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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. That's where I got my 25F ($163.66 with shipping... those were the days); their pre-order discounts are hard to beat, but once people came to know how good these new DXs are compared to the V1s, they sell out too fast for most people to be able to secure one with them. It would be nice if other places matched Amiami's prices, or if Amiami didn't have the collector's attention it has now so that the pre-order window on these things would remain open for at least a couple of weeks; alas, that's but a pipe dream and the majority of Macross collectors outside of Japan have to settle for higher prices elsewhere.
  2. Oh snap... not again! That looks great and it will be on my to-get list; I just hope to be quick enough on the trigger once the pre-orders go up, for all the 5 minutes they'll be available...
  3. Hot diggity damn, just got the shipping confirmation email from Otacute for my Durandal... delivery estimated in 2-3 weeks. All the postings about unfulfilled pre-orders had me a bit antsy, but Otacute delivers! Now to wait to see what all the fuss is about. Edit: And the tracking # confirms it... processed through sorting facility, Tokyo Japan.
  4. Simple solution to the high price on these things: Don't buy them, don't pay for them. There is a limited supply, but the real culprit is an out-of-control demand... scalpers know this, as do some retailers, and they'll make you pay. If most people had a modicum of self restraint the scalpers would be sitting on a pile of stock and prices would drop. The only reason they can charge these sky high prices is because fanboys keep buying. To this day I have not dipped my toe into Yamato's latest M7 offerings for that very reason, 250-280 and up before shipping is just too much... insultingly so, to me anyway. I know it's a double edged sword; if not enough people pay retail for the item the manufacturer will stop producing and we won't ever see any more of these toys, and if the manufacturers charge too much they run the risk of driving off their customers. All the power is in the hands of the consumer... make a good product at a decent price and people will shell out the cash; if not, you run the risk of pricing yourself out of the market, even without competitors. Just my 2 cents worth of venting.
  5. I put my reservation in on 02-09-12 EST and I'm almost positive it was listed as pre-order; their confirmation email is dated the 10th. I've sent payment for the full amount by Paypal on the 27-28th and my credit card shows the transaction as completed, but I haven't received a shipping confirmation message yet; I figured I'd give them one week from their payment acknowledgement email before raising the red flag... I don't want to worry at this moment but I'm starting to get a bit concerned.
  6. It creates buzz, guarantees sell-off of every subsequent release and re-release, eliminates any possibility of left-over stock warehouse-warming, and builds the brand... they do run the risk of alienating a lot of potential customers; but lets face it, as soon as they do release something new, we lemmings just eat it up. Edit: The economics of the high-end toy market must have changed a lot due to the lousy global economic conditions we've been living under the past 3 1/2 - 4 years. I can only assume that their production numbers are adequate to balance their investment on these toy lines and secure a sizable profit; otherwise, they couldn't keep producing them... let alone new stuff. So any strategy that increases brand awareness must be seen, by them, as a net positive. It doesn't make the pursuit of these toys by the public any easier/enjoyable, but it does make it a challenge that more than a few are willing to undertake.
  7. It's the EDF's flagship, introduced on the second season of SBYamato/Starblazers (The Comet Empire arc). It was meant to be a fully automated dreadnaught with limited crew requirements. Edit.: Which makes me want the production of 2199 to continue past the Iscandar arc and go into Comet Empire and Bolar Wars, and beyond... the little I've seen so far of the re-imagining is truly luscious. A redone battle of Saturn would be pure drool inducing, fleet battle porn.
  8. I believe that it just got moved to the front page on Amiami's site, and given the 'restock' designation, as a function of it having arrived at its release date. To my knowledge, it's been sold out almost from the minute the preorder for the re-release went up. I still can't quite believe I was able to secure a copy with Otacute when I did... all thanks to a posting on this site that led me to it in time to pounce on it. When preorders for the VF-25S went up everywhere I procrastinated because I wanted to personally check the VF-25F I had on the way. Once I verified that the renewal versions were worthy of purchase I had every intention of buying Ozma's version; alas, it was too late... sold out or scalped to ludicrous levels everywhere. So, when the re-release for the YF-29 was announced I did not hesitate... too late for Amiami and HLJ, but Otacute came through. Lesson learned; when the preorders started for the VF-171EX I went to every site I could think of an hit sold-out dead-ends everywhere... it was here and gone like a fart in the wind; I did get lucky to preorder from HLJ once they reopened their preorders for a limited window – again thanks to a tip posted on this site. If I come across a preorder for the 25G, RVF-25, or any other VF-171s I won't hesitate to secure my copy. It's clear that Bandai have decided to produce all these toys in extremely limited batches in order to create increased demand among collectors.
  9. $219.24 shipped via Registerd SAL from Otacute (about $5.00 more than just plain SAL, but I figured the tracking number was worth it); Now to wait for the shipping notification and eventual delivery. Steep price in my book but, compared to Yamato's latest MSRPs, still manageable.
  10. That's the way it appears in the movie; check out their WIP to see just how much attention they paid to the source material... it's inspiring and scary at the same time. As for the other EDF ships, check out their entire site... simply mind blowing. The fully lit Andromeda is theirs too.
  11. OMG! Slightly OT since it's the live action movie version, but still... DAYUM!!!
  12. Got a payment request email from Otacute for my Durandal pre-order today. I've only ordered from them once and had no problems; I hope they continue to prove reliable. Now to bite the bullet and send payment within the next 7 days.
  13. That's the best price I've seen on those lately, but still grossly over-priced to me; I'll take a chance on Bandai eventually doing a re-issue for the renewal 25S, probably some time after they release a G and RVF versions... I just hope that when/if it happens I will be able to snag a pre-order in time, as experience with the new Frontier DXs proves that if you snooze, you lose.
  14. But, other than the bit of beige for the seat cushions, the option parts aren't painted; they're shot in the appropriately pigmented ABS. Maybe, if the release date has indeed been postponed, they decided to run a batch of side covers color keyed to the Cavalier... here's hoping anyway.
  15. I'd have to agree with your sentiments; however, it there is one new Valk that would be kind of okay to be offered without the option parts, it's the Alaska Base one as it can easly share them with the other white TV VF-1s. But the extra goodies should be included on principal alone.
  16. This means I should be getting a payment request from Otacute pretty soon...
  17. I could see Yamato selling TV option parts (white) and DYRL? ones (off-white), but the 1D, VT, VE, 1A CF, and 1A Cav are all color specific; so, unless you get them with the Valk your best bet will be if someone after-markets the oddball ones in colored resin... it was done before with the 1/48s.
  18. I was wondering the same thing. The official pictures for the Cavalier do not show the option parts, at all; you'd think that they would be included at this point, but without visual confirmation or official word... who knows?
  19. Without a doubt, the remake is leaps and bounds better in every way (it's fluid, detailed, objects have a constancy of shape and color and scale, characters have a contemporary look that is still reminiscent of the originals), but the original still looks damn good and has a charm all its own... it was far ahead of its time when it was new. From your typing fingers to the show producers' and sponsors' ears...
  20. I'm digging that VF-19F; I may finally break down and buy one of these glossy Yamato birds.
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