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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. No more savage or brutal than modern warfare, and in many ways far less so. But one thing it was is personal. Aside from archers loosing arrows from a distance, ancient warfare was an in-you-face affair where you could smell your opponent's breath, hear his gurgling scream as he was hacked by your blade, and see him lose his bowels in front of you. It must have been far more terrifying to both the vanquished and the victor than shooting somebody with a high powered weapon from 100 yards away, or dropping bombs and artillery.
  2. I tend to agree. However, with the SV-51 it appears that we'll get a lot more for the money when compared to the YF-19. Whereas you got a "bare" YF-19 for an exorbitant price, the 51 will include external ordinance, booster engines, and a display stand in one box... while still too pricey, it at least offers more bang for the buck.
  3. <take a deep breath> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......! <out of breath>
  4. Well, I went against my own best judgment and preordered from HLJ... the early bird discount was just too tempting. Besides, Yamato is playing this one very shrewdly by releasing the more popular Ivanov version first (I'm sure there are those who prefer Nora's, but Ivanov's is just so badass!); that way, they are almost guaranteed to sell out the first run. I'm just hoping that Yamato has learned its lesson concerning initial releases and put this toy through the ringer to identify problem spots and redesign/reinforce parts accordingly and make same in materials that won't crumble under stress.
  5. ... And the Dub Dueces with spinners for the landing gears wheels of the Valk that will be wearing the Blinged out GBP. And istead of chest missiles... Woofers.
  6. That's true of the current prototype, but at the end of the video it is stated that a future version, in the works, will be designed for extended endurance and take offs. That will be beyond incredible, specially considering that what is shown on the clip is already spellbinding.
  7. Wow, that is a nasty break, and both pieces too. I'm hoping that Yamato decided to use POM for those pieces on the FP/FB combo edition. These seem to have been badly designed for the material used: too much stress for the geometry (specially with the screws creating that very thin cross-section to one side) and ABS combination to take if your handling isn't just right, and often not even then. To those that have had theirs bust on them, it will probably be up to one or our resident recasters to create replacement parts in hi-impact resin to resolve the current issue. Come on guys, you know there is a market for these... Edit: One thing I've noticed with both Yamato, and Toynami to an even greater extent, is that a lot of their parts that could benefit from stress relieving fillets do not have them. Engineering 101: sharp corners are bad... just ask the engineers who worked on the Dehaviland Comet.
  8. Yes, this thread has become almost hopelessly derailed... but in a worderfully hilarious way. Hurin, I don't know if your sarcasm in the face of sheer ignorance is accidental or intended, but it is a riot.
  9. Abandon all hope all ye who enter here...j/k MechTech has the best repair solution for splitting glue joints; but Odyn's suggestion is definitely worth a try... the worst Toynami can say is "no".
  10. Don't be. CM is getting into the Mospeada business, and if what they will be shortly offering does well, there is always the chance they will eventually produce ride armors as well. Edit: Can't type
  11. So much for the conventional wisdom that Toynami was the only game in town where Alphas/Legiosses and will/won't/will/maybe Betas/Treads. I look forward to future info on this line (They have a Tread! ), and to see them in their respective liveries and in all modes... but it already looks promissing. Edit: More Mospeada mecha is always a good thing. Now, given the sudden interest from CM, will they follow this up with in-scale Invid/Inbit mecha? That would certainly be the sprinkles on top the icing (Tread) on the cake.
  12. Since the VF-2SS was penned (MII predates M+ and M7) before the VF-11, let alone the VF-0, were designed, comparing the Valkyrie II to those VFs as if to imply that it is derivative of them is a very poor argument on the merits of its appearance. If one wanted to get cheeky, it could be said that it is the post M+ VFs that are inspired by the MII Valks... of course, that is not the case, so why imply it the other way around? The resemblance to the VF-1, however, is entirely intentional in the same way that the VF-11, Vf-3000, and VF-5000 also pay homage the the VF-1. The VF-0 is the only VF that is an aesthetic quandary... it is pre-VF-1, yet looks far more modern.
  13. They crack open their eggs on the wide end, and we crack our eggs open on the narrow end; clearly, you can see, that war is the only logical course of action...
  14. Regardless of who made it, I'd be in Mecha Porn Heaven. Just make it, anyone, please.
  15. As with anything Microsoft, specially their Operating Systems, my advice would be to hold off upgrading until they're up to service pack 2 or higher before taking the plunge. And it's always better to do a fresh install, or waiting until you need a new PC to get the new OS, rather than going the upgrade route... fewer headaches that way.
  16. [attachmentid=40446] If you look at the neck on this picture, it looks like it is only able to rotate... no pitch allowance that I can discern since the helmet/upper neck look like a single molded piece. As this is a prototype, this may change and the head could get a ball joint (it works fine for the 3.75" clone trooper figures so there is no excuse for not having something similar here). [attachmentid=40447] On this picture, it appears that there may be some pivoting capability at the torso junction of the neck, but this would be a very odd place to have it articulate. In any case, it is still too early to make a definitive determination. I look forward to seeing more info on this line in the months to come.
  17. I draw a distinction between science fictions as follows: "Realistic" scifi makes an attempt to ground the rules of their universes in known scientific facts, or at least try to couch their more fanciful aspects within some semblance of physical laws as we understand them today, or based on theories that make sence as intellectual exercises. Examples would be Blade Runner, B5, SAAB, BSG, SG1, UC Gundam, Macross. "Fantasy" scifi makes little to no attempt at maintaining a sense of reality with its technologies and physical laws, requiring a much greater suspension of disbelief, by trading believability for story telling convinience. Examples include Star Wars, Star Treck, and a host of others that escape right now.
  18. The closest thing to a depiction of "real" flight dynamics in sci-fi were the Starfuries and Thunderbolts from Babylon 5. Space above and Beyond, and Battlestar Gallactica (TNS) are close, but B5 was the only one, IMO, that seemed to actually take into account vectors, momentum, yaw, pitch and bank of a spacecraft in zero-g, and how all of those would be affected by the selective application of thrust form its RCS. Gundam 0083 was also passable for the way the Mobile suits moved in reaction to short bursts from the RCS throughout the Robot's frames. As for the weapon's discharges, BSG (TNS) has them all beat, since all ordnance is ballistic in nature.
  19. The Updates page states that Graham has confirmed that, starting with Shin's VF-0A, the breakage prone shoulder/elbow piece will be shot in POM for added resiliency... I hope Yamato will take the VF-0 and its arm problems as a lesson learned and incorporate the stronger material in the design and manufacture of the SV-51. I know this is one bird I'd like to get upon first release, but my cautious side still tells me to wait for reviews and/or a second edition.
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