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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. If the S and F battroid CAD pictures just behind the prototype are any indication, I'd say that's a Blazer, alright.
  2. Now THAT is very promissing! It means that the work should be top notch and consistent throughout the series's run. And it does have a link to Avatar: The Last Airbender... at least on the producing side. Thanks for taking the time to dig up the information.
  3. July 29. I know what you mean about this being the first US animation (US produced and directed, but I'm sure the animation itself was contracted out to some Korean or Japanese studio) since Avatar worth looking forward to; heck, the animation's style, detail, and fluidity even seem on par with that of Avatar's... I wouldn't be at all surprised if the same studio that did the work on that is also doing this new series. Now here's hoping that CN will do for Thundercats the same that Nickelodeon did for The Last Air Bender and not cancell it midstream. This show seems so well developed and fresh that it deserves a full run.
  4. The temptation got the better of me... preorder placed with AmiAmi. This will be my very first DX VF-25; I'm just hoping that the gloss will have been toned down on these "revival" versions like it appears to have been done with the YF-29... I'm still not a fan of shiny war machines but I'll take semi-gloss over an over-the-top car show finish any day.
  5. Judging by the battroid image there's still no integrated hardpoints on the wings... sigh... About the "wider" appearance of fighter mode compared with the CG image provided, I think some of it is perspective illusion as some have stated; the CG seems longer (slimmer) with a more pronounced foward fuselage than the toy which makes the toy look fatter in comparisson. This is, of course, my interpretation but I see most of the proportionality between parts to be very close between the toy and CG (one has to ignore the front half of the toy and CG to see how close they are; otherwise, taken as a whole, the toy does look too wide... it's very subjective). I'm still on the fence regarding pre-ordering this, even at AmiAmi's price, but I'm very tempted...
  6. The new season premieres this thursday at 10PM (June 23)... can't wait!
  7. So, with this reboot, Thundera is a realm/city-state of Third Earth and not its own world, and at this point it is unclear if Third Earth is the proverbial third rock from the Sun, or an analog like Avatar: The Last Airbender's planet (of course, if later on they have an episode featuring Merlin and Excalibur, as in the original Thundercats, then we'll know for sure). I like what I've seen so far and am looking forward to when this debuts around August/September (they did mention late summer). I like the look of the new characters since they don't look like a review of body builders... Panthro notwithstanding, and Cheetara looks good in both versions.
  8. It's been a while since I've watched M7 so I may be mistaken, but I don't recall seeing Millia in a VF-11B... VF-1J and VF-22S yes, but no Thunderbolt III. I know that M3mentions it appears in episode 20(Macross 7 PLUS), but if so it's one of those blink-and-you-miss-it-things. But you hane a point, Yamato should get off their butts and take advantage of even a flitting appearance to produce it (They already have all the molds, after all), or get the M3 game lincence and make a M&M set. Regardless, I'm confident they won't pass up on the MILF's 17S.
  9. In a business where "mold milking" for all available versions of an item within the scope of the license means extra profit to amortize tooling costs, you better believe it that Yamato will get around to Miria's 17S... It's better for them, it's better for us win-win. I'll probably pass on the whole VF-19 series due to the gloss finish unless I can score one for more than 50% off... fine for the Kay, but not for the Blazers and P variants military equals matte to semi-gloss at most, with gloss units reserved for demonstration teams and ,in Macross's case, the occasional flamboyant oddball peacenik rock star. But the VF-17 Nightmares, as long as they're matte, shall grace my shelves.
  10. Yamato would need to tool-up an new 2 seater forward fuselage/cockpit section (the rest of the space frame is the same) and almost certainly have to forego the hide-away heat shield gimmick for a snap-on design, but I'd be game for one.
  11. That's one impressive looking toy; however, there is one thing that really bugs me about it, and that's the gloss finish. Don't get me wrong, gloss is entirely appropriate to the flamboyant nature of Basara's VF-19 Kai, but it means that the mold cavities of Yamato's tools for the VF-19 are highly polished in order to achieve that finish and since the Blazer shares all but a few components with the Kai it stands to reason that the VF-19F and S, when they get released, will be gloss also... not cool for a military spec fighter and won't match the finish of any of the other Yamato VFs, including the other M7 ones. I may be wrong and Yamato may decide to acid etch the molds by the time they produce the Blazers, but that would preclude them from offering re-releases of the Kay in gloss after surface finish changes are made for the Blazers (In this case the first run of the Kai would be the only one in gloss as polishing mold cavities, then having them etched, and then re-polishing would be ridiculous for any manufacturer). I know I'm getting way ahead of myself here and I'm just engaging in pure speculation, but knowing how plastic molding tools work, and what is involved in getting from a product specification to a final product that meets it, I find myself wondering how Yamato will handle the transition from Kai to everything else that shares molds with it. I want to get the Blazers, but if they are released in gloss I'll pass.
  12. My mistake, I misread the thread to mean opening and ending themes/songs, not just OPs. Besides, who cares? They are both great songs, specially "Ride On Shooting Star".
  13. I've got five six in no particular order FLCL: Ride on Shooting Star Cowboy Bebop: Tank Orguss: Gipsy Robotech: the screenplay may be highly debatable but Ulpio Municci's openning theme is a masterpiece for a cartoon. Macross Frontier: Lion Elfen Lied: Lilium... haunting, beutiful, and it sends a chill up my spine every time I hear it. -- Edit: added a sixth --
  14. I don't know if this apparent flub was intentional or not, but it's pure comedic genius!
  15. Too true, but for some reason this story arc really got my causality paradox alarms going full bore. On some of the examples you mentioned the paradoxes can be circumvented by the possibility of a tangential split in the flow of time so that a cause and effect contradiction is avoided (Ex.: sending a note to the past creates a split in the time stream at the point the note is received; stream 1 remains the same as before where the note was never in play and stream 2 is given a warning from the now-alternate future -- like a premonition or precognitive event... the 2 parallel, yet separate, possibilities continue to unfold normally but do not coexist; the same can be argued about the SGU episode with the Keno recordings... diverging, parallel, and unique time streams with no interaction other than the Keno which was the catalyst for the branching out of realities in the first place). In this SGU arc, however, the two time streams coexist since the descendents of the stranded crew inhabit the same time line/Universe as the crew that never went back to have descendents... hence why it bugged me as much as it did.
  16. The way I understood it is that the Destiny crew that settled Novus were the same that were presumed dead in the ill fated attempt to gate to Earth from within a star a few episodes back... the one in which the current time line Destiny runs into the alternate time line shuttle carrying Rush and than proceeds to find the alternate Destiny in a decaying orbit around the system's Primary, where they cannibalize what supplies and equipment they can before the ship burns up. Where Rush and Destiny were thrown back in time by days or weeks (I don't recall if they ever said what the time gap was), the crew were gated back some 2000 years onto an inhospitable world from which they then found Novus and made it their new home. All in all I found this episode, along with the related preceding ones, quite good, with a melancholy undertone lending it a certain poignancy. However, the causality paradox inherent in the plot would tend to negate the whole thing from happening: By finding Rush they avoided the events that would cause their being stranded two millennia in the past which would mean there could not be a human population to start the Novus civilizations, but if they avoided the fate of the alternate Destiny there would be no marooned Rush to find which would then cause the Destiny crew to make the stellar gate attempt... it's an endless loop... And one thing bugs me to no end: Why is it that whenever a show finally hits its stride, Syfy immediately proceeds to cancel it?
  17. Saw it, loved it, will try to see it all. It's been years since I saw this show on video, and decades since I saw it on TV... I had forgotten just how porn-tastic some of the background sound track was on this show. Other than the obviously dated animation (just a couple of steps above Speed Racer in some spots) this is such a great show that the minor flaws are easy to overlook... Go Star Force...
  18. And you call yourself a modeler... The typical model builder is an obsessive compulsive, borderline hoarder, ADHD riddled dreamer whose imagination often outstrips his/her ability and available time. I should know... I have a pile of unbuilt kits going back years; and yet, every time some new kit, regardless of subject, catches my fancy I find my mind spinning with possibilities and I end up pulling the trigger on another purchase, until the next plastic siren comes along and the process starts all over again. I'm sick man, I tell you... And the 1/72 VF-11B is going to join my stash, of that I'm certain.
  19. Never mind Godzilla. When are either the Revoltech or the Figama, or maybe even Figutto, lines going to come out with Bubblegum Crisis carachters, original and/or 2040, with and without power suits as well as boomers and AD police? And when, if ever, are we going to see any of those lines go into Macross... they could start with Frontier and work their way back. So much squandered potential, so much missed opportunity.
  20. Just received my Armored Klan Figure. Two observations: 1. Beautiful sculpt and paint applications like most here have said. 2. Did MegaHouse contract their box design out to Yamato?... There is more empty space on the package design then I've seen on anything short of a VF box. Major fail on the packaging efficiency front.
  21. Of that I'm not sure. One MegaHouse Armored Klan Klang PVC figure and one MG ReZEL. Regardless of the reason it still sucks as the shipping cost was almost as much as the PVC item... the items come out a bit cheaper than getting them individually and at full price, and EMS means I'll get them faster, but the sticker shock was still palpable.
  22. Just paid for my last order with HLJ. Two items, both on substantial discounts, but the savings were completely wiped out by having them arbitrarily bumped to EMS. With today's pathetic Dollar/Yen exchange rate and the price of fuel (shipping) it's getting to be prohibitively expensive to continue with this collecting hobby. I wish it weren't so but I'm getting seriously priced out of this market, and with so many cool stuff getting release too... I guess I'll just have to be a lot more selective in the future and wait for the stars to line up for a killer sales price on the items I want in conjunction with shipping discounts offered sporadically. -- end of rant --
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