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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. ^ And telling someone whose opinion (one entirely based on the actions and reactions of Lucas Films and Disney) differs from your own to "kindly" frakk off, just because you happen to like the excrement sandwiches the House of Mouse has been feeding you, isn't beyond utterly childish???...... ooookayyyy then... Pot meet Kettle. Carry on.
  2. Star Trek III may catch a lot of flak for a lot of its elements and execution, specially anything related to scenes taking place on the --incredibly fake looking -- surface of the Genesis planet. However, that movie is a treasure trove of new, iconic designs that have not only stood the test of time and have had broad appeal to fans young and old, but have never been bested, IMO, by anything that has come later... matched?... sure, but never outdone. The art department in charge of ships designs and the model makers who built them were at the top of their game (The Merchantman, Klingon BoP, U.S.S. Grissom, U.S.S Excelsior, Spacedock, even the Clydesdale Shuttle) in what is the best of the odd numbered TMP era movies.
  3. The thing with the Spacedock design is that it's so majestic in its simplicity, making it timeless, and Eaglemoss did an excellent job on their rendition of it. Now I wish that they'll hurry up and make an Orbital Office Complex/Regula One Space Station as well, and maybe even Jupiter Station too.
  4. The problem with prototypes that depict something in this late stage of development, as we've seen all too often with many items of our interest (cough... ET's VF-2SS... cough), is that any design flaws or wonky proportions are set in stone... well, steel, actually.
  5. MW is like an Alcoholics Anonymous Group.... where the members meet not to preach sobriety, but encourage others to give into pure hedonistic indulgence... and I love that! So, drink up!
  6. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Consider it a test of character. Patience is a virtue... a laborious and excruciatingly boring and frustrating virtue.
  7. ^ Yes!.. bad, bad, bad. Consider yourself on double secret probation. Now slap yourself on the wrist and go sit in the corner to reflect upon what you did...
  8. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    I got slightly Bandai-ed on the copy I received from Amazon.jp. Whoever the sleep-deprived line monkey who assembled my VF-4 was, he/she/it used two right main body missiles (the ones that swing up from the main fuselage) so that the right side missile sits flush in the down position, but the left side, because the strut is reversed, sits about 1 mm proud of its intended recess; in the great scheme of things, it's a minor thing, but it is still frustrating because once you notice it you cannot help but be acutely aware of it to the point of it becoming a slight, yet nagging, eyesore... I have to display it showing the right side of the fighter so as to keep the "offending" side out of sight. This may be something I could, perhaps, address by disassembling the fuselage, cutting the strut, turning it 180o and cementing it back so that the erroneous right missile's strut's curvature mimics what a correct left strut would've been and give it the correct orientation. I think, however, that I'll wait until I have my copy from CDJ, and it that is perfect, I may just display the gimpy one in battroid, where that issue won't matter. This has had the result of dampening my enthusiasm for this piece considerably.
  9. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my Amazon.jp copy today as well. That was fast!
  10. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Shipping notices received from CDJ and Amazon.jp, today; of course AJP's will arrive shortly, while CDJ's will take several weeks.
  11. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    It's available again; I was just able to place an order that came to $120.42 shipped EMS since its fulfilled by AMAZON. Grab'em while they're in stock. https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B07K1L79XQ/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  12. ^ Well, my original post did state "less than 4 hours to go..." I'm positive there will be other similar opportunities in the not too distant future; Easter more than likely.
  13. For anyone who may be interested, Eaglemoss' Web Shop is extending a limited time (less than 4 hours to go as of this post) 20% discount on all in-stock items with no minimums and no restrictions, with free standard shipping within the continental US for amounts over $60.00. Use code MARDIGRAS in the appropriate field before completing check-out. Cheers! Edit: MARDIGRAS, not mardigrass
  14. As curious as I am about this GX from a toy engineering and execution point of view, and that's the only reason I'd buy a Voltron figure as it holds no nostalgia, or even aesthetic, appeal to me otherwise, I just can't justify its cost. I can't remember, but was the original release also retailing, at US e-tailers, for $299.99?
  15. Wow! He was only 52... that's way too young.
  16. No listings in the following US based e-tailers, yet, but they do carry Bandai GX items and they did sell the original release of Voltron.: https://www.entertainmentearth.com/ http://www.eknightmedia.com/ I'm sure there are others.
  17. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    ^I'll drink to that!
  18. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh bollocks, I got the dreaded apology for 'misleading you with a system error and cancelling your order, that you shouldn't have been able to place except for OUR incompetence... sucks for you' email. HLJ has certainly gone downhill lately, specially in the wake of their website's horrendously bad and counter-intuitive redesign; they should sue whoever they hired to work on that monstrosity for malpractice and demand their money back. What a s--t show.
  19. Trailers compilation: The first one was surprisingly good, and this second outing seems like it will be just as entertaining.
  20. What Disney is giving us: What Disney could've (should've) given us... what one guy, Raf Grassetti, in his spare time was able to do in short order to "fix" the Genie:
  21. I sit down to watch the trailer and as it plays out I find myself thinking that it actually looks somewhat decent and mildly evocative of the source material: the atmosphere seems good; the color pallet, with the understandable exception of night shots, is mostly vibrant; the SFX/CG is kind of bland and feels somewhat dated, but is serviceable; the costuming is spot-on; beautiful and cute Jasmine even if the actress doesn't quite capture what one would expect a live version of the character to look like; the actor playing Aladdin is an even greater deviation from the established Disney look of the street rat;... then I see Jafar and then he speaks and, granted that it is a VERY short clip, he has little of the looks and none of the timbre in his voice to convey the Machiavellian Vizir's gravitas and lust for power, but fine, it's something that can be overlooked. Then the Genie's reveal... ... ... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!!... HA HA HA HA HA!... NO, just a resounding disbelieving NO!.. There's good bad, there's plain bad, there's bad bad, there's really bad, and then there is 'Will Smith's painfully cringe-tastic bloated smurf with a thyroid condition' 'ridiculous to the point of being impossible to ignore, excuse, or dismiss' BAD. What were they thinking? Will Smith, was the paycheck so juicy that you'd sign on to this monstrosity and completely sell out your dignity?
  22. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Thank you for your post; it prompted me to check on what I was sure was a valid VF-4 pre-order I had with Anime Export, but since I forgot to pay within the 48 hour window, and it's no longer available, became a dud that would've completely blindsided me... must've been one of those occasions when being tired and eager to sleep after a pre-order hunt, and seeing I had received the order placement confirmation but not actually read it, I assumed I had finished the process and went to bed, thereby forgetting all about it -- until now -- and let it slip in blissful oblivion. So, without your heads-up as a reminder I would've been confused and left scrambling when the Lightning III is released. Here's to you, thanks...
  23. @ 1/5000 it will also be in scale with the WHAM SDF-1... just looking at all the possible positive angles here.
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