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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Looks mighty nice, but that price, and the fact that I already have the original and do not own any PF versions of anything in my collection, means this is thankfully an easy pass for me... more money for Sentinel's MOSPEADA offerings.
  2. Riobots by Sentinel is killing it... and my wallet soon enough!
  3. Wow, what a s**t-show with HLJ; makes me almost glad I missed them all in the first hour and was eventually "forced" to pay upfront at Anime Export.... here's hoping they deliver, but the fact I've never heard/read anywhere that they've ever been unable to deliver makes me 99.999% confident that they will.
  4. I gave up on following this thread last night after all the aborted pre-order attempts and glitchy vendor sites made for the kind of frustration that tempts one to seriously consider throwing whatever browsing device being used against the closest wall. Due to the extra adrenaline the whole experience generated I could not get back to sleep and decided to check AE on a last ditch whim around 3 am, and lo and behold, the dang thing was up and still available, so I clicked the button and successfully completed the purchase process... things just work so weirdly some times. Although I deep;y dislike prepaying for an item that shouldn't ordinarily require it, I'm glad I was able to secure a copy, which also allowed me to sleep like a baby afterwards. So...
  5. Screw this! Maybe I'll get one at or close to release, and if I don't, much like the Kairos, it won't be the end of the world. Good night, all.
  6. Got cart-jacked at N-Y at the very last step..... AAAAHHHHH!!!!
  7. Well, this is proving to be characteristically frustrating...
  8. ^What's to forget? By the time you check that site, no matter how fast you are, it's sold out...
  9. Premium finish = premium price = me no bite; besides, all my other Yamato/Arcadia VF-1s are standard versions and non DYRL, so this would look out of place and so, an easy pass. Wake me up when they decide to offer up a regular edition sans price inflating frills that should've been there all along.
  10. Finally -- about damned time -- received my DX VF-1J and RE/100 Gun EZ from Amiami; this was officially the longest transit time I have ever experienced for an EMS package... but it's here, and it's glorious.
  11. Amiami shipping notification received as well...
  12. At the risk of giving any further legitimacy to a verboten topic, if V-Fac does produce a VF-31A, KO be damned, I'll be all over it; it would serve Bandai right for flubbing that particular release so badly. Would I prefer the official thing? Sure, but not at current artificial-scarcity scalper prices... So KO it will be.
  13. I'm waiting until January to pay for mine -- Amiami's deadline is the fifth -- as I don't expect the exchange rate to change much in the interim.
  14. No payment request from Amiami for my one DX VF-1J pre-order as of this posting, which allowed me to add a RE-100 Gun-EZ to it. Truth be told, I wouldn't mind one iota if I didn't have to pay until January... I'm in no hurry.
  15. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Totally missed that, and stand humbly corrected.... holy hell, my wallet is gonna be hurting.
  16. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Weren't the M&M VF-4s 1/72 Wave kits? Or did I miss an H-M R announcement?... Not that I can't see Bandai milking the mold; it would make sense.
  17. Although not the most egregious example of Woke infiltration and corruption out there, I can see your point all too well... the PC narrative and agenda pushing floodgates opened up and what was mostly a good show became something I shall never revisit, with the last episode sealing the deal as the final nail on the coffin.
  18. Wow, such a "generously small" mark-up...
  19. ^ So now we know who is the fastest rider on a MOSPEADA... like we didn't already figure that care-free Ray would beat dour Stick.
  20. ^ Look at the WARNING portion of the product label; if it lists methylene chloride or acetates and methyl ethyl ketone it will work just fine. Model kits are predominantly molded out of styrene/polystyrene; the broken antenna, as with most plastics used on these types of toys, is made from a soft-grade ABS (AcetylButyStyrene)... same plastic family, same reaction to model cement solvents. To be absolutely sure, test the Liquid Poly on a small hidden surface of the toy with a tiny drop and check for the expected softening of the spot that should occur. Good luck.
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