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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. To be honest, I wouldn't mind magenta, so long as it is a dark red-biased magenta and not the eyesore we got with the Zeta.
  2. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Overall length of cannon is 192.0 mm +/- 0.5 mm The barrel, by itself, is 130.0 mm long.
  3. A modern re-imagining of the Thunderfighter along the same lines as the Viper MkII would indeed be sweet. My problem with reboots/remakes is that, Battlestar Galactica 2004 aside, they may end up looking good to great but turn out mediocre hollow shells of the original, saddled with post-modern one-sided politics and in-your-face social commentary/propaganda with all the vacuous subtlety of a sledge hammer.
  4. Same, with two exceptions: a VF-31A and a Sv-262Ba... I won't hold my breath for either, but a tiny bit of hope remains.
  5. ^Sold out... I just got cart jacked.
  6. One final soaring leap into the wild blue yonder. Let the angels be made aware and rejoice, a maverick is about to smash his way into their eternal ranks at mach speed.
  7. An end... hardly, but a seismic shift in how movies are promoted, released, and viewed, and the subsequent reinvention of the theater business model -- of those that survive the bloodbath, that is -- going forward... absolutely!
  8. I'd be interested in a set as well.
  9. Different US states impose wildly different sales taxes, some varying even within an individual state itself. Being accurate is not being pedantic. But no worries, I can see how making a correction on a forum, without the benefit of context or nuanced expression, can come across as unnecessarily obsessing over minutia. And we've all been guilty of jumping the gun absent of proper caffeination.
  10. There is so such thing as a US Tax. There is a possibility of being charged a State sale tax depending on where in the USA you live. I got charged ¥25,273 for the Roy + ¥3045 Priority shipping.
  11. AmazonGlobal International Shipping (Priority)... whatever that means.
  12. ^ Thanks Dobber. So, most of them, including the Raiders (2004), are 1/33, with the MKII being slightly over-sized at 1/31, the MKVII a bit too small at 1/36, and the Raptors a tad worse at 1/37... those are margins of discrepancy I can live with, which opens a whole new can of money siphoning worms.
  13. Quick question: Are the Eaglemoss Vipers in scale to each other, or sized to their respective boxes? I just got the MKIII; it's an impressive piece with a satisfying size -- looks 1/32-ish -- but if I'm to buy the other models, I'd like to know how they compare to each other scale wise. Tnx
  14. My 2 cents on the VF-0D composite image, to improve what is already a fantastic effort: Add a subtle soft translucent glow to hint at lit engines, and a blur effect to simulate exhaust heart distortion trailing the nozzles.
  15. mechaninac

    Macross figures

    My Lisa has been stuck in pre-shipment hell since the 6th...
  16. That's sophistry, and you know it!... 1987-1989 (heck, the entirety of the era in which it originally ran) were a completely different television landscape from what it is today. Back then, shows had far, far more leeway to overcome wonky starts and mediocre ratings -- a honeymoon period, of sorts, to find their voice, work out the kinks, and find an audience; add to that the much lesser availability of alternate entertainment choices on broadcast and cable at the time, and the fact that it was the return of Star Trek to first run television since 1969 guaranteed its survival through its teething stage. I never said they were not entertaining in their own right; but rose colored glasses of nostalgia notwithstanding, the first 3 seasons of TNG were objectively bad, just not objectionably so (which is what makes them watchable on repeat viewings).
  17. The first 3 seasons of TNG were, with the exception of a precious few notable episodes, just mediocre and hokey bad, with characters that didn't gel together, wooden performances, lame stories, terrible and jarring (amateurish, even) musical scoring, and a general sense of antiseptic post-modern elitism; however, it wasn't purposefully bad in the same vein as STD, and later STP, in the intentional deconstructionist and twisted attitude towards the franchise in an ongoing act of vandalism for shock value.
  18. That's why I qualified my personal preference as the "contemporary" standard for me. It is a foregone conclusion that how one prefers to picture a fictional character is entirely a personal choice, as is the artists's interpretation. Going by the written description, it is my opinion that Jeff Easley came closest to capturing Drizzt's racial look in the cover art to the original printing of Sojourn.
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