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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. More than 30 EUR?... What a massive, expletive laced, ripoff!!! Those two versions of Testor's liquid cement are just a bit over 3 USD on Amazon, and around 6-8 at B&M retailers... sheesh! Edit: Just make sure that when you use it to not slather the part with the liquid. Don't overload the brush applicator, just a little drop will do. Dip the brush and get rid of the excess on the lip of the bottle, then lightly touch the crack with the tip of the brush and let capillary action carry the cement into the fissure. Clamp down with a wood clothes pin or vice until molten plastic oozes out (if nothing does, apply a little more cement). Let cure thoroughly. Good luck.
  2. ^That will do (just make sure it's the version with the metal tube precision applicator tip... which it looks is the case), but because it's more viscous than the liquid type you'd apply with a brush it won't penetrate all the way in the crack because it can't take advantage of capillary action; it requires that the crack be spread apart enough for the tip of the applicator tube to reach in at least part way... and that would put extra stress on the opposite side of the screw hole. If this is available, go for it instead:
  3. I'd steer clear from super glue. Since that piece is ABS, the best solution would be to use a small drop of model cement (Testor's will work). (1) Unscrew, (2) add a small drop to the crack, (3) clamp to close until it oozes some dissolved plastic, (4) let it cure for at least 24 hours, (5) clean the scar that formed with a hobby knife and a flat jeweler's file, (6) sand smooth with a sanding stick, (7) buff with a buffing stick until all the scratches disappear and the sheen matches the rest or the part, done and good as new; lastly, (8) reassemble the elbow but don't over-tighten the screws.
  4. It's not "got ethnics in..." -- what a sophomoric straw-man and non sequitur -- that may get her the boot; it's her gross negligence, incompetence, and mismanagement that might do her in. It takes a lot of compounded stupid decisions and cultivation of bad blood to fail so spectacularly with a franchise that should've been an absolute no-brainer cash cow for Disney/Lucasfilm: Give the core audience what they want and you get Marvel CU success, dictate to the core audience what they should want and belittle and vilify them if they don't, and you get the current state of Star Wars; it's that simple... I guess KK must've skipped class on the day they discussed the concept of "the customer is always right" in Business 101. Edit: The unfortunate part, vis à vis Solo, is that it is suffering from the backlash derived not from the dumpster fire that was TLJ, but from KK's et al's response to the criticism from fans... their massive F-U to the fans on all fronts guaranteed that Solo would be pretty much DOA; and from all reviews I've seen thus far, Solo isn't a bad movie... mediocre to passable, maybe, but a serviceable and even enjoyable, if flawed, addition to the franchise.
  5. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Heads up to anyone who may be interested: eBay has a 20% discount coupon for purchases of $50.00 or more, valid today until 7PM PT. Just enter PICKDADSGIFT at checkout. Cheers!
  6. Disney's stewardship of Star Wars has brought the franchise to the point that the acrimony and backlash derived from the mediocrity the products, and ham-fisted shoehorning of politics and social issues is far more entertaining than the movies themselves...
  7. ^This! It's not any of the pre-packaged exculpatory and deflecting excuses that shill critics and writers come up with to explain why Solo bombed. The fact of the matter is that TLJ left an indelibly bad taste in the palate of many, if not most, Star Wars fans; and it wasn't even because the movie was excruciatingly and purposefully bad and, in the opinion of many, an insult to established characters, lacking in its new ones, and an overall betrayal of fan expectations of what a Star Wars story should be, even of the preceding TFA (a matter of personal opinion, to be sure)... It was Disney's/Lucasfilms' response to fan's criticism of what was done. The dismissive, flippant, denigrating, tone-deaf way that the people in charge of the franchise treated their customers, the fans, is what caused Solo to fail, and it's what may cause Ep. IX to bomb too. Most people who are told that their dislike for a product is indicative that there is something wrong with them and that they are too recalcitrant and stupid to understand the "brilliance" of the creative vision of the direction the company is taking the property... it's theirs to ruin, and ruin it they will if they persist in their hubris and ignoring one of the pillars of a successful business: The customer is always right, listen to them and treat them with respect; and above all, give them what they want.
  8. Agreed. That was an epic sudden deceleration from extreme velocity visual. The treatment of real-world physics on this show, although not 100% perfect, is very meticulous and authentic so that it really gives it an air of plausibility and realism. I'm so glad this show seems to have been spared, at least for a bit longer.
  9. ^ I don't know about anyone else, but I do not want a toy that blows up...
  10. ^ The race to the bottom is like a snow ball: It gathers momentum and mass as it rolls downhill, eventually becoming a nearly unstoppable source of destruction...
  11. Small Neodynium magnets, strategically placed and properly aligned would be an ideal solution to provide strong and stable, yet unobtrusive, locking for folding components; the super strong types could even be mounted sandwiched inside parts so they are completely hidden behind a shell's inner surface and still do the job. Molded pegs or tabs would work but be prone to wear and breakage if small enough to be inoffensive, or grossly obvious in order to be effective. Metal pins should work just fine strength-wise but elastic bands can undergo all manner of unwanted deterioration and copper wires can break if flexed one too may times. By the way, mad props for tackling such a project and achieving such beautiful results.
  12. ^ Overtech, of course... Oh, you mean the scale model...
  13. Got my Ray MOSPEADA delivered today... 8 days from N-Y to my front door via Registered SAL; that's almost, if not, a record. Now that I've got Stick and Ray, bring on Houquet's and Yellow's rides, and throw in Shinobu's too; come on Sentinel, I triple dare you!..
  14. ^ ... must make room for more pro wrestling and other assorted pablum. On the other hand, their track record of prematurely and unceremoniously cancelling good shows is secured.
  15. ... VF-1 Launch Booster, for the Hi-Metal R line I assume...
  16. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    SAL averages about 3 weeks door to door to me in the East Coast, USA from Japan and China. I have gotten stuff in as little as < 1 week -- very rare -- and as much as > 4 weeks on a few occasions... the long transit ones always elicit and escalating sense of anxiety once week 4 approaches, but I haven't been burned yet (knock on wood).
  17. Well... That was a big nothing burger...
  18. In my personal experience -- haven't handled either very much -- the Bandai DX VF-171 is superior in the accuracy to line art department, but the Yamato VF-17, although bulkier, is pretty close too, specially if you take into account that it attempts to realize in 3D, and 3 modes at that, what was a purely 2D beast with a lot of anime magic in the mix. In terms of quality and durability the Yamato wins out because it is simpler than Bandai's take on the 171 as they added a lot of, some would argue, unnecessary complexity to their engineering to a toy that has a smaller frame than the 17; and this plays into the ease/enjoyment of transformation between the two as, stabby bits aside, the Yamato 17 shifts from mode to mode with less fuss or chance of something being over-stressed and possibly breaking... patience and practice tend to mitigate any issues someone may have, with either bird.
  19. Clearly, Wave Motion Guns are made with the liberal use of a combination of Inconsistenium and convenientite inside a plotonium casing...
  20. Dwayne The Rock Johnson... Arroz de festa (party rice). I love it; that's a colorfully perfect phrase to describe his omnipresence.
  21. I'd be 'super easy, barely and inconvenience'...
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