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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. To be perfectly honest, if it weren't for this thread I would have never known that Tron Legacy even existed. I've been watching online and enjoying it very much, but I do not have Disney XD in my cable line-up, nor do I plan to ever get it. If Tron were aired on a regular basis in the regular Disney Channel it would have a much better chance to reach a wider audience; but in my case, if The Disney Channel didn't come in the standard channel package I would not have that either as there is absolutely nothing worth watching in that bastion of pablum.
  2. The first season of TLOK was like eating a masterfully prepared multi-course banquet... in the end it leaves you totally satisfied and anticipating the next meal.
  3. Is that 5040 Yen that I see? Ouch! I love the overloaded with ordnance look of the 171's super pack, arm missile pallet included... it's just has such a cool overkill vibe to it without it looking overdone like the YF-29's or the 25's Tornado packs.
  4. Actually, it is... in Spanish Portuguese, Spanish, Italian use "in" instead of "un" to denote a negative modifier to a word: instável = inestable = instabile = unstable
  5. Oh Hellz yez! No word on scale or price, however...
  6. 1:1 HWR-00 Monster Mk II... anything else would be uncivilized... Construction techniques: take a page from the Statue of Liberty... lattice (welded tubular steel should work and be very strong) inner frame with thin metal sheething for the "skin". Edit: BTW, you're nuts!.. a wonderful sort of nuts.
  7. That was totally underwhelming. It'll make a decent rental, eventually.
  8. That's the one VF release this year that may actually cause me to ignore my $230.00 shipped limit and pre-order no matter how much the final cost hurts.
  9. Cool news regarding the fast packs for the Nightmare Plus. Give Bandai's supply shenanigans of late, having this set, like the add-ons for the 25s, as a webshop exclusive is actually a good thing; it means that anyone who was able to get the 117, and wishes to have the packs, will be able to get a copy without any sleepless nights drama.
  10. It's official, starting with the Kai variant, Yamato and the lousy exchange rate, have "colluded" to completely price me out of this hobby, at least for their newer M7 stuff... I just refuse to pay these exorbitant prices (even with AmiAmi's preorder discout the 19F rings in at $237 + shipping, and the 17D a whopping $319 + shipping ). Too bad too, the F and D look really nice. Bandai, with all their supply foibles, are now the only game in town for affordable, high end, 1/60 Macross toys... if you can secure one before the secondary market drives their prices into the stratosphere as well.
  11. So, they're splitting seasons the way they do on the scify network?... learn something new every day.
  12. It's impossible to tell age from animation, so until it's confirmed, 17-25 would be my guess... he doesn't seem much older than Mako. As for being too young for the rank, it's not without precedent, to a degree, in the original where Zuko was given command of a warship at the age of 16 to hunt down the Avatar; and in real life there are historical examples of very young men, princes mostly, given or taking very high military ranks (birthright, ambition, charisma, natural ability all play a role) and leading armies and even nations.
  13. So, it's a 'shipper thing... That's a whole other dimension of batsh!t crazy fandom I've never understood.
  14. Err... the season that just ended was the second season. I presume season 3 should start this fall. Or will it be next year?
  15. Sure did. Pretty good episode too.
  16. Well, the parental limitations would be the woman's. Tenzin may be in his early-mid forties, but his wife Pema looks to be in her early Thirties... well within normal child bearing age. For Iroh, who could be anywhere from 17 to 25 years old, to be Zuko's and Mai's son he would have to have been born when his mother was 61-69 years old... way too old. Zuko was 17 at the end of Avatar, and Mai although her age was never given, was probably 16 at the time; 70 years have ellapsed so, at 21 (for the sake of argument), General Iroh was born when Mai was about 65 years or age. This would make him a candidate to be their great-grandson, even. Of course, there is allways the possibility that Zuko remarried a much younger woman, say if Mai had died, which still could make him Iroh's father. If Zuko's still alive he'd be pushing 87. And... who's Zukay?
  17. Just because we didn't comment on it does not mean we didn't notice it ... I liked that he's named Iroh, after Zuko's beloved uncle, and voiced by the same VA that did Zuko in the original series. Dobber has a very good point; given the span of time, this General Iroh is more likely to be Zuko's and Mai's grandson.
  18. This Saturday's episode... totally floored! Next week is the full hour season finale... can't wait; but I'll be sorry to not have new episodes untill next season... this show is just that good.
  19. I had a stiff canopy too, but all you have to do is open it as far as it will go until you meet resistance and give it a slight tug to get it to move just a bit more, but don't force it; then just close and open again until you get it just beyond where you stopped on the first try; close again and repeat this open-close-open procedure a few more times (took 4-5 cycles on mine) until you get it to open fully. Once you've opened the cockpit a couple of times the hinge will wear down to a point that a sticky canopy won't be a problem again. I haven't experienced any of the other issues you mentioned so I can't offer any help with those.
  20. I'm so glad I don't care one wit for super robot figures; otherwise, my wallet would be screaming "don't you f'n dare" at me right about now...
  21. Uhmmm, yeah... What???! So, I guess they're saying it's out of stock and there are no current plans for a re-release?...
  22. I preordered Samus Aran from Metroid, but I'm passing on Link... never played Legend of Zelda in any iteration and the figure by itself, without the nostalgic connection to it, doesn't do anything for me.
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