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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. I've taken this dash graphics insert as far as I care to for the time being. I'll likely play with it some more in the future as inspiration strikes, but for now, here's what I have so far in EPS and PDF formats. Enjoy! Sentinel 1-12th Screen and more-Model.pdf Sentinel 1-12th Screen and more.eps
  2. One ship in the Eaglemoss Starship Collection I'd like to have, but hasn't been made... yet, is the Merchantman from ST-III that Valkris hires for transportation to deliver the Genesis Device data.
  3. To all interested parties: I won't be printing these out except for myself; however, how about I upload the file here so that folks can run copies on their own printers? I've made this in AutoCAD so I can export it to a number of different formats (TIFF, BMP, EPS, PDF, etc.); please let me know what would work best for everyone so I can make it available... once I've tweaked them a smidgen for better separation of graphic elements and improved fit in the toy. Also, any ideas on what should go in the blank box bellow the main graphics (the one the goes into the "tank's" recess)? Cheer!
  4. These Marvel and Star Wars S.H. Figuarts figures are super tempting... most of them look fantastic, but I'm glad that's one rabbit hole I've judiciously avoided getting into. As much as I'd like to collect them, I do not need another vampire sucking my wallet dry... hard to resist the lure but I must remain strong.
  5. Just posting this here to see which version folks here think is the best, and to get opinions on how to make them better... constructive feedback and criticisms are welcome. A is based directly on the MOSPEADA's internal 'cutaway' shown bellow. B is the same as A but with gradients for many of the details. C is my take on the image posted earlier. D is a conventional layout just for fun.
  6. There is no comparison between the Beagle and the Sentinel MOSPEADAs in my book. The Sentinel does not compete against Beagle, it complements it since the Beagle is the best representation, albeit stylized and made more dynamic, of what we saw on the show and for that it is in a league all it's own. I think of it as comparing Oranges to tangerines... I like them both exactly for what they are.
  7. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    To anyone still interested, the H-Metal-R VT-1 Super O is available for preorder again at N-Y.
  8. Same here; but the wait, at least for me, shouldn't be that long: my choice for shipping of my 3 items were 5200 yen for the fast option v. 5000 yen for the economy option... which was no choice at all.
  9. Few could play gruff and irate as well as the Gunney... a 21 gun salute to you good sir. Semper Fi and carry on.
  10. I just received notice from AE that the Sentinel Stick is in stock and ready to ship. Needless to say I wasted not time putting in a shipping request for it and the other 2 items I had sitting in purgatory waiting for this thing to release. FINALLY!
  11. ^This! If QC/yield leading to piecemeal shipments was the issue, an announcement by Bandai would have allayed a lot of misgivings regarding vendors' abilities to honor orders placed; the fact that the item went on sale almost 6 months before official release with a mandated up-front payment meant that a lot of customers found themselves facing a hard deadline to contest charges for undelivered goods if PayPal was involved. This has been an entirely crappy situation all around... the one VF-31 I really, really, really, wanted is now but a pipe dream due to all this as a pricey item from the outset will now be exorbitant because of the artificial and perpetuated scarcity driven by how this release is being delivered to sellers; it's a scalper's wet dream.
  12. And here I thought they couldn't do any worse than Teen Titans Go for that property... sadly, I was naively mistaken. Then again, I shouldn't have been surprised.
  13. I've stated this before: the visor shown in the original prototype and the production version have what appears to be the same or similar process in creating the HALO-like grid pattern we see; the difference, and it's a highly noticeable one at least in the pictures of the production version, is that the prototype had thin and shallow engraving which was subtle and looked great, while the final version's detail has deep and wide engraving that looks too thick and off-scale making the gird look garish. Maybe Sentinel thought that the prototype's didn't stand out enough and decided to go big and bold, which judging by the pictures was a terrible choice. It is what it is; there's no changing it now. I'm just hoping that it won't stand out so much under normal lighting conditions.
  14. If you live in the U.S., and since the invoice is charged in USD, as long as the total amounts to > $99.00, PayPal gives you the choice of immediate payment by direct funding with balance, bank, or CC; or 'Pay me Later' which is funded through a linked bank account but gives you 6 months to pay interest free. So, it's a payment level thing, not something Fexthobby offers on their end. It turns out that this may be mostly moot because the confirmation email I received from PayPal stated that the transaction was just an authorization for payment, and wouldn't be finalized until fexthobby processes the order, which possibly means that they won't charge the account until they're ready to ship.
  15. Ordered 000 and 102 to cover all basis regarding accessories, and with 'Pay Me Later" I don't even have to pay until long after delivery; besides, I had funds freed up from the VF-31A refund due to that whole cluster frack.
  16. Well, I'm officially out of the VF-31A game. The ebay seller from whom I pre-ordered was more than eager to refund me even though I mentioned that I'd be willing to wait a bit longer on the condition that I'd be refunded if he couldn't deliver (he rightly figured that if he does get stock he'll be able to sell it for 2-3x what I had paid), and there is absolutely no way in Hades that I'll shell out secondary market prices for it. Here's hoping that Bandai will release a different version as a standard release in the future; otherwise, meh! At least I didn't lose anything.
  17. Well, all the back and forth herein has increased my level of anxiety regarding my eBay pre-order. I just sent the seller an message for a status report and availability estimate, a very polite and respectful yet much more forceful and uncompromising one than the first I sent a bit over 3 weeks ago; I paid October 8, thus my time is running out, so I felt that I had to be proactive and firm at this point while still giving the seller time to respond before I escalate with PayPal... fingers crossed.
  18. I'm still holding on to the hope that the eBay seller I purchased my VF-31A from will come through, but other than a quick exchange we had about a week after official release when I inquired about it and was assured that the toy was expected at the end of March there hasn't been any word (It's only April 2nd so I won't worry in earnest until a few more days pass)... and given all the frustrated back and forth in this thread I find my hopes of ever seeing my copy dwindling a little bit every day with the very real possibility that the money I paid is lost because it's already been more that 180 days since the order was placed and paid.
  19. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    This was remarkably easy; I guess it isn't as popular a release as most were expecting it to be. I did not stay up for the preorder rush and was able to secure a copy -- 1 is all I want -- with N-Y for a total of 8,470¥ by regular SAL, and I notice that it's still readily available through Amiami (not discounted enough), HLJ (no discount at all), and N-Y. I'm glad to have decided that sleep was more important this go-around.
  20. My 2 cents on the visor: It appears to me that the detail is engraved on the inside of the face shield; the difference as I see it is that, compared to the prototype stage, the detail is both thicker and more deeply engraved into the plastics inner surface, making it stand out far too much when compared to both the art work and the prototype... garish instead of subtle. Is it a deal breaker? No; as jenius previously stated, lighting conditions for home display likely won't make it pop as much as it does in that photo shoot setting. Personally, however, I would've preferred shallow engraving, or embossing, on the inside of a clear blue part so that you could see the face behind the shield as opposed to the opaque painted inside it looks like we'll be getting. It'll be incumbent upon some enterprising soul to recast that part in clear blue resin so that we can have the choice to replace the visor with a less "offending" version.
  21. I just hope that the eBay seller from whom I pre-ordered, who has a 98.6% positive rating, comes through... I only want one 31A so I'm refraining from ordering another at this time; however, I would hate to miss out or end up having to fork over exorbitant amounts for a copy on the secondary market.
  22. ^ I read ya; but to be fair, Figmas and Figuarts and Mafex are also around that price point. Ordinarily, $15-$25 would be far more reasonable for 1/10-1/12 articulated figures, but limited production volumes and licensing costs, etc., play major factors in the final retail price.
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