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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. It appears I successfully got 1 with AmiAmi. Yep! Order Acknowledgement email received. Good night everyone!
  2. Best customer service in the business.
  3. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Not only have I received the release date update email, but also a payment request that must be honored by August 6. Good news, VE-1 needs its counterpart.
  4. ^ Such a centerpiece belongs nowhere else...
  5. It has now been seared into his mind until the time when TSHTF...
  6. I tried watching the first Twilight movie, I really did, and an honest attempt without preconceptions, too; but it had me hitting my head against a wall within less than 15 minutes... after that I stopped watching it, and I felt immediately better.
  7. That line of thinking inexorably leads to tearing down of commemorative/symbolic statues and monuments, desecration of sacred grounds and holy sites, book banning and book burning, destruction or art and relics, rewriting of history and disrespect/disdain for past accomplishments, vilification of entire religious - ethnic - racial groups based on collective guilt, and all sort of undermining of societal cohesion. It is a potentially dangerous slippery slope with no bottom; all to assuage modern sensibilities which often prove to be incredibly fickle and often irrational. It is one thing to offer honest criticism of the past and come to terms with it (the good, the bad, and the ugly), but entirely another to vilify it based on morays that either did not exist or were mostly irrelevant when they took place... context is everything. As for Disney, they just pulled a major CYA with Gunn's firing because they saw the bad publicity nightmare he represents.
  8. ... Except that those old movies were NOT controversial in the least when they were made; pedo pervyness, on the other hand, has always been taboo... there is a canyon sized amount of difference. To judge those movies by the PC standards of today is to be as disingenuous, shallow, and moronic as those who rail against and wish to ban books like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Those old movies played on stereotypes, like the crows from the classic Dumbo cartoon movie; they are time capsules, not closet skeletons.
  9. ^ It IS a clever idea...
  10. As much as I'd like to add one to my collection, for that price they can keep it...
  11. You know, since the wings don't swing in either Fighter or GERWALK modes, those slots could indeed be used as hard points for ordnance -- single stores per wing, but still -- when the VF isn't mounting its Fast Packs; All that would be required is to design a dedicated pylon (a L & R versions may be needed) to mount the plethora of existing missiles from the VF-1 and YF-19, or even alternate versions to carry DX ordnance. Hmmm!...
  12. Looks like they're taking advantage of the thin rectangular slots on either side of the bike's rear end, just above the exhaust pipes, to insert the mounting bars for the side bags.
  13. I work designing plastic parts (housings and components) to be injection molded so seeing things like that cracked screw boss really tick me off; if ET can't be bothered to use better quality plastics, the least they should've done is rework the mold tool(s) to increase the thickness of the bosses so they don't crack under the strain of the screw intended to go in them... a minor 15% boost in beefiness would yield a failure incidence reduction of better than 50%, perhaps even eliminating it entirely, with minimal impact on the outer surface finish, specially with the base of the bosses being on the inside of the bottom facing surfaces in all 3 modes, making any sink marks negligible and locations hidden from view most of the time.
  14. ^ Correction: They're $100 toys retailing for nearly $300, based on the quality of the engineering, the materials, the manufacturing, and the QC. The MSRP may not be arbitrary given licensing, limited production, and the niche nature of the product, but that still does not make them worth what they are charging. It's kind of sad in a way because the toys do look aesthetically well balanced, but in reality fall far short of their promise and reek of compromises and shortcuts.
  15. Don't forget a nice Chianti...
  16. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Any other means of getting these? Would PMing EXO through MW be a pre-ordering option? I'll be twice damned to the darkest dankest pit of Tarterus before I ever sign up to Facebook.
  17. Yes they are. I made them to print directly on 8.5x11in paper without any scaling.
  18. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Anyone else getting an 01 Error code with that link??? Edit: Never mind, it worked after a couple of tries. Order placed for one, and done.
  19. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    It's one of those calculations where you have to weigh in how you'd react if your package went MIA without any recourse to resolve it... can you afford, financially and/or emotionally, to lose your money? The answer often depends on the particular item in question... it's monetary value as well as its desirability to you, including its availability to be replaced. I submit that the monetary value of the item, depending on the amount, can be offset, if something does go FUBAR, by the savings accrued over many successful SAL deliveries, so there is that bit of solace. Chances of something going wrong are small, but if it does happen then it becomes 100%. If the item is a general release item, nothing more than SAL Registered is really necessary. If the item is an exclusive, or high demand, or high ticket, nothing less than SAL Registered should ever be considered, and you'd be better off with EMS or FedEx.
  20. I find it a bit hard to do that once I've received the shipping notification email; from that point on my inner days ticker goes off, and once the number of days since shipping goes well beyond the expected norm I start to get a bit antsy. What is always nice is when a package ends up arriving earlier than usual; of course, the opposite, as with my last package, never ceases to suck, but as long as I do get what I bought it's all good, and I haven't been burned yet... knock on wood...
  21. The one that made it to its destination with nary an incident...
  22. Finally got my VF-31C Super Parts today... after almost 5 weeks. Man, SAL, even registered, can be fickle thing. At least I can relax now; I was beginning to get worried.
  23. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    And the VC-079 civilian model -- SNN Valkyrie... heck, it had far more screen time than the VF-XX. ... And they gotta include the launch booster, too. -- Images shamelessly lifted from Macross Mecha Manual --
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naW9U8MiUY0 Originally intended for a release in 2017, now tentatively scheduled for 2019
  25. Forego 1/60 and go for 1/48 instead?... Seriously though, most issues related to the extremely small size of the subject would be greatly reduced, if not completely resolved, with a scale increase, without any compromises in proportions or loss of fine surface details.
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