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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. ^^ It exists. "Real" -- as in: accepted -- is up for debate depending on one's "certain point of view"...
  2. I liked that they left it open ended enough that it can work with having the entire endeavor end or proceed eventually, depending on your own head canon. So, if you like the Disney Trilogy, then the events of the last episode were just a setback; if you consider the Rey Palpatine "saga" a complete travesty and abomination, then project necromancer hit a dead end after all the records were destroyed and that was that, relegating that whole sequels shenanigans as nothing more significant than poorly conceived and written fan-fiction relegated to irrelevancy... I rather prefer the second option myself.
  3. On one of the 5.25" ones, at that...
  4. If there's one thing I've learned from the multi-year (~ 4 yrs ) delay on the Dana figure is to never preorder anything directly from them. It is best to go through a e-tailer like BBTS so you can just forget about it until/if the item is released and be charged then, instead of having your money tied up "forever".
  5. Dinheiro... Deus sabe que Disney precisa um monte pra compensar pellas varias bombas que vem produzindo ultimamente. A pergunta mais importante é: Porque uma pessoa com qualquer senso de gosto gastaria bom dinheiro pra ver porcaria irrelevante que é nada mais que um pega-dinheiro cínico.
  6. Even Marvel Jesus won't be able to wash the crud off the feet of the upcoming Captain America (without Captain America) movie or Blade, nor every other piece of celluloid cringe that Disney/Feige -- or Sony, for that matter: Morbius, Madame Web, Craven... -- has in store for the post Endgame moribund MCU. Will there be individual successes? Sure, but the post Perlmutter Marvel is a rudderless ship at best, a sinking one at worst.
  7. Well, the alternative would be for the show's producers and writers to pull a GoT season 8 and just make stuff up; thereby guaranteeing that they bollocks thing up and end up pleasing almost no one. That they respected and adhered to the source material is a glowing testament to their restraint and deference to the book's author... a rare and commendable thing this day and age.
  8. All the episodes are available HERE (it's a legit site), as well as a plethora of other animation shows, old and new, Toons, anime and everything in between.
  9. Only by modern, low episode count, standards; if compared to everything up to Enterprise with their 22-26 episodes per season, without taking episode run-time into account, Lower Decks amounts to a 2-2.5 year mission. Now, if specifically stated in-show that five years have elapsed since the events of the premier episode I'll retract my assertion and concede the point.
  10. That looked really nice but, much like SH Figuarts' Fey Valentine, Figma's BGC figures are highly rarified vaporware. Too bad, really... Figma 1/12 would put Yamato's 1/15 renditions, and Atelier Sai's for that matter, to shame.
  11. Same. Wake me up when the Blazers, maybe even the P, are officially announced...
  12. 3D printing companies like Shapeways, Universities/Technical Colleges, Friends...
  13. Beetlejuice-Adam's Family cross over?... I know it isn't but seeing Wednesday (Jenna Ortega) in the group image immediately brought it to mind. Heck, both occupy pretty much the exact same genre and would mesh well with each other.
  14. Gotta consider the source and their obvious bias; after all, all these shill reviewers are still blood poisoning levels of salty over the fact that audiences thoroughly rejected their much-praised misbegotten 2016 Feig reimagining (it was pure THE MESSAGE poop) and that it bombed so hard as to make sure that thing is dead and buried with no possibility of ever being resurrected, and also remember that they gave poor reviews to Afterlife as well and that was enjoyable and mostly satisfying even if not all that original, not on Afterlife's merits, or lack thereof, but because they were, and still are, hung up on 2016's embarrassing failure.
  15. https://federationmodels.com/ Go to Products, then Federation Models; about halfway down you'll find a Miranda Class Saucer Correction Kit (only $15.00). Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything for the nacelles but I did not look too hard, so they may have something that would fit the bill. Edit: They're even running a half off sale at the moment.
  16. The pants look passable, same with the head sculp/overlarge glasses, but the jacket and gloved hands... yeesh!..
  17. Heresy? Dang it, I was aiming for unadulterated blasphemy...
  18. TRON is far more techno-fantasy than it is science-fiction. Abandon all logic ye who enter here.
  19. I don't believe they could have cast better live action representations, looks-wise, of Iroh and Ozai; they're damn near perfect. Sokka looks pretty legit too. The other players are okay (Azula being the least fitting of the bunch) but have a great chance of competently embodying the roles depending on their performances (One piece is proof positive that this can be done in a single intro/episode)... this is true for all of them, actually, but when the actor looks the part, from the get-go, without uttering a single line of dialog, there is just a certain unquantifiable magic in the offing. Will the show actually be any good? That remains to be seen (Netflix is hit or miss with scant examples in between... when they get out of their own way and refrain from interference and/or 'current year' messaging, they seem to shine, but what's been shown so far is very promising.
  20. I know you meant flesh colored... damned auto-correct or plain old typo; that being said, the distinction between black and "fleas colored" (black grey) is just too amusing.
  21. That sounded like Awkwafina voicing the fox thief; if so, please Please PLEASE spare us all from her gawd-awful singing... otherwise, fun clip.
  22. Well... roughly 1/3 life-size to be accurate, but still a cool "parade float" and something you won't see every day.
  23. Most sequels Disney put out in the past (before mid-2010s) were Straight-to-DVD fare, and invariably inferior to the original to varying degrees from mildly passable to downright awful; at least they were never meant for theatrical release, and only intended as cheap cash grabs for diehard fans of a particular character or for little kids, who consume everything regardless of quality, to annoy their parents into buying. There is always room for a well crafted sequel to further characters in new stories -- classic Pixar (under Lasseter), the Cars franchise notwithstanding, was a master at it -- but the question is: can current Disney truly come up with anything worthy? The fact they have nothing original in the pipeline other than sequels to things that were good under far more competent and talented leadership that have been pushed out, is very telling. If they do make something good, great!.. but I wouldn't hold my breath.
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