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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Finally got my YF-29, well packed for secure transit... Otacute truly delivered! I haven't transformed it yet but it's obvious the 29 doesn't share the same tolerances as the renewal 25s; there are a few bits that would greatly benefit from being a little tighter -- wing pods pivots, shield attachment are two that I really noticed. The toy did have a thin film of oily release agent on some of the surfaces, but nothing to really gripe about; and the soft PVC side antennas are a real let-down... wish they had included ABS versions to swap out the kiddy safe ones. I don't know if any improvements to the wing gloves-to-legs locking tabs because on my sample both side lock very securely which was a pleasant surprise given the nature of some of the complaints regarding these areas of the toy, and the paint application is damn near perfect; the red paint to red plastic mismatch is, however, very apparent but does not bother me in the least. The design of the Durandal is one of those things that will depend on an individual's aesthetic sensibilities; personally I find it striking. I didn't really know if I'd like it once I had on hand to review it fully, but I do like it. If the VF-19 is a supper car, the VF-171 a sports car, and the VF-25 a show car, then the YF-29 is a tuner vehicle intended for display at SEMA... it's ostentatious, gaudy, full of kibble, doesn't look too practical, but looks really cool.
  2. Rimshot!!!... I went to that site when it was still up, but I passed since, at 5000-5500 Yen over MSRP, the total after shipping would have been very close to $300.00. I absolutely refuse to pay that much for a toy, no matter how cool or how much I may want it... $230.00, shipping included, is my cut-off limit on these things, Bandai or Yamato.
  3. Well, this last episode was actually pretty good, and I was glad they paid due attention to continuity; it's episodes like this that keep me watching and hoping that the production and writing staffs can keep their act together and given the chance to finish this series.
  4. I'm not sure about lacquers, but for enamels you can use Easy-Off or most other brands of oven cleaners if you ever need to strip the paint off a model without harming the plastic; the downside is that the stuff will have you gagging in coughing fits if you inhale it and will prune your firgertips' skin, so gloves are a must and a respirator helps... it does work great, though. You still need to use mineral spirits to thin the paint, however.
  5. HDMI connected my Laptop to my HDTV and played both episodes from DisneyXD at full screen... awesome! This show looks and sounds amazing, the voice talent is superb, the animation is striking and beautifully choreographed and lavishly done within its visual style, and the story thus-far is satisfyingly engaging. Bravo to Disney for bringing this to TV and online, and in such high quality. This and TLOK are officially my favorite shows, animated or otherwise.
  6. I too would like to see this series play through to a satisfying conclusion one or more seasons hence. And I have absolutely no problems with goofy and/or oddball characters, and tangential or stand-alone episodes; they can add a lot of flavor and charm and "world" broadening to the series (the episode The Forever Bag was a great example of such). But they need better writers and producers that keep the core story line and characters' back-story and growth more defined and coherent or they will run the risk of losing their audience and get canceled, and that would be a shame because I still think that this series holds a lot of promise.
  7. Same here. I look at the thing and all I can do is ask myself -- What's the bloddy point of this thing?
  8. Damn! My YF-29 is still stuck in in-transit limbo . Last entry on USPS is dated 06/03 and reads "Processed Through Sort Facility" at ISC NEW YORK NY... I guess hoping they could deliver it next door to CT in 2-3 days was too much to expect from that bastion of efficiency.
  9. "Over-the-top"? Ha! That's rich! Throwing a live political granade from one point of view and making Hitler comparisons are just peachy (worthy of a self-congratulatory pat on the back at one's own perceived "cleverness", even). Making a counterpoint based on Historical fact is "over-the-top" and "anti-union" and "anti-civil rights" and "activist" and a "rant-y"... typical, too typical. Whatever ; this threat has been derailed enough. [Lets take to PM if you'd like to have a serious political discussion, but I doubt I could convince you and I know you can't convince me]
  10. The show lacks a coherent voice. One doesn't even have to compare it to TLOK, which is exclusivly written by the two creators, to notice it; just put it up against the rest of CN's Saturday morning fare and it is glaringly obvious: Ben Ten does not suffer from scatter-shot writing, Green Lantern was awesome with great writing and a clear narrative, and Young Justice's episodes build on previous ones to present a consistent story. Thundercats is just all over the place.
  11. Otacute is legit. Ordered my YF-29 from them and should receive it within a couple of days; they only charge you once the item is in stock, and they offer several shipping options. Went to HLJ and their VF-25G page says "Order Stop". And I can't believe AE's pre-order price actually beat HLJ's (10% off vs 5%)... that I did not expect. I'm glad I already got a copy secured at AE, even if I did have to pay up front.
  12. I'd like to offer an apology in advance for getting way to close to politics and getting dangerously near derailing this thread and risking its locking (should this post cross the line, mods please feel free to delete). Causing disruption and acrimony is not my intention; however... Point? What point? Making politically charged snide remarks gets you called on them? There is a HUGE difference between expressing opinion that you may disagree with or find offensive, and advocating violence against a group of scapegoats by stoking the baser instincts of the mob in the pursuit of power. There is absolutely no commonality between the two; the first makes you think and question pre-consieved notions or perhaps makes you angry, and is the halmark of a free scociety with consitutionaly guaranteed freedom of speech (the protection of controversial, non-sanctioned, speech is one of the reasons for the 1st Amendment... popular speech, by its nature, needs no protection); the second is the definition of demagoguery. Besides, what did you expect from lobbing off such an infantile, divisive, comment dripping with political bias in a toy/cartoon forum? Everyone is entitled to their opinion...
  13. That almost looks like they got a void in that screw boss when they injected the plastic in the mold, or the mold temperature wasn't up to the recommended temperature and the plastic failed to flow and "knit" properly in that area, or it may have been too hot (that causes a change in the ABS' modulus of elasticity towards a more brittle final part (Bad plastic could also be an issue but it's doubtful since no other parts show the same disintegration). With the compromised plastic, all it took was for them to add the screw to create micro-fractures in the boss that under the stress of the assembly caused the whole thing to explode. Yamato does not use self-tapping screws that would carve their own thread into the boss, they use a screw style that pushes its way through and causes the boss to expand; in conjunction with the too-thin wall of the boss, any weakness in the plastic will result in the screw causing an over-stressing issue that if located in a critical area that sees a lot of torque or tension will result in a failure. Generally, I think that Yamato's contracted design house makes their screw bosses too thin-walled and don't add large enough fillets to sharp corners, if at all, to allow for stress relief; on the flip side, thicker walls on bosses and ribs and other internal structures can result in unsightly sink marks, but that can be mitigated by utilizing higher injection pressures. I hope you can track down a source to secure a replacement because reconstruction of that boss, even with plastic weld compatible with ABS, is not likely to hold very long... anyone who has one of the old 1/60 Orguss Ishforns and Ishkicks knows that once those screw bosses go, the joint is finished.
  14. Tracking shows that my YF-29 from Otacute landed in NY this morning; I should be receiving it sometime this week, probably in the next couple of days... very curious to personally compare it to my renewal VF-25F.
  15. I have to agree with you there. I'd even go as far as to state that this show is better than anything currently on TV... period. The sheer amount of story, character development, action and humor crammed into 24 minutes, and with it not feeling rushed or incongruous is nothing short of amazing. This latest episode is a prime example of just how good TLOK is; it starts as a seemingly light hearted action romp, morphs into serious subject matter and ends in a note of helpless desperation... great stuff.
  16. Wrong... Given the fact that Amon is a rabble rouser, grievance pimp, and shake down artist, I’d say he fits the mold of a Marxist agitator and would be far more analogous to Jessie Jackson, or better yet… Al Sharpton. And if one is to take into consideration that he also has his own private “army” of thugs/enforcers, Amon would be akin to the leader of the New Black Panthers or the Teamsters.
  17. Yeah... the nerve of those guys!
  18. Wow! I got in just under the wire on this one. It's too bad about Amiami, I guess they're a lost cause when it comes to these Bandai DXs. I would have gone with HLJ instead of AE but, since it's not listed on their site yet, I didn't want to run the risk of missing out when they do post it; besides, AE's price will be comparable, if not equal, to HLJ's when it's all said and done... other then the pay now-and-wait bit from AE.
  19. Checked AE just now and they still have them up for pre-order... I snagged one. I don't like to pay upfront but I've read they have a good reputation, and the price was reasonable enough even with Paypal's lousy exchange rate ($164.82 -- I guess shipping will be factored in once the item is in stock and ready to ship); that and I didn't want to wait and risk not being able to secure one at HLJ (I checked but they don't have it listed yet). I guess that, as far as the 25G is concerned, I'm covered...
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