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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Possible... yes, although I do not know how secure it would be. A better solution would be to make your own locking part mimicking the stand's design without having to sacrifice the stand. I've played around with the idea and don't think it would be too hard. On a related note, I can't get my blue Alpha attached to the beta without having to split the legs apart a few degrees (just part the locking tab) and this causes the Alpha to tilt up and yaw to the left a smidgen. Am I missing something?
  2. Just when I had resigned myself to stick with the 1/72 models only... economics and the sheer awkwardness of the 1/60 pretty much dictated this to me unless I could find one of the DX versions at a huge discount. Now these latest images of the 1/100 VF-25 make it look fantastic, way too good to pass up; although, at $50ish a pop they are rather pricey. Thanks Bandai for contributing to my financial ruin
  3. To answer the question posed in the thread title: Yes.... but as cashing in attempts go, The Clone Wars "redux" is a pretty good one. And I agree that the Yoda episode was definitely the best of the two.
  4. The one thing going through my mind as I watched Dr. Suresh's transformation was that he has turned himself into Brundell Fly. So far the 3rd season is off to a respectable start; I hope it gets better or at least doesn't degenerate into the convoluted mess that was season 2.
  5. Just be glad that it's JSF competitor was not the one chosen for adoption: That Flying Guppy was a visual assault to the senses, a total aesthetic abomination; compared to that the F-35 is beautiful beyond description. I tend to think that as far as a theatrical Veritech, it will more than likely be an amalgamation of current twin jet designs with a heavy dose of "aren't I high tech cool" nonsensical design shapes and bits to make it look futuristic, yet recognizable as a jet fighter.
  6. mechaninac

    Macross Revoltech

    My personal opinion... take it for what it is. The Revo is much smaller than my built 1/100 Arii kit, which itself is smaller than it should be at 1/100. I realize that the Revoltechs are non scale, but to my eye 1/144 is the closest standard scale to the Kaiyodo Regult; I bet that it would look good next to a Banpresto Valkyrie... much more so than along side a Revo VF-1 or Toynami 1/100.
  7. mechaninac

    Macross Revoltech

    Got my Revoltech Regult yesterday from LOS. The size is about what I expected: smaller than I wanted; I'd peg it at roughly 1/144 scale. Overall it is a very decent figure... a little frustrating to pose as desired at first, but the stand helps a lot.
  8. Yes, they are perfect transformation model kits; at least that's what they're claiming. Given Bandai's other model kits it is safe to assume these Macross Frontier ones will use the same standard treatment: 1. snap fit construction which is not bad judging by how good they've gotten at this type of assembly; besides, you can always glue. 2. colored sprue trees (even the multi-color multi-gated variety)... great for a quick, decent build for those looking for instant gratification; but you can always prime and paint for a better finish. 3. a PS, ABS, and PVC mix of materials. 4. foil stickers and dry tranfer decals... to the ever lasting derision of every serious model builder.
  9. Oohhh! Look at all the faceting on the Vajra model... it looks to be a RP made straight from the animation mesh file(s). The VF-25 looks pretty good in kit form. That's a definite buy form me.
  10. In other words, regardless of the administration, whenever government decides that it needs to come up with a solution to a perceived problem, that solution invariably results in a bigger real problem down the line which, when allowed to fester long enough, generates a demand for yet more government intervention which creates further unforeseen circumstances, etc., ad nauseam, ad infinitum... and the taxpayers, producers and consumers alike, always get the shaft. The corollary to that is to let the free market take its course in shaking out excesses and bad financial decisions. Edit.: still sticking only to the economic side of the argument...
  11. Diligent budgeting and buying discretion are going to become more and more important in out purchasing habits. Personally, I intend to spend 20-50% less on toys than I did last year; but even if I were to spend around the same amount I'll end up getting less stuff.
  12. Wow! you must have a lot of fun at family get togethers...
  13. Sure. Just follow these two simple steps: 1. Hold destroid down on table with left hand while holding a hamer (or any heavy object will do) with your right hand. 2. Swing away... There you go...
  14. I guess I'll chime in too. Takatoys, will you be making a sticker set for the upcoming YF-21 as well? And how about the Destroid Tomahawk that's to be released later this year?
  15. Wow! The sculpt and design of Beagle's Ride Armor looks stupendous. However, just to keep everybody honest and add some balance to all the glowing praise being bestowed onto this ultimate rendition of this mecha, I'd like to point out that Beagle better include screw covers for all those exposed screw recesses on the rider figure, because they stick out like sore thumbs on something this high end (I don't care about the exposed screws on the Bike itself... that's a mechanical conveyance so the screws showing just adds to it's mechanical-ness).
  16. That's a disappointing possibility. Permanently attached packs would translate, to me, as an immediate NO-SALE unless the price is extremely cheap.
  17. Those are fantastic. You should realy keep it alive. I'd sure like to see more.
  18. Or you can just call them floozies... BSG is getting to be more and more of a mind frak with each new episode.
  19. I can see a day when you'll be able to don 3D goggles and data gloves and create a model by actually manipulating points, curves, surfaces, etc., in virtual space in a similar fashion to what you see in Minority Report, but with actual tactile feedback via the gloves. A thinking cap would be several decades or even longer away. Can you imagine the first impression a lay person would get walking into a design/engineering room and seeing all these computer geeks (I do 3D CAD myself, so I know whereof I speak), with goofy eye pieces on, pawing at empty space... priceless.
  20. Treading on mighty thin ice with those bad puns, ain't ya?
  21. Which is not surprising given the fact that the Beta/Tread is a very squarish design. Other than the cockpit being slightly "off"... hard to describe what's wrong with it, it's just a general impression that may be influenced, in some measure, by the angle and possible perspective distortion of the photo, the Toynami sculpt is far more consistent with the line art than CM's rendition (CM's is beautiful in its own right, but it has a large amount of artistic license in its interpretation of the mecha; and it's cockpit is "off" too: far too small for the scale of the toy, albeit with a better shape). I won't be overly critical of the Beta until I see a photo spread, with accompanying review, of an actual released item... that's IF they ever release this thing before I'm too old to care.
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