VF-2JA, a YF-19. a YF-21, etc.
  2. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't collect DYRL?, in general, but I make an exception to the VE-1 and VT-1; they're just too unique to pass... specially since I passed on the 1/60s
  3. ^ True, N-Y is not at fault for USPS losing the package, but if it's insured N-Y is the only one who can file a loss claim; therefore, it's their responsibility to file with Japan Post so they can get reimbursed, and in turn issue a refund to the customer... it's called customer service, and they should practice it with alacrity.
  4. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my shipping notification for my HI-METAL R VE-1, along with Figuarts' Rei Yamamoto, from CDJ this morning, but since I chose SAL, I won't have them in-hand until the middle of next month, at the earliest.
  5. This just means that I'll have to wait one more month to get my VF-2SS and second Regult Missile Set in my hands, if I want to have everything shipped together from AE. It's a bit disappointing but if it means a more thoroughly vetted product in the end, I can wait.
  6. What an adorable little cat. Silver point Siamese? Man, I miss my Jay who passed away last year, a brown point Siamese that was a fantastic little buddy for 18+ wonderful years of companionship and amusement.
  7. The show is available for free streaming at https://www.watchcartoononline.com/anime/star-wars-rebels. Fully up to date and in HD, for the most part. Enjoy!
  8. Holy cow... major thread necromancy happening here! I haven't touched those 3D models in over a decade (still have them saved, somewhere)... completely lost interest in them as other priorities have taken precedence. Who knows, maybe some day I'll revisit them.
  9. I work with Pro-E and it exports to STL from the assembly environment without any problems; it allows for the selection of a single assembly component, all components within any sub-assembly or multiple sub-assemblies, all components, or selected components from the assembly or sub-assemblies as the user sees fit... no restrictions. I'm sure Solid Works must have similar capabilities; if not, that'd be truly cumbersome.
  10. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    It's not weakness; it's finances defying dogged commitment.
  11. I'm eagerly awaiting the release of Stick's neo-MOSPEADA as that will be the trigger for shipping my other items (a VF-2SS and a Regult Missile Set) being held by AE. As much as I loathe wishing for time to go faster, I can hardly stand the wait.
  12. I'd buy unpainted recasts of them, so long as the resin used was a pristine white when cured...
  13. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    N-Y still has it in stock for 15200¥ + shipping.
  14. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    N-Y and LOOPAZA have it in stock right now; and as Tking22 stated, eBay is always an option of last resort. Other places to look are Mandarake and Jungle. Expect to pay an inflated price at this time as the exclusive nature of this set means there will never be a re-release of it in the same form.
  15. Here's wishing everyone a happy, healthy, prosperous and fulfilling 2018; and though we all get a little older, may the spark of the inner child in each of us never dim.
  16. Then, eventually, we'll reach the so-called "singularity"; at which point the machines will take over and we'll become their pets... if we're lucky.
  17. You win a blue and white VF-1J in 1/60 scale...
  18. I'd love it if they would announce a release for the Standard Production Model SV-262Ba variant, myself. I have zero interest in the "White Dingo"/Vegas Elvis version.
  19. The SV-262 is listed at a length of 17.54m according to the Macross Compendium; the YF-21/VF-22 at 19.62 m. At 1/60 they should be 29.23cm and 32.70cm, respectively. The 262 DX measures ~ 29.2cm (just about perfect 1/60), and 21/22 is ~34.1cm long (about 1/57.5). Bandai's toy is on the money. Yamato's is over-sized for the claimed scale, but not by that much. The truth is that the YF-21/VF-22 are just very big birds that outsize every other VF with the exception of the SV-51, at least among produced toys. In conclusion, the two toys may look a bit off next to each other but they are actually "correctly" sized based on the stats for their "real" selves... the SV-262 will always be smaller than the YF-21 at the same scale.
  20. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Given the limited edition nature of the Missile set release, I'm glad i secured 2 of them... one to open and one to keep MISB. Unless Bandai decides to release each missile type Regult individually in the future, the price on this set will only go up.
  21. N-Y has Max's regular edition VF-1J by Arcadia in stock , and for only 18,680¥ (just 400¥ mark-up... for now). I just placed an order for one as I procrastinated too long during the open pre-order period, and thanks to the current exchange rate the total still ended up being a buck less than what I paid for Millia's ride. I would've waited until after the New Year, but I didn't want to take the chance of it selling out or rapidly increasing in price. At least now the M&M void in my 1/60 collection will be filled, after many years, and my commitment to this line is officially over, done, close the book... unless Arcadia ropes me back in with a Cavaliers issue of their own.
  22. ^ Ah, space, of the free kind. I vaguely remember such a thing, but it's a quickly fading memory... and it seems to go hand in hand with growing emptiness in my wallet, too.
  23. It's a Christmas miracle!... the near equivalent of opening your presents on X-Mas morning. Thanks for posting.
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