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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. ^ I don't know about anyone else, but I do not want a toy that blows up...
  2. ^ The race to the bottom is like a snow ball: It gathers momentum and mass as it rolls downhill, eventually becoming a nearly unstoppable source of destruction...
  3. Small Neodynium magnets, strategically placed and properly aligned would be an ideal solution to provide strong and stable, yet unobtrusive, locking for folding components; the super strong types could even be mounted sandwiched inside parts so they are completely hidden behind a shell's inner surface and still do the job. Molded pegs or tabs would work but be prone to wear and breakage if small enough to be inoffensive, or grossly obvious in order to be effective. Metal pins should work just fine strength-wise but elastic bands can undergo all manner of unwanted deterioration and copper wires can break if flexed one too may times. By the way, mad props for tackling such a project and achieving such beautiful results.
  4. ^ Overtech, of course... Oh, you mean the scale model...
  5. Got my Ray MOSPEADA delivered today... 8 days from N-Y to my front door via Registered SAL; that's almost, if not, a record. Now that I've got Stick and Ray, bring on Houquet's and Yellow's rides, and throw in Shinobu's too; come on Sentinel, I triple dare you!..
  6. ^ ... must make room for more pro wrestling and other assorted pablum. On the other hand, their track record of prematurely and unceremoniously cancelling good shows is secured.
  7. ... VF-1 Launch Booster, for the Hi-Metal R line I assume...
  8. I don't know, I suppose it's possible in a revisionist sort of way, but the Millennium Falcon doesn't become the Millennial Falcon until TFA...
  9. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    SAL averages about 3 weeks door to door to me in the East Coast, USA from Japan and China. I have gotten stuff in as little as < 1 week -- very rare -- and as much as > 4 weeks on a few occasions... the long transit ones always elicit and escalating sense of anxiety once week 4 approaches, but I haven't been burned yet (knock on wood).
  10. Well... That was a big nothing burger...
  11. In my personal experience -- haven't handled either very much -- the Bandai DX VF-171 is superior in the accuracy to line art department, but the Yamato VF-17, although bulkier, is pretty close too, specially if you take into account that it attempts to realize in 3D, and 3 modes at that, what was a purely 2D beast with a lot of anime magic in the mix. In terms of quality and durability the Yamato wins out because it is simpler than Bandai's take on the 171 as they added a lot of, some would argue, unnecessary complexity to their engineering to a toy that has a smaller frame than the 17; and this plays into the ease/enjoyment of transformation between the two as, stabby bits aside, the Yamato 17 shifts from mode to mode with less fuss or chance of something being over-stressed and possibly breaking... patience and practice tend to mitigate any issues someone may have, with either bird.
  12. Clearly, Wave Motion Guns are made with the liberal use of a combination of Inconsistenium and convenientite inside a plotonium casing...
  13. Dwayne The Rock Johnson... Arroz de festa (party rice). I love it; that's a colorfully perfect phrase to describe his omnipresence.
  14. I'd be 'super easy, barely and inconvenience'...
  15. I've taken this dash graphics insert as far as I care to for the time being. I'll likely play with it some more in the future as inspiration strikes, but for now, here's what I have so far in EPS and PDF formats. Enjoy! Sentinel 1-12th Screen and more-Model.pdf Sentinel 1-12th Screen and more.eps
  16. One ship in the Eaglemoss Starship Collection I'd like to have, but hasn't been made... yet, is the Merchantman from ST-III that Valkris hires for transportation to deliver the Genesis Device data.
  17. To all interested parties: I won't be printing these out except for myself; however, how about I upload the file here so that folks can run copies on their own printers? I've made this in AutoCAD so I can export it to a number of different formats (TIFF, BMP, EPS, PDF, etc.); please let me know what would work best for everyone so I can make it available... once I've tweaked them a smidgen for better separation of graphic elements and improved fit in the toy. Also, any ideas on what should go in the blank box bellow the main graphics (the one the goes into the "tank's" recess)? Cheer!
  18. These Marvel and Star Wars S.H. Figuarts figures are super tempting... most of them look fantastic, but I'm glad that's one rabbit hole I've judiciously avoided getting into. As much as I'd like to collect them, I do not need another vampire sucking my wallet dry... hard to resist the lure but I must remain strong.
  19. Just posting this here to see which version folks here think is the best, and to get opinions on how to make them better... constructive feedback and criticisms are welcome. A is based directly on the MOSPEADA's internal 'cutaway' shown bellow. B is the same as A but with gradients for many of the details. C is my take on the image posted earlier. D is a conventional layout just for fun.
  20. There is no comparison between the Beagle and the Sentinel MOSPEADAs in my book. The Sentinel does not compete against Beagle, it complements it since the Beagle is the best representation, albeit stylized and made more dynamic, of what we saw on the show and for that it is in a league all it's own. I think of it as comparing Oranges to tangerines... I like them both exactly for what they are.
  21. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    To anyone still interested, the H-Metal-R VT-1 Super O is available for preorder again at N-Y.
  22. Same here; but the wait, at least for me, shouldn't be that long: my choice for shipping of my 3 items were 5200 yen for the fast option v. 5000 yen for the economy option... which was no choice at all.
  23. Few could play gruff and irate as well as the Gunney... a 21 gun salute to you good sir. Semper Fi and carry on.
  24. I just received notice from AE that the Sentinel Stick is in stock and ready to ship. Needless to say I wasted not time putting in a shipping request for it and the other 2 items I had sitting in purgatory waiting for this thing to release. FINALLY!
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