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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Yes, a few... mostly the emblems and numbers, but quite adequate for the scale, and they are of better, thinner, quality than Yamato stickers.
  2. Oh, come now. You do realize this is Macross World*, don't you? * Macross World... where posters wait around until there is even a hint of blood in the water, and then, like sharks, go into a feeding (battying) frenzy...
  3. Accidental death due to adverse reaction to medication would be a tragic death... very sad indeed; accidental death due to drug overdose would be pathetic, and suicide by whatever means would be just plain imbecilic. If the first, then I'll feel sorry for him and his kid, but if it's the last two I'll still feel sad for his daughter, but as for him I will just shake my head and say "moron". Call me cold blooded (I am a fan of the Darwin Awards), but while I feel sad for any children and loved ones left behind to mourn his passing, I have no sympathy for someone who so blithely offs him/herself on purpose or by accident. Ex.: Phil Hartman being shot dead by his demented wife is tragic; John Belushi, Chris Farley, Kurt Cobein, et al killing themselves= no simpathy from me.
  4. Do you mean like Nora Poliansky's SV-51 (imbued with active stealth systems that render it invisible to anything other than visual detection) in Macross Zero? I can understand, and often partake, in the criticism leveled against Toynami's MPC line; but for the life of me, I fail to understand the hate leveled at HG's choice of colors given to the Alphas in TSC... after all, Macross has it's examples of garish color schemes: from the Max's and Milia's fighters in SDF, to Basara's and Milia's in M7 (Not even including the clown valks or the Varauta stuff), to Nora's in Zero. It strikes me that the dark matt magenta and dark matt grey of Maya Sterling's fighter was subdued enough while still serving the purpose of differentiating her Mecha from everyone else's. I reserve my criticism for their poorly produced merchandise, the animation quality of their independent effort, and Toynami's perpetual delays in releasing their Beta.
  5. Nossa! Ótimo trabalho na carlinga do VF-1, e a Misa está linda. Seu talento me impressiona mais com cada projeto novo.
  6. Thus far I've only gotten 4 revoltechs: Patlabor Type Zero, Blue Brocken, Helldiver, and Fraulein Rei. Helldiver is the best, and Type Zero the least impressive. What I'd really like to see in the future is for Kaiyodo to make BGC power suits, original and 2040, in their Fraulein line... or even in the regular line which could raise the possibility of Boomers as well, but I like the 1/10 scale more. I think they would be a perfect fit for the Revoltech system and would give us figures far less expensive then the tiny ones released by Atelier Sai.
  7. Well, there is nothing stopping me from painting a Yammie like that... except courage... also time... and patience... oh!, and talent...
  8. The best solution would be for these toy companies to quit trying to make these Mospeada Mecha in such dinky sizes. Making the Legioss in 1/35 scale would allow for a much greater freedom of design that should lead to a much more robust toy with superior proportions and articulation. Take Toynami's effort for instance: while the sculpt has it's flaws (I'm not going to list them here as I'm sure most of us know what they are) it is the most faithful to the line art, but the engineering/design was overly ambitious for the small size (1/55-1/50ish is just too small to represent such a small variable fighter), their choice of materials and their placement were retarded, and their complete lack of QC was near criminal. Now, if a company were to produce the Legiosses in 1/35, and properly proportioned Tleads (CM's Tlead should've been 10% bigger to be properly scaled to their Legioss), for no more than $350.00 for a set, I'd be the first to pre-order all of them. What I see of the CM's bundles, for their asking price, just leaves me with a "meh, I'll pass" feeling.
  9. I've got to agree, the "BFG9000" and the time machine [TM] in the back vault were lame as hell... the TM was specially cliché. Given that nothing other than flesh and flesh enclosed equipment can time jump, wouldn't the gun, the TM, and the remains of the Terminator be left behind for the authorities to find, at least in some form? I know that the idea of time travels is supposed to introduce all sorts of paradoxes, but to have such a major plot hole* in the pilot just strikes me as lazy writing. * = I'm assuming that the story will completely overlook what was left in the vault, and that the trio's re-appearance in 2007 will be handled as a complete surprise and mystery to everyone who was pursuing them back in 1999. If that is the case, this show will tank fast.
  10. I specially liked the bullet proof couch... It wasn't terrible, but there's no way to claim it was good either. If this series becomes the "Terminator of the week show" it's going to get old fast.
  11. 1/1 LVL, whatever you're smoking I think you better stop now... j/k I finally got a chance to watch the first episode... Wow! The animation and CGI are fantastic and the story seems to be off to a good start. Both the VF-171 and VF-25 look great. I almost wish I hadn't watched the show at this time... waiting for episode 2 is going to be murder.
  12. I have no problem with the story line per se, specially up to Ep. 4: while not outstanding, it is well paced and with interesting enough (I don't even have a problem with the mysticism and flying rocks). It's the substantial fast forward to Ep. 5 and the rushed ending that make M0, for me, less than a stellar OVA. IMO, M0 would have greatly benefited from one or more episodes to fill in the time gap between 4 and 5 and to give the ending more time to unravel.
  13. Aren't CMs' Ride Armors 1/18 scale? That would make them small by definition, but also extremely compatible with a host of other lines of 3 3/4 figures.
  14. The Tlead looks decent, but the Legioss looks half baked, as if the design supervisor looked at the first version to come across his desk and just said it's good enough... and that asking price is beyond ludicrous; I'll pass. However, I'm digging the ride armors; those look great.
  15. Seeing all these VF-11 renditions makes me giddy with anticipation for Yamato's eventual -- one can hope -- 1/60-ish VF-11B. Just as the 1/48 VF-1, and maybe even more so, the Thunderbolt will be such perfect fodder for customizes to paint in myriad liveries that I can't wait. I specially like the grey toned US Air force inspired ones, and I'm sure Soviet Maskirovka would look fantastic on this VF also.
  16. I use a make-up foundation brush to clean my display items; it also comes in handy to do auto interior detailing/dusting... I got the idea from a TV show that showcased this guy who cleans/details celebrity vehicles.
  17. Just a visual aid to help get your point across: Sorry... couldn't resist
  18. It's cooler because of all the reasons previously stated. It has an air of "reality" that is unmatched by any other VF-1... somehow, although based off a real camo style, the LV2 just seems "fake". And to top it all off, the LV1 is the only VF-1 to come beautifully panel lined right out of the box.
  19. Just a minor correction: The F-117 was designed with facets because computers of the era were not powerful enough to crunch the numbers necessary to resolve the stealth characteristics of blended surfaces (by the time the B-2 was created, computers had caught up to the demands of the necessary physics... hence the smooth shape). Stealth is meant to reduce the amount of reflected EM signal the aircraft returns to the RADAR unit, thereby reducing it's apparent size, not to give the plane a particular signature (i.e. a flock of birds); the idea is to reduce the range of the enemy's detectors to the point that when/if they see you it's already too late. In an atmosphere, a stealth aircraft may have the radar cross section of a hummingbird or an insect; in space it would appear to be a small rock or a grain of sand (meteoroid).
  20. Well, that slimness of limbs is likely what allows for the awesomely sleek fighter configuration. Robust limbs would mean a thicker overall fighter cross-section which would translate into a flying brick with gaping holes as seen in the 1/72 version... perhaps not as bad, but not as elegant as what Yamato has shown. So, like you, I will be more than happy to accept the compromise in proportions of the arms and legs.
  21. If you lower yourself to deal with a$$h0le$, don't be surprised if you end up covered in $h!t. Aoshima should have known better and have nobody to blame but themselves; after all, it only pays to re-badge another manufacturer's product as your own if that product was a quality item in the first place, and it appears that their version is plagued with even more problems than the original. It's a shame about the Beta, but entirely understandable.
  22. 2006 was a more expensive collecting year for me than 2005, and 2007 was a couple of orders of magnitude more wealth draining than 2006. Now 2008 is looking like it will be even more wallet depleting than even 2007 turned out to be. Oh boy, poor house here I come... I can hardly wait
  23. This gets my vote for one of the best mods ever; it's sheer genius in its simplicity. I'll have to look into this myself.
  24. From the last two images, in today's world Milia would be charged with child endengerment for not strapping her little rug rat in a baby seat.
  25. mechaninac

    SV-51 CF!!!

    Nobody has ever claimed that being a collector was logical, and being a completist is even further divorced from common sense. Everyone here is guilty of these sins at least to some extent, I know I've succumbed once or twice.
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