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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. @Methrash: Look at the last post, at the very bottom, of page 115...
  2. You just want a cosplay prop, don't you?...
  3. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    15% off Toys and Games (Model kits too) on eBay, today only, with and added bonus of earning 8% eBay Bucks for future use, for anyone who might be interested. Use Promo Code PLAYTIME15 at checkout. Cheers!
  4. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Not for unreleased items, I don't think, but you can always check the shipping quotes from similar ones.
  5. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Went with CDJ as I had 1400 yen in redeemable points to burn. 7010 yen all-in isn't bad. Now I can go back to sleep! Good night y'all.
  6. Got this 2018 Hallmark ornament recently; it's pretty cool and a must-have for Serenity/Firefly fans.
  7. ^ Same here, except for me it was the SULACO (it was the only thing I actually really wanted to get, but it was always excluded from every single coupon or promotion thus far) with the 15% OFF no restrictions cyber Monday coupon. I shouldn't have done it, but with the discount it was too tempting to ignore.
  8. Tenax, Abroid ProWeld, Testors Liquid Cement; all of which are methylene chloride (acetates and methyl ethyl ketone in the case of Testors) based solvents for Styrene/ABS. Stay away from glues, specially CA, as all you'll accomplish is to make a mess and ruing the part(s), and the repair WILL NOT hold up. 1. Drill into both pieces if the broken antenna with a small diameter bit equal to the thickness of the pin to be used (see #2), trying to keep the holes as aligned as possible. 2. Insert a piece of metal pin (seamstress pin works perfectly) into the hole of one of the pieces and then mate the whole thing onto the other piece, paying attention to maintain proper alignment. Leave a small gap between the parts. 3. Touch the brush applicator of the plastic weld, loaded with just a bit of liquid, to the gap so that capillary action carries the solvent in. Push the two pieces together until you see a small amount of dissolved plastic ooze out of the break. Keep the parts under slight pressure pushing the pieces together for a while until the oozed plastic is no longer tacky. Let it cure overnight. 4. Scrape, file, sand away the repair's resulting scar (the oozed plastic). Brush on a super thin coat of the plastic solvent over the repair and sanded areas, if necessary, to even-out the surface finish and let dry. Polish the plastic to match the rest of the part. 5. Done! If performed correctly, the antenna will be stronger than new, won't need paint, and will look like it was never broken at all to anything but the most anal scrutiny.
  9. mechaninac

    Macross figures

    Ranka looks alright, but that Sheryl... she looks like a two dime hooker cosplaying as Sheryl. I'm well aware that Sheryl does dress provocatively; but like Lolicon indicated, the face is all kinds of off, and combined with the outfit we get a pinch-faced weird-lipped heroin addicted street walker doppelganger of Sheryl.
  10. B-47 Stratojet is great, but I've always been partial to the B-58 Hustler myself
  11. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ Upfront payment for the item upon reservation. Shipping payment upon release and ready to send.
  12. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, I totally missed it.
  13. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    FB2012 VF-4G?.... Oh, my poor stressed wallet, another MUST buy.
  14. On the subject of shipping delays/transit times, I've been noticing longer waits for delivery of anything coming out of Asia sent via SAL, registered or not, over the past few months; what would usually take 2-4 weeks now can take up to 5 to show up, with one item I got off eBay requiring a nerve-wrecking 6 weeks.
  15. Wow! Even Australia has its version(s) of the automotive mullet... ...
  16. When in doubt, pin it!... can't hurt, but it can help.
  17. Thank you!!!!!... Down to 13 now... Peculiar but welcome, no doubt. I'm one of those who missed out on the original preorder and then held off on pulling the trigger on the lead-up to release, and after, due to the price hike, and I just had no luck navigating Amazon Japan to go that rout when the price was good, so this was most welcome as it's the least expensive choice I've seen since release. So, again, thank you dj760, you rock!
  18. I want a re-pop of this mold in a different color scheme darn it!... come on Bandai, get on it!
  19. Looks cool enough, but I already have the SOP and the 2199 versions, so this is an easy pass for me... more mullah left over for Macross stuff.
  20. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    ... If you consider an entirely new upper chassis, not just the arms, as "just a repaint", then, I guess, sure, but so is the Tomahawk in that case; after all, three out of 5 Destroids share the same legs and waist assemblies, with unique or omitted thigh add-ons. From my point of view, aside from badly wanting to finish off the walking tanks line-up, Bandai already invested in half the tooling necessary for further types, so why not produce them? Unless the Defender was such a dud that they assume other Destroids would be as well. Personally, the Tomahawk is my favorite, but I'd jump at the chance to add a Phalanx to my collection without an iota of hesitation.
  21. Jungle currently has a couple of Renewal Ozmas for under ¥26,000 http://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/?page_id=116&do=detail&id=103000005725
  22. Huzzah and Alleluia! After the longest delivery delay I have ever experienced with N-Y, damn near 7 whole weeks instead of the usual < 3.5 weeks, my DX VF-31S has finally made its way to my hands... at one point I actually thought it had gone missing at the origin post, Japan, where the tracking information was stuck on pre-shipment for the longest time. All's well that ends well, but man, that was a bit nerve wrecking.
  23. I've completely given up on ever owning a 31A... the prices are just too insane. My only hope is that Bandai will see fit to revisit the mold with a slightly different unit.
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