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Posts posted by mechaninac

  1. Aztek, Datterboy:

    I was only speaking from personal experience. Most meshes I've downloaded off the Net have been modeled with optimization and poly-count reduction in mind. Take a fighter's canopy for example: most people will create the outside shape, make the resulting polygons double-sided, and proceed to texture and/or assign material properties (extremely efficient, but the end result has no volume). The fact that you guys create everything as enclosed volumes speaks volumes to your dedication to realism (at the cost of increased polygons).


    Tooling out of wood and foam...I guess what you have in mind would me more akin to a solid resin kit then a styrene or hollow-cast one. That would definitely make things simpler.


    Stunning! Just stunning.

  2. OK.  I am seeing some very incredible work going on here.  Much better than anything I would do in Macross CGI.

    So this has me thinking that It would be great to put the best Variable CGI model through the CNC process of patterning.

    Is anyone here interested?

    Now, there's an idea! What scale would you CNC into? 1/32? 1/24? And wouldn't you need enclosed volumes as opposed to double sided surfaces that only mimic shells? The reason I ask is that I work as a designer/engineer and utilize Pro Engineer (a high-end parametric solid/surface engineering application, for those who don't recognize the program) as my primary design tool and know that non-volumetric models are useless for Stereo Lithography unless you close all gaps either before-hand or in the 3D-Lightyear application used to prepare the STL files for construction, but this can cause unwanted patching because the program is only doing it's best guess at filling in the blanks (perhaps tool path vectoring requirements for CNC are not as stringent as those for SLA; please enlighten me). Regardless, this is a bold and fantastic idea, and would love to see it done. :lol:

    Only one word of warning: Beware of Harmony Gold...the pricks :ph34r:

  3. Great work mechaninac. I haven't seen that commander type design before, is it actually from the show or is it an original design?

    I've never really noticed it on the show and would love to take credit for its design; alas, it is not an original. The commander version is an Orguss canon Gerwalk. I based my model off my original standard version Ishkick and Takatoku's toy of the mecha. I don't actualy own the thing, so all my model work was based from a couple of pictures I copied off an eBay auction (see bellow for the toy box).



  4. I saw a bit of a Galactica special on the upcoming miniseries on the Sci-Fi channel, and while I don't mind a retelling of the story I do not like the PC direction they've taken on one of my favorite characters from the series...THEY'VE MADE STARBUCK A WOMAN, DAMMIT! Starbuck was a womanizing, fast talking, cynical, arrogant, extremely loyal, hard-drinking gambler with an endearing child-like zest for adventure that made HIM a perfect counter-balance to Apollo's goodie-two-shoes persona. Now Starbuck is a Xena/Beca Valentine (Andromeda) clone. :angry:

    Other changes that are a bit jarring to a series fan: Baltar looks like a wuss (In the series, while Baltar was a bit 2 dimensional, he was a cool villain); Cylons were created by humans (Cylons got their name from the extinct reptilian race ,that revered the human form as the epitome on perfection, that created them ); the council knows about Earth and Adama knows where it is (Only Adama held the old legends as fact but only had a vague idea where to look for the decedents of the 13th tribe)

    The special effects are, not surprisingly, light years better than the original series, and the new Viper does look cool and instantly recognizable; but, as with many new shows and films based or related to older (60's, 70's, early 80's) sci-fi...cough-Star Wars-cough-Star Trek-cough...it lacks all of the charm or the original.

    I just had to vent...I feel much better now :p

  5. Aliens, shmaliens, when is sombody going to make a decent set of Colonial Marines figures? Every attempt so far as been somewhat half-assed  :angry:


    The only good Marines figures were the GI JOE 12" conversion kits and the resin 1/35 scale Colonial Marines made by..er...forgot who they were ;p

    The company that makes them is "EVA Models", or at least a version of it. Here is a link





  6. Yes, there is a DYRL Roy pilot. The Strike VF-1S also icludes the ducting behind the intake (introduced in the VF-1A CF) that fills in that ugly a$$ gap in GERWALK mode that is so prominent on the first 3 1/60 releases. Other than that, as mentioned before, it has all the proper attachment holes and slots for the armor bits.

  7. Pretty damn gorgeous looking. What are your plans for it?

    Thanks for the compliment; it's always encouraging when others appreciate your work. As for plans...I don't really have any. The entire model you see is a parametric Pro Engineer assembly, and pretty much incompatible with any other software (I think Solidworks is an exception) unless I convert it to a "dumb" solid such as STEP or IGES formats, or export it to OBJ format for CGI applications; this is what I may eventually do. However, Pro E's OBJ converter leaves much to be desired as it creates some very funky surface triangulations, and requires extensive downstream clean-up to make the file an optimized mesh; if I ever do this I may yet release the model publicly. Another idea I was contemplating was to export an STL and make an SLA model of the thing in something like 1/35th scale; but getting free time and/or space on the company's machine is a difficult proposition at best.


    PS.: Your pilot looks great, but IMO the helmet visor should be larger towards the bottom. Other than that it's awesome.

  8. Thank You for that Alpha Shot! Man I have been looking around for some good detail of one of these in a line drawing so I could model it out. Once again thanks a bunch!

    Just need to find the Beta Fighter now ;)

    You are most welcome. :) As for the Tread/Beta...good luck :( ; I've never been able to find anything even close to usable anywhere.

  9. hellohikaru, where did you get that Legioss/Alpha?

    And more importantly, do you have more views and/or bigger versions?


    I made it myself  based on several pictures and the tiny profile at Morgenstein's mospeada site.

    I have an updated version coming. I planned the top view but haven't done anything about it yet as i am quite busy.

    Sorry for hijacking this; but since I have a multi-view drawing of the alpha that some may be interested in, I thought I'd post it here (this drawing is derived form a poor 3 view picture I got off the internet that someone scanned from an old Robotech magazine or the REF Field Guide Book). I don't know if it's entirely accurate, but it's as close as I was able to get given what I had to work with:

  10. Sorry bout that guys - I wasn't trying to show off or anything, I just believe in educating the masses! :)

    Fulcy, no need to be sorry. I too tend to elaborate on things I'm passionate about; information is never a redundant thing, and it enriches everyone's knowledge. My remark was meant as a joke, a bit of sarcasm, not a complaint or put-down. If I was misunderstood, then I should be the one to apologize.

    I'm also interested in one or two standing pilots.

  11. I've been wondering about this for awhile. Hasegawa has releaed plenty of Macross VF-1s and will soon produce Macross Zero Fighters ("Eric Cartman's" voice: Sweeeeet!); they've also made Macross Plus and M3 related models...BUT NO VF-11s YET :angry: . What do you all think? Will a definitive 1/72 version of the Thunderbolt ever happen?

  12. Ah, common misconception - rubber IS a resin (resins are polymerized synthetics that are used to make plastics). What you want to ask is what durometer urethane resin he is using - a lower durometer (say, a 30 shore A) would be very flexible, allowing people to bend them into position to put into the cockpit...

    Now you're just showing off... :p ...but you're right, inasmuch as synthetic rubber is indeed a resin. ;)

  13. What makes me laugh is that custom looks way better than that 'official' product I posted next to it.

    I'm still chuckling... ^_^

    You ain't kidding. About the only things I can say look a bit better on the MPC that on Yamato's 1/48 (ducks head in anticipation of rotten fruit targeted at my head :ph34r: ) are the hand sculpts.

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