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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. mechaninac

    Macross Revoltech

    Has anyone determined what is the approximate scale of the Revoltech VF-1s? I'm wondering if the Regults will truly be in "scale" with their initial Macross offerings, or just of comparable size, and if the available 1/100 stuff (VB-6, Toynami Veritechs, VF-2SS model, etc.) will be within a reasonable scale range of the Revoltech enemy Mecha. Another thing to ponder is, since Kaiyodo is expanding their Macross line with mecha other than VFs, how long before we see Revoltech Destroids?
  2. That would entirely depend on who is calling the shots engineering and manufacturing wise. If Beagle has the reins and Toymami's involvement amounts to nothing more than minor design input, sharing production costs, and distribution, then it would bode well for us as we could get domestic distribution of the Beagle Ride Armors with all the benefits that entails. If, on the other hand, Toymami insists on calling all the shots and assumes primary responsibility for engineering and manufacturing then we can all agree that the final product will likely be a dud... Aoshima Legioss anyone?
  3. Ack! I can't see the picture... will have to wait until I get home as my all I see from work is a red X'ed icon. Anyway, bring on the Destroids, I may skip most of the 1/60 VF-1s but I'll definitely splurge on these giant bipedal cans of whoopa$$... I just love these underappreciated grunt mecha.
  4. mechaninac

    Macross Revoltech

    Graham pointed out in the other thread that the Revoltech VF-1s had ugly looking shoulders, and I have to agree with him: the GN-U line wins on that score, also ABS is usually better than PVC. However, (1) Revoltech quality is a know quantity, (2) they'll likely undercut the GN-U in price point, and (3) ENEMY MECHA... they're unlikely to be in scale with the VFs, but, regardless, this is a huge advantage to Kaiyodo. It looks like Yamato is going to have some serious competition on their hands. I guess the sculpt and execution will tell which line will be the better one.
  5. Only, the red flags they're built on are vaporware too...
  6. I think it's safe to say that we can all blame EXO for this one...
  7. That's true of the regular Revoltech line; but, at least as far as Rei is concerned, the Fraulein series has the scale called out on the box. At 1/10, the Frauleins will be in scale with Beagle's Ride Armors . Speaking of scales, comparing my Brocken to a 1/60 kit I have, the Patlabor series of Revoltechs are almost exactly HO (1/87) scale.
  8. Ah yes. The much anticipated, never made, Spaceballs II: The Search For More Money. As for the CF film, I'll wait for the DVD rental. I've already seen the CN show, and to me that was complete as it ended exactly where ROTS started (saying the movie will be a continuation of the cartoon does not make much sense to me since, to my way of looking at it, ROTS was the continuation); since the new film will focus on Anakin and Obi Wan it will, for the most part, be a retelling of Tartakovsky's show... to be sure, there will be added material, but the underlying events can't change without negating the 2D cartoon.
  9. Wow! That looks absolutely stunning. The Sundowner's scheme on the VF-0 is match made in heaven. However, I do have one nitpick: The heat shield's spherical surface that becomes patially exposed in Battroid mode looks very plain when contrasted to the red and white liveried shell; maybe carrying the flag over that surface (see attached -- my apologies for the aweful MS-Paint edit job) or just a darker grey like the chest stripe.
  10. mechaninac

    Almost Done!!

    You know what? you should have a plackard for that display that reads: "MEET THE FOCKERS" Sorry, I just couldn't resist...
  11. The GBP-1S can be mounted on the VF-1D; however, the chest piece will be loose as the slotted heat shield piece that comes with the armor set will not fit on the larger opening of the 2 seater. As for the VT/VE-1, although I don't own either one, I think that due to the cockpit geometry the torso parts won't mount at all.
  12. Another thing to keep in mind is that this is not a perfect transformation kit. The forward fuselage has to be swapped for a battroid specific component in order to go from Fighter/Gerwalk and Battroid modes. For an early '80s model, this is a great kit with a lot of room for improvements on the modeler's part; Ex.: by default there is no waist rotation, but this can be easily modified to allow movement, and if you're realy ambitious you can add locking pegs/slots or magnets to make everything lock tightly in fighter and Gewalk modes (the arm folding carriages are areas that could use some form of locking so they stay open at 90 deg. with the arms deployed in G mode).
  13. Sure they do, but the return shipping is on your dime; or you can get just a replacement part, but besides shipping, they'll charge you a handling fee akin to buying something 1/8-1/3 the cost of the original toy even if the parts are supplied to them at no charge by the manufacturer: see VF-0 replacement shoulders.
  14. Edit: One question... Is this figure going to be available in the USA, and internationally? Having domestic shipping charges and the support of Yamato USA behind this would go a long way in ameliorating the sticker shock even the $70ish price tag causes.
  15. Given the size of the mecha, those look like 1/100 scale-ish... I could be very wrong and those are actually 1/72, but I don't think so. Gotta love the raw amber SLA.
  16. Yeah, that thing might poke you in the eye or something...
  17. I'm definitely getting the 2 seaters and any cool non-canon versions they crank out, but I'll have to control myself on any DYRL? and most SDFM versions. I'm far more enthused with the idea of the 1/60 YF-21 and probable VF-11 than yet another VF-1.
  18. Wife walks into bathroom to do up her hair, presses hairspray nozzle and: Pfhhhh -- nothing but a wimpy dry heave, and she thinks "I could've sworn this can was half full yesterday!!??..."
  19. What are friends for, if not to tempt a buddy down the road of financial ruin?
  20. 10000 BC looks like today's Kull the Conqueror. Kull was atrociously bad, but also hilariously so; maybe this movie will be the same... probably not.
  21. Wow! That's the ticket... just going by the CAD renders it looks like this 1/10 offering will be able to actually stradle the bike in a natural, realistic, way. Now all I want to know is when, how much, and by whom?
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