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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Awesome job, but -- this is not a jibe at your work -- I find the placement of the anti-personnel gatling gun absolutely hilarious.
  2. They look like, maybe a re-pop, of the old Imai 1/15 single mold Ride Armor kits... like these: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Genesis-Climber-Mospeada-1-15-Scale-Ride-Armor-VR-052T-LeyType-Model-Kit-IMAI/253430793398?hash=item3b01a704b6:g:UH8AAOSwHTpZzRYc https://www.ebay.com/itm/Genesis-Climber-Mospeada-1-15-Ride-Armor-VR-041H-Blowsperior-Yellow-Model-Kit/253435849306?hash=item3b01f42a5a:g:WswAAOSwCXxZqZgl
  3. If you don't mind watching the English Dubbed version, it's available for free streaming here.
  4. So the second half of the last season debuted tonight, did anyone else catch it? I'm not going to divulge any spoilers, but I will say this: the first episode's climax was a ballsy move by the writers on a "kids' " show... consequential and emotionally impact-full, bravo!
  5. for the B-Wing. As for what's left from the OT: 1/72 TIE Bomber, 1/72 and/or 1/144 Lambda class shuttle Tiderium, and maybe Rogue One's (It's in the time frame) 1/144 AT-ACT and Krennic's command shuttle in 1/72 and/or 1/144 and a 1/144 Zeta class cargo shuttle and a 1/12 assault tank commander, and I'd love to see them delve into the capital ships... 1/350 or 1/700 or 1/1000 Blockade Runner, 1/700 or 1/1000 Nebulon class frigate, etc.
  6. the VF, but the paint job / livery... just
  7. ^ Ha! You cheeky clever bastid, you...
  8. ^ So, I guess Bandai has discovered that there's more than one way to skin a cat us while we beg for more...
  9. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Unregistered SAL, which, as experience would have it, usually takes an average of 3 weeks to reach me in the East Coast. I've had things arrive in as little as 1 week (very rarely) and as long as just over 4 weeks (on a couple of occasions).
  10. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my VE-1 today... 3 weeks to the day from CDJ to my door.
  11. Oh dear, that's sad to read; and it's looking more and more like maintenance f-up where someone forgot to properly torque the bolts that secure the main rotor head... the final report will tell what actually happened and why, but it doesn't look good.
  12. That launch was epic, flawless from start to finish. And man, Space-X has that booster landing on the recovery pad down pat; seeing that tandem touch down was a thing of beauty. I got a chuckle out of the "Don't Panic" on the center console's screen... but the car should've been a 1959 white Corvette... just say'n...
  13. And thus the proud Zentradi hunter, latheboy, mounts the head of his latest kill, a four barreled buck, on his trophy wall...
  14. I'd love some historically based figmas: Gladiators, Hoplites (Leonidas DOES NOT COUNT), Medieval Knights, Armored Knights, Samurai Warriors, Shinobi and Kunoichi Ninjas, generic WWII soldiers from all branches and nations, WWII generals and commanders (Patton, Eisenhower, Montgomery, Galland, Romell, Zhukov, etc.) -- although licencing from their respective estates would be needed, and so many other eras to depict and explore.
  15. ^Yes it is, but in an endearingly cool way.
  16. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Definitely a VF-4.... and a VF-11, a VF-5000, a VF-2JA, a YF-19. a YF-21, etc.
  17. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't collect DYRL?, in general, but I make an exception to the VE-1 and VT-1; they're just too unique to pass... specially since I passed on the 1/60s
  18. ^ True, N-Y is not at fault for USPS losing the package, but if it's insured N-Y is the only one who can file a loss claim; therefore, it's their responsibility to file with Japan Post so they can get reimbursed, and in turn issue a refund to the customer... it's called customer service, and they should practice it with alacrity.
  19. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my shipping notification for my HI-METAL R VE-1, along with Figuarts' Rei Yamamoto, from CDJ this morning, but since I chose SAL, I won't have them in-hand until the middle of next month, at the earliest.
  20. This just means that I'll have to wait one more month to get my VF-2SS and second Regult Missile Set in my hands, if I want to have everything shipped together from AE. It's a bit disappointing but if it means a more thoroughly vetted product in the end, I can wait.
  21. What an adorable little cat. Silver point Siamese? Man, I miss my Jay who passed away last year, a brown point Siamese that was a fantastic little buddy for 18+ wonderful years of companionship and amusement.
  22. The show is available for free streaming at https://www.watchcartoononline.com/anime/star-wars-rebels. Fully up to date and in HD, for the most part. Enjoy!
  23. Holy cow... major thread necromancy happening here! I haven't touched those 3D models in over a decade (still have them saved, somewhere)... completely lost interest in them as other priorities have taken precedence. Who knows, maybe some day I'll revisit them.
  24. I work with Pro-E and it exports to STL from the assembly environment without any problems; it allows for the selection of a single assembly component, all components within any sub-assembly or multiple sub-assemblies, all components, or selected components from the assembly or sub-assemblies as the user sees fit... no restrictions. I'm sure Solid Works must have similar capabilities; if not, that'd be truly cumbersome.
  25. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    It's not weakness; it's finances defying dogged commitment.
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