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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. 1/48 Hobby Boss F-105G Thunderchief myself, and a 1/48 Trumpeter F-100D Super Saber with last month's 20% off coupon... slowly whittling down my retirement stash of model kits whenever the opportunity presents itself.
  2. Oooo... That's from out of the blue, and very welcome. Here's hoping that the Siren and Harpy will get the same treatment.
  3. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Nope. It's not a glue, it's a solvent for ABS, Styrene, Polystyrene, Butyrate, and Acrylic (Testors will only react with Styrene, PS, and ABS); it will only affect the plastic as there is ZERO reaction to metal. The stuff works by melting the plastic and welding it to itself or another piece of plastic of similar chemical composition. The worst that can happen is that the melting causes plastic to ooze out and mechanically lock to any surface imperfection or detail on the metal part, but this impediment to free movement would be fairly weak and temporary... moving the parts against each other with a small amount of force would wear the offending obstruction down and free up the joint. The beauty of this repair method is that, if done properly, you'll hardly be able to tell that the crack was there in the first place as the melting of the plastic makes the part whole again.
  4. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    That part looks to be easily repairable. Get yourself some ABS cement (Tenax, Ambroid, or even Testors' Liquid cement for plastic) and a toothpick. Use the brush applicator of the liquid ABS solvent -- lightly loaded, not dripping -- and apply a small drop to the crack, let capillary action carry the liquid into the split; next, wedge the toothpick between the plastic and the metal to force and brace the crack closed; lastly, let it cure overnight and then cut or scrape off any plastic that oozed out. Done, and good as new.
  5. Where Nin-Nin is concerned, don't walk, run! Run away as fast as your financial legs can carry you.
  6. I've got to agree on the Atlas; while it was a nice nod to Macross in its clumsy way, the mechanical designers and animators didn't even bother engineering a ship with a passable breakdown for arriving at the final robot mode; the parts make no sense and just morph from one form into another that are barely related to their warship-born shapes.
  7. ^For my part, I haven't heard a thing. I was just responding to the previous post; if it came across as an affirmation of that statement then I apologize for poorly wording it.
  8. Wow, uhmm... That's so Flat and Lifeless. At least Clone Wars and Rebels were visually connected; Resistance looks like it's from an entirely different franchise, like it doesn't even belong to the same universe on a fundamental visual level. On a snide and cynical side, it does "match" the "flat and lifeless" vibe of the new trilogy this'll be tying in to.
  9. Playmates dropping the toy license does not bode well for the continued viability of the show unless they can get another company to sign up; although, being a Netflix exclusive does lend some hope that it will at least get an 8th season, but if that is the case I hope they don't waste time introducing Vehicle Voltron or any other wrinkles (if they do get the luxury of a 2+ seasons renewal, fine) and instead use it to tie-off lose ends and properly wrap up the series, after all...
  10. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ A large sensor "Package" is a must for a proper "Thunder Hummer"...
  11. Got my 000 and 102 today, and I must say that I'm impressed. Fexthobby delivered a quality product all around, and with a lot of built-in value for the money... it puts ET's tepid attempt with their VF-2SS to shame.
  12. I preordered the Bandai 1/48, but my Yamato VF-1A Low Vis LTD Ver will need to be pried from my cold dead hands; low hanging arms aside, the Yamato 1/48 in fighter mode is a thing of beauty, and no other interpretation of the VF-1 quite as striking, including the new DX, at least until I have it in hand to compare.
  13. ^ Same here, and it already shows as in-transit from the tracking number.
  14. Wow! This thread's been in a coma for more than two years, yikes! But that's about to change... A fresh new season starts this upcoming Sunday, Aug 5, at midnight. Go Team Venture!
  15. @Big s I considered the bronze with patina version myself at first, until I discovered the silver finish version which is a far more historically "accurate" piece... there never were late medieval suits of armor made of bronze, so that product option, although intriguing in a Harryhausen-esque Colossus of Rhodes way, was a non starter for me.
  16. The thing is that such philosophical discussions are extremely intellectually stimulating, but they tend to gravitate towards the political and can get a bit acrimonious at times due to the subject matter and the deeply held passions and biases from all sides of the argument... par for the course; however, I'd submit that so far the back and forth has been mostly civil and constructive and very helpful, and, besides, what is the alternative, the screeching name calling and blind rage and violence personified by groups like AntiFa? Open debate is far more civilized. The way I see this whole Gunn thing can be better summed up by one simple motto: "What's good for the goose is good for the gander". There should never be two different standards regarding these matters; if an accusation of racism, for example, is enough to get someone fired, then an accusation of pedophilia (based entirely on his own words) should also be enough to be shown the door with swift alacrity... and he should stay fired unless the same courtesy and leeway is afforded to the former. No mulligans, no redemption. Tim Pool (no right-winger, he) pretty much lays out what my thoughts are on the subject in his YouTube video on it. Is the attack on Gunn's pedophile supporting tweets politically motivated? Without a doubt in large part, but the motivation -- to make those who made the rules live by them -- in no way exonerates Gunn from what he wrote, and ultimately it was not the messenger that got Gunn fired by Disney, it was the message (Gunn himself, in his own words)... attacking the messenger is just a feeble attempt to excuse the inexcusable.
  17. That's just splitting hairs for the sake of being obtuse and refusing to consider another's point of view out of hand, and picking out isolated illustrative words and phrases -- out of context -- to erect a straw man in order to imply motive you can then counter. Possible pedophile, possible racist, possible harasser, possible whatever. You entirely miss the point: If context is the predicating criteria for someone's comment yesterday or 10 years ago for one possible type of perceived egregious "wrong think" or behavior, it should be the overriding criteria for all such public condemnation attacks for all those so accused, no exceptions. Period (Rosanne was summarily fired for her idiotic tweet, being immediately accused of racism, with any context or extenuating circumstances deliberately ignored). Context should be taken into account in EVERY single case, but we both know that is not the case, not even close, specially depending on the accused's sociopolitical worldview. I'm not advocating for witch hunts and scorched earth scenarios, far from it. My point is that Gunn should be held to the same standards as anyone else caught in such a scandal -- of his own making I might add, as there is no dispute that he did make the reprehensible remarks that got him in trouble -- would face given the exact same circumstances, and a standard he readily applied against others until he got busted. I abhor double standards, so either treat every accusation levied against someone in the public eye based on the context of their words in every single instance, or don't consider context for any. Then again, if Hollywood didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.
  18. Wait... so outing a possible pedophile who happens to hold all the "correct" opinions that bounce around in Hollyweird echo chambers, if done by someone(s) who holds the opposite views to the would-be pedo and those who defend him/her (or a known evil individual, for that matter... the identity of the person is ultimately irrelevant to the veracity of the information being disseminated; it's either true or it isn't, there is no applicable qualifier), is a bad thing? Since when do those Fruits, Flakes, and Nuts ever do anything for the "right thing" themselves, or take note of how long ago something was done or said, or pay any heed to the truth, or care about the lives they ruin when THEY go on their self-righteous witch hunts? Again, their hurling-of-accusations game cuts both ways, and I find it gloriously ironic that they are getting caught by their own "seriousness of the charge" standards. #Metoo, racism, bigotry, intolerance, misogyny, pedophilia... They are not, and should not be, immune to the many bits of hysteria they created. Ultimately, I find selective outrage to be exceedingly shallow, pedantic, disingenuous, and counter productive; so either apply the same guilty-until-proven-innocent rule to everyone and let the scorched earth purges begin, or afford everyone the benefit of the doubt and the decency of a fair hearing where innocence is assumed until actual proof of guilt is presented and deemed irrefutable. Anything less is massively hypocritical.
  19. Hollyweirdos openly espouse the proposition that what is truly important is not the veracity of the charges, but the seriousness of the charges. If someone is accused of being a racist because of something that person said or tweeted, regardless of when the utterance was made, even if there is no concrete evidence of racism ever in that person's past other than a remark uttered in jest or frustration or anger, then that person is forever labeled a racist and ostracized and black-balled from "polite company", and his/her life ruined. Therefore, it is perfectly fitting that Gunn gets his career and life ruined by the very same 'seriousness standard' that he and his peers apply to anyone they see fit to vilify, regardless of weather or not his pro pedophilia musings were "innocent" jokes and however long ago they were made. It's a knife that cuts both ways, or at least it should if fairness in outrage and punishment is to be followed, and he has no one to blame but himself for stepping into that knife. Also, the only reason all his associates et. al. defend him is because he attacks the "right" people and champions the "right" causes; If he didn't, they would've thrown him under the bus at the first sign of trouble. Disney is a business; their first duty is to protect and grow shareholder value. Gunn has made himself a liability to that end; therefore, Disney has every right to cut off all ties with him in order to protect itself from bad publicity that would adversely affect their profitability.
  20. One thing is for certain, judging by the image showing the Legioss in fighter mode from a side-ish view, it looks like Sentinel have figured out how to design a toy where lower legs don't look too fat (Toynami/Aoshima and ET) or the feet are too small/thin (CMS and ET) ,and they don't stick out too far... it actually does a pretty good job of emulating the way it's supposed to look as depicted in the line-art. I'm cautiously optimistic. As for Blowsuperior and Fuke... YES!
  21. Aw, Fudge! Max Factory is going to reel me back in with the BGC Figmas. I never got the Atelier-Sai ones, and the Yamatos, although not bad, are tiny and fragile. On a tangential note, one of my wish-list items will become a reality, albeit not by Max Factory... Kaiyodo will be releasing a 15th Century Gothic Style Field Armor under their KT Project line.
  22. 1 still available @ LOOPAZA, but that price... dayum!
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