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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Two solid episodes in a row; and on the latest one we get to see the sarcophagus tank again, as well as Leo and Pantera.
  2. If you mean "will I be casting the parts to sell resin kits?" The answer is no, unfortunately. I don't have the know-how, equipment, or inclination to go down that road. I would be open to making it available to a recaster willing to take this to the next level, however, provided I got full credit for the creation of the base model and the first sample out of the molds for my very own... I'm not even interested in a percentage of profits either as this was done for sheer fun. The other possibility I considered is making extra copies in SLA (see PS. bellow), and make those available. This rout would be very limited in numbers and entirely subject to the machine's availability. The neat thing is the possibility of running copies in any scale desired (1/100, 1/72, 1/60, 1/48) by just manipulating the scale percentage at the prep stage. Sorry, I never mentioned price(s) in the original thread... see above. It would have been expensive. That many parts would have added up to anywhere between $750 and $1000 at a service bureau. That model has at least $80 in resin, plus 1.5 hours of pre-build prep, plus about 7+ hours build time, plus 2 hours of clean-up and post cure; if I were to add all the labor and machine associated costs this thing would come in at well over $400. The resin is a water clear formula... gotta go with what the machine has in the tank. --//-- Thank you all for the ecouragement. PS.: When I imported the image upon which I based my model I entered an incorrect number without even noticing, and ended up modeling my 1:1 file too large -- 830in long instead of 720in (this assumes that the SF-3A is 60', 18.3m, long in "real life" -- if anyone has official dimension stats that differ from this, please share so that I can create the most accurate size possible); this means that the SLA model shown is too large for 1/60 (12")... damn! Now I have to start another build scaled from a corrected master (already updated). Because of this, I now have a full set of parts to what amounts to a non-scale model of 14.17" (just shy of true 1/48's 15" length). If anyone would be interested in this oddball that's had a lot of sanding work already done, just PM me and we can discuss further.
  3. Thank you for the high praise. I'm restarting this topic here since this has now graduated from CG to reality.
  4. Starting a new thread on this subject since this model has now graduated from the virtual realm into the real world as a 1/60 scale SLA resin model. The original thread can be found here. SF-3A assembly.pdf I would be remiss if I neglected to point out that the overall proportions are based on Shin's and Talo's excellent line-art that was posted in the Macross Lineart and Profile Color Scheme Art thread (my heartfelt appreciation for all you do), and the sizing is based on total lenght of 18.36m (60.24ft) with cannons... this thing is big! So, after a few tentative attempts building some minor parts in order to zero-in on the correct amount of clearance to include in each part so as to make assembly easier, and some re-evaluation of parts break-down, I was finally able to have the company's SLA machine all to myself for an over-the-weekend build. The attached images tell the story: Now comes the hard part... a lot of sanding in order to eliminate the fine stair-stepping intrinsic to SLAs.
  5. The way I do it to use a sprue cutter, any brand will do but I swear by my Plato 170 shears, to cut the part off the tree with the flat part of the cutter facing away from the model surface whenever the geometry allows in order to guarantee a small nub remains on the model, then I use a #11 exacto blade to trim the left over sprue bit off to make the surface nice and flush by slicing at it instead of pushing the blade through... that way you mostly avoid stress marking the plastic; finish off with jewlers' files and/or sanding and polishing sticks and you're done.
  6. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36536&st=245
  7. If you can't find a place to display it you can always send it my way... I promiss to give it a good home. Joking aside, that looks fantastic; it's amaizing how much authenticity one of those laser cut deck kits can add to any ship model. Add photo-etch, lathed barrels, and a lot of time and talent and patience, and you've got yourself a masterpiece.
  8. I didn't even consider the first episode as the concept of AS was non-existent, but in hindsight I guess both occurrences qualify as AS events; although in the second instance Aang seemed very much in control so I'm iffy on that one... I always got the impression that the Avatar state was more of a primal thing triggered under extreme duress by fear of harm to loved ones, but grief seems to do it too. Then there are: The siege of the Northern Water Tribe where Katara was clearly in danger; General Fong threatening Katara to goad Aang into the Avatar State; And after Appa was kidnapped -- grief over losing Appa... danger to loved ones seems to be a major factor in his going AS. Then there are a couple of other times when he almost goes AS: When he sees Gyatso's remains he begins to change but Katara brings him back before he goes Demigod -- this qualifies as extreme grief of the loss of a loved one; When they're fighting Azula and gang at the end of Book 2, he starts to go into the Avatar State but is stopped by getting "killed" by a lightning bolt strike to the back. The meeting at the Fire Temple with Avatar Roku did not strike me at all as an AS event; to me it had all the hallmarks of a communion with a past incarnation. I never said that meditation was required for the Avatar state, but it was used almost every time Aang needed to go into the Spirit Realm and or palaver with the spirits of the former Avatars. In any event, I was going from memory so I'm not surprised I missed something... I should've Wiki'ed it before posting. In Korra's case, I'd conjecture that her very personality prevents her from achieving spiritual feats that Aang could accomplish with relative ease. It may be necessary for her to learn some airbending techniques and philosophy before she can do anything of a spiritual nature. At this juncture, the Avatar state, or contact with past incarnations, is out of her capabilities, regardless of the situation she is in... future episodes may render my interpretation completely bogus, we shall see. Then, there is the fact that the creators of this series want to differentiate it from the original as much as possible while still grounding it in the same World. It could be that they won't even go the AS rout with Legend of Korra.
  9. Just sent payment for mine, AmiAmi also; should have it in a couple of weeks... I cheaped out and opted for SAL.
  10. As long as there is no up-front money in the equation, if a retailer flakes out on their pre-order commitments either due to their over selling or supplier's inability to fill quotas, I won't be too distressed over it. Now, if the retailer takes payment first and then fails to deliver we've got problems.
  11. Yeah, the Panthro thing is the least bothersome of all the little inconsistencies that have crept into this series... it's there but not as glaring, and one can also say that Lion-O was too young and flighty to pay much attention to the adults who frequented the Palace on a regular basis; Tygra, however, was older and of a more serious, thoughtfull, temperament so he would have remembered Panthro at least in passing since he was most often accompanied by Grune whom Tygra seemed to idolize.
  12. Aang went into the Avatar State a total of 3 times before training with the Guru, and all 3 were precipitated by a threat not to himself but to Katara, so the fear of having his beloved hurt or killed coupled with his upbringing as a Air Nomad Monk made it possible for him to slip into that state; his spiritual/philosophical training and the very nature of Airbending also made it relatively easy for him to cross over to the spirit real, and commune with his previous incarnations. As Old_Nash said, Korra is too impulsive, stubborn, easy to anger for her to easily learn Airbending... according to Tenzin, the discipline most in opposition to the Avatar's temperament is the most difficult for him/her to master, and one can assume, by extrapolating further, that spiritual endeavours would also be difficult for her. It may take a greater amount of stress than she has heretofore been exposed for her to snap into the Avatar State, maybe seeing Mako or Tenzin in mortal danger. I too agree that it would be interesting to have an episode where Korra successfully meditates into communion with Aang or Roku or Kyoshi in order to gain some insight/wisdom on how to deal with the Equalist Rebellion. But if my speculation regarding the link between Airbending's spiritual side and the Avatar's ability to access the spirit realm hold water, she will have to grasp Airbending and Tenzin's teachings before she could ever accomplish it. On a side note, the Avatar State, while impressive, was one of the few aspects of the original series that I really could have done without; it smacked too much of Deus Ex Machina for my taste. The only saving grace was that it was not an invulnerable state and the Avatar could be hurt or even killed, and if killed while in the Avatar State the cycle of reincarnation would be forever broken.
  13. Somehow, I'm not at all surprised you'd have such a dream; can't put my finger as to why...
  14. No underestimating of any motivation; except, perhaps, the writers after-the-fact additions/elaborations which, if not outright trampling on continuity, do make things somewhat haphazard. However... The latest episode does introduce a couple of new elements
  15. The writers of this show should be congratulated in how smart the writing is for a TV series, let alone a cartoon: The way the Northern Water Tribe representative manipulated Korra into doing his bidding was very well done, and Amon is one cold, calculating, methodical antagonist . Avatar was an excellent show, but this one is proving itself both a worthy successor, and superior, to the original in just about every measurable way.
  16. Like I said, not worried yet, and I guess I never really focused on the conformal misilles on the fuselage... good to have confirmation, however tenuous, that my nascent paranoia is misplaced.
  17. Saw that email this morning; payment due by 05/04/12. I've already spent way too much this month so I'm sending payment in next week after the 1st... I know it's academic, but I'm keeping track of a monthly budget for frivolous items that I have every intention to adhere to.
  18. The stand's display arm and attachment piece are huge honking unsightly monsters, but that Nightmate Plus looks oh so sweet...
  19. They still have blisters on the nacelles as place-holders for the conformal missiles. I'm not worried, yet, that Yamato will goof it up and mold the missiles as blisters onto the engine pods as, like Dobber mentioned, it seems they're concentrating on the fuselage and inboard wings at the moment. I do hope their game plan clearly calls out those blisters as separate parts (missiles) so that the engineering team doesn't mess it up and run out of time to correct it before the files have to go out to the tool maker in order to meet the 2012 release date... a future CAD render or actual resin/RP sample picture should clarify where they're going with this.
  20. Modeling is completely done, and I've almost finished breaking up the master into numerous parts to prototype when time permits. SF-3A LANCER II 3Dpdf - FINAL.pdf Edit: The build platform image shows parts scaled at 1/60 (1.6667%)... the model was done 1:1
  21. Right.... It makes no sense to swing by home to check on mom and the little ones after the entire Thunderan civilization had been decimated. The quixotic quest is far more important than finding out if their loved ones survived; never mind that the lizards were not preocupied with hunting down two lowly kittens. Besides, at the start of the series one gets the impression that Kit and Kat were orphans, not runaways, and that they hook up with Lion-o and crew because they had no other choice and/or were looking for adventure. I'm not saying that it ivalidades or violates previously stablished events, but it does mucks things up somewhat. It's like the love triangle, and not recognizing Panthro when he makes his entry... it's just sloppy continuity. The only reason they wouldn't go back to the farm given what befell Thundera, and in light of this latest episode, is if they feel shame for having abandoned their mother and siblings in the first place... can't face her; or were afraid to discover that they had become real orphans.
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