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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Yamato 2199 models in a consistent 1/1000 scale?... You all should see the evil look my wallet just gave me.
  2. Wow, I never thought that the stand would generate this much interest, of all things. Thanks for all the kudos. I gotta look into getting them cast in resin... I think I'll be making a few adjustments to the stand to make it more resilient; the action of metal on resin will strip the screw bosses that allow the stand to be adjusted. I'm thinking of creating a pocket into which a nut can be fitted and glued with CA or epoxy to make the screw adjustment a metal on metal affair. I'll do this to both points of rotation. Second, I plan to beef up the stand's pylon to make it stronger and able to support heavier objects. Third, improve the model to stand attachment to make it a more solid connection and maybe give it a larger resting platform to reduce the stress on the pin/tab model/stand interface. Fourth, adjust the curvature of the pylon a bit to make its shape even more fluid. Fifth, increase the height of the elevation piece's model connection to allow for greater range of fore-aft adjustment. Lastly, for casting, forgo the tiles idea and just have a solid base with the Kite motif engraved on the surface to facilitate masking. If anyone has constructive ideas/criticisms to offer, please feel free to sound off. Cheers all!
  3. mechaninac

    SCOOP thread!

    Sorry if my post seemed to imply that you were one of the haters. It was a statement about elitists in general (they're out there, make no mistake), whose snobbish devotion to their preferred canon blinds them to the positive aspects of everything else; similar to the whole dub vs. sub validity debates... why not both? It's just that your post brought that hole aspect of fandom to mind.
  4. This! I could see them keeping mum on say... a 1/60 VF-1A grey low viz à la 1/48, but anything from the show itself is kind of moot. Just being coy, I guess.
  5. It could be that because they have the ability to manipulate elements, Benders in general, tend to rely on it too much, or just focus most of their training towards honing their bending; they also tend to be entirely over-confident. Non-benders must train in physical combat martial arts, and train harder, if they hope to even the odds in a fight with a bender, and they likely have developed specific techniques to counter benders, shock sticks and gloves notwithstanding... in the case of the Equalists they even have shock troops composed of chi blockers.
  6. mechaninac

    SCOOP thread!

    And that answer completely failed to address the inquiry in question. Established canon elitists will always dislike, loathe, or hate Macross II and anything associated with it to varying degrees ranging from mild condescending disdain to foaming-at-the-mouth apoplexy. And fans will often point out that once-upon-a-time MII was the sequel to DYRL?, warts and all, until being relegated to Alt. Universe, second banana status. None of that alters the design/aesthetic merits of the show's mecha, and the Valkyrie II and Icarus are very nice, and sexy, indeed... to those who appreciate them. So, all that baggage aside, the question is a valid one... what about the VF-2SS? I'd personally love to see it given the 1/60 treatment by either Yamato or Bandai, I don't care which. Edit: And Yamato's rendition of the sexy VF-4 thusfar looks outstanding.
  7. Very entertaining "meanwhile at the..." episode this week, and a satisfying resolution to Kit and Kat's absconded goods.
  8. Regarding the Alter toys; 1/100 just like the Bandai models, and for that much moolah? Easy pass. Make these in 1/72 or larger, for a reasonable price, and they'll get my attention and money.
  9. So, is that like a Kakizaki scheme with dark or olive green in place of the beije? Whoever took that image must be the same guy who takes all the UFO photos...
  10. I was able to run the stand a bit sooner than I thought. So here it is in its physical form. The screen capture: The stand components (The individual tiles are meant to make painting easier... paint them red, let dry, and drop them in ): Assembled: Beauty shot with the Lancer II on it... couldn't resist trying it out (the mechanics of the stand work flawlessly ): And a 3D pdf for those who'd like to spin it around: un_spacy-stand.pdf Now, to get back to sanding...
  11. Wow! That was really good, better than I expected and I found it much more enjoyable than either Tron movie (I felt the second one was incredibly "flat", and the first one rather dull and it has not aged well). It is great to see them keeping the design style of Legacy, however... what that movie lacked in substance/acting, it more than made up in visual appeal. The character designs are a little jarring at first but you quickly get used to it and they kind of fit the look of the show, and you can't fault the fluidity of the animation or voice talent. I sure hope to see more of it online... I don't have Disney XD.
  12. Oh, be nice. It's not easy translating from one language into another without the result sometimes being a little disjointed. You try going from English to Portuguese with only Google or Bing or Babblefish translation and we'll see how that looks.
  13. I never even considered that possibility; the design intent was just to have something on which to mount the SF-3A for display as it does not have landing gears or skids... the design just can't accomodate them realistically. That being said, if the stand is able to support the total weight of the SLA model or resin, if that ever materializes, then I see no reason why it wouldn'd be up to the task of handeling a Yamato 1/60 VF-1; it would just need an adaptor to have the current head fit a standard Yammy stand adaptor, or a different head desing purposed for a Yammy mount. However, I've no idea how stable it would be for anything larger than a VF-11... it was inspired, in part, by a Gundam Action Base 2.
  14. Let the wait for clandestine and official photos begin, followed by copious amounts of drool...
  15. Thanks Reïvaj, this has been a lot of fun to model and prototype. Had some free time today so I cranked out a UN SPACY Kite Stand for the Lancer II. It's modeled to have a 3.5" diameter base disk once built for 1/60 (hopefully this weekend); it's also designed to tilt and rotate with screws holding the pivoting parts in place... won't know if it'll work as intended utill I've had a chance to test a physical model. Edit: replaced image with a better one.
  16. Oh, come now, I posted that tongue-in-cheek. I thought the "sort of" and " " made that clear... And all these designs are rip offs of those Egyptian burrial pointy thingies... If I had to name a Thundercat to connect to Bassara it would be Snarf from the original series.
  17. So, after discovering, to my chagrin, that I had made an input error from the get go which resulted in a model that was way too big for 1/60 and slightly undersized for 1/48, I made all the corrections necessary, and while at it made minor modifications to the fuselage and wing shapes, then ran another copy at the correct size. The smaller size does end up causing some inevitably delicate parts (nose cap and wing pylon), but the model looks so much better in relation to a 1/60 VF-1. In the following images, the Lancer II on the left is the old version, which has been fully sanded: A shot of the 1/60 model from the rear quarter (some parts are not mounted on the mock-up) And with my VF-1J v2 Now, back to sanding and an eventual coat of white primer... For anyone interested, there is a possibility that at least the 1/60 version will be made available as a resin kit; however, nothing has been decided.
  18. Music soothes the savage beasts, but if we're talking about most of Fire Bomber's songs I'd bet on the beats going into a mindless murdering rampage, tearing each other apart while Mumm-Ra sits on a mezzanine somewhere, eating popcorn and watching the show... And without Dr. Chiba and others providing the technology of the Speaker Pod Gamma and other Spiritia projecting and enhancing goodies, Bassara would be nothing more than an annoying loud mouth peacenik haranguing people with "Listen to my Song!" And hmm... Ancient Spirits of Evil: Primordial demigods from the lower planes who posess the power, directly or through their spawn Mumm-Ra's Techno-magic, to completely destroy an entire spiral galaxy within seconds or... Protodeviln: Left over bio weapons engineered by a, form all evidence, long dead race who look, for the most part, like a troupe of rejects from Cirque du Soleil... I'll let others be the judge.
  19. boçal, Ha! For anyone wondering, it means rube, ignoramus, stupid, baka... kind of fits Nekki Bassara to a tee
  20. mslz22, you half mad, half crazy lunatic, that is just too impressive for words!
  21. I knew I'd seen Mumm-Ra's ship somewhere before... sort of... BOMBA!
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