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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. The one thing that keeps me from pulling the trigger on any of these WAVE kits, MOSPEADA Armo Soldiers included, is their price point... waaayyyy too rich for my blood where model kits are concerned.
  2. Those are some awefully masculine features on that "woman"... as Rock Samson would say: I'd want to check for surgical scars...
  3. Machine time permitting (I have to sneak in parts along with legitimate projects... it's not frowned upon where I work but real projects do come first), I intend to eventually run an SLA copy in 1/48 and 1/60 each... I'll have to test a couple of parts in 1/60 (if it works for 1/60, 1/48 should be no problem) to see if the panel lines will scan properly as they currently stand . Unfortunatelly, I have neither the equipment or know-how, nor the inclination, to cast these myself. I would be open to having a recaster make a limited run depending on what I'd get out of it.
  4. That'll do it... type and sleep is a recipe for errors... Já vivo nos Estados Unidos há muitos anos e eu ainda encontro certas palavras ou frases que simplesmente não podem ser facilmente traduzidas. Back on topic. All Thunderan females are hot; but then, in anime (Thundercats isn't anime, I know, but its visual style is heavily influenced by it), all catgirls/women are hot. The last episode had me wondering why Whily Kit and Kat did not return to the family farm after the fall of Thundera to at least check if their mother and siblings were okay. Actually, I know this is due to this being an open ended show with multiple writers who don't always compare notes; this will then necessitate some future episode to shoehorn an explanation... similar to what they did with the whole Lion-o/Cheetara/Tygra love triangle thing. Or just leave it unresolved as a small scab one wants to pick at from time to time...
  5. It all comes down to 'Google Translate' mistranlation and the fact that sometimes there is no direct correspondent in English to a Portuguese word, and vice versa. Google gives puppies as the tranlation to filhotes, with pups and cubs as alternates; these are all incorrect as the translations are animal specific but the Portuguese word is a general one. The correct term, in context (filhotes = cria), would be brood or offspring or youglings.
  6. I suppose this last episode leaves the door open for Kit's and Kat's mother and siblings to still be alive, either back at their farm or captive somewhere, as their homestead could have been far enough away from Thundera to have been spared the city's, and its inhabitant's, fate.
  7. Thanks for the replies. BTW, the "renders" are just print-screens of the actual Wildfire working environment with 'real-time render' enabled but with reflections and shadows turned off, but the praise is appreciated. Now for an update: Again, just more refinements and added detail; I'd call it 95%+ done. Next comes breaking the master into individual components that result in the best parts count / color break down / ease of clean-up / ease of assembly compromise... still debating if I should add a cockpit. As always, comments are appreciated. SF-3A LANCER II 95% - 3Dpdf.pdf
  8. Time for an update: refinements made and details added. Comments, as always, are very welcomed. 3D LANCER II 85%.pdf
  9. The toy itself isn't half bad, specially for the price, even at MSRP. The EPIC FAIL comes in their handling of release schedules; had they delivered on time and interspersed other Zent Mecha in the line up to add variety -- after all, a Regult is a Regult is a Regult, no matter what beanie hat it's wearing-- the whole 1/100 thing could have been so much better for the fans and likely profitable for them. But this is a Toynamy-HG collaboration... so the point-gun-at-foot-and-pull-trigger business philosophy is their operating standard.
  10. After being inspired by others' efforts to computer model the SF-3A Lancer II with the possible intention of having it rapid prototyped, I thought I'd try my hands at creating my own rendition of this often overlooked fighter. I'm using Pro-E Wildfire 5.0 to generate the 3D data, and once it's done and broken into separate components (it's currently a single file used as a master model that will act as the parent for all the individual parts in an assembly), I'll be using the company's SLA-250 and/or Dimension machine to print the thing in solid form. As it stands I'd call this about 70% complete as I plan to add all the detail that's still missing, in addition to panel lines... I haven't decided if I'm going to include a cockpit or landing skids. Comments, recommendations, observations, and constructive criticism is welcome and greatly appreciated. I've attached a 3D PDF file that if downloaded will allow anyone with Acrobat Reader to spin, pan, zoom, and go through the views to really get an idea of my interpretation of this mecha. Thanks and enjoy. SF-3A LANCER II - 3D.pdf
  11. Speaking of Tekkaman Figmas... Evil is out for pre-order at AmiAmi
  12. That last episode was very solid. One can understand Tigra's repressed resentment of Lion-o after this origin story.
  13. Yes it is. There is also a MSA-003? Nemo - Unicorn Version about to be released; while it doesn't share the RGM designation, it certainly looks the part of a GM suit.
  14. The second and fourth images are gorgeous... save and save... desktop background fodder...
  15. FAR more interested in the 1/48 Voyager, the 1/72 ASF-X from Ace Combat, and maybe the 1/72 SW-190 Space Wolf; although it's good to see that their 1/48 Macross line isn't dead... now give us a 1/48 YF-21 already!
  16. The characters in the original series were more immediately likable then the ones in Legend of Korra, in my opinion. Having said that, I did enjoy the first two episodes allot and I'm sure with more episodes the cast will become more natural to the audience. The fluidity and choreography of the animation is very reminiscent of the original, but having it produced for HD has definitely made a huge impact in its visual quality; and the voice talent and direction are top notch just like before; I specially liked the Pro Bending announcer, very much like a boxing announcer from the '20s-'30s USA... it fit perfectly. Seeing Katara as an old lady was neat and bittersweet at the same time. I loved that they mentioned Zuko's mother the way they did... it acknowledges, in a teasing way, the fact that they just dropped that nugget at the last episode of Airbender without ever resolving it, and leaves it open-ended.
  17. I guess the solvents in the Tamyia putty melt styrene; that and the heat generated from the curing process causes PS to turn to goo. FYI, Tamyia is not the only culprit in this regard; I dare say most modeling putty will have a similar effect if used in the volume you describe in an enclosed part. As for the amount of ballast... 10Kg (kilos)? I think you mean 10g (grams). I usually like using BBs and Elmer's glue for that purpose, personally. Edit: Awesome find BTW.
  18. RGM-79 GM SNIPER (from 8th MS, a 1/144 HG kit, just not a HGUC. Come with a 1/1200 Apsaras) RGM-96X JESTA RGM-89 JEGAN RGM-89S STARK JEGAN RGM-89De JEGAN (ECOAS TYPE)
  19. Unfortunately, you can't just break up a mold tool. For one thing, it's made of hardened steel in all likelihood (soft steel and aluminum are also used for mold tools, but not for high volume runs); second, there are cooling lines and other mold features that would hinder such a "cut-and-paste" procedure. I'm afraid that if Bandai did not take the parts color breakdown into consideration from the onset of tool design, there is just about zero chance that anything can be done to the current tooling that would not severely compromize their longevity... so it's paint or new tooling, and I highly doubt they'd spring for new tooling. I do hope they prove me wrong, though. Also, Gundam kit multi-color/multi-media sprues are not an appropriate example of a retrofitting approach for the VF-25 mold(s). Insert molding and multi-color molding are performed in separate operations and require purpose built tools dies with the intended process in mind.
  20. The whole HG licensing imbroglio, more than likely. Yamato 2199 just keeps getting more and more enticing with every new clip I witness... can't wait until this gets going.
  21. Which begs the question: If they've seen fit to include hard points on the VF-171EX, why did they not add them to the VF-25 Renewals as well? The animation is absolute evidence that the 25s can mount underwing ordnance just as much as the 171.
  22. Not Anime in the strictest sense, but in anticipation for the upcoming debut of Nickelodeon's The Legend of Korra I've started re-watching Avatar: The Last Airbender; what a thoroughly enjoyable series this is...
  23. Well, I place the order. If HLJ tries to pull a fast one and charge me the non-sale price I can just cancel. Hope they do honor it, though... it was a great price, and the email confirmation I received had the discount quoted. I have my fingers crossed.
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