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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. I wouldn't worry, if you speak Spanish you'll catch on to Portuguese really quick; you'll also find that many Brazilians, specially professionals, have at least a rudimentary understanding of English... more than you'd ordinarily expect.
  2. Check their site again, it seems to be running fine... for now.
  3. I received a payment request email from them today for a couple of items I placed from their Macross Sale and no shipping charges were added, so I guess it's automatic. Once you pay for the item(s) sans shipping, it/they go into your warehouse until you decide to ship, at which time shipping charges are calculated and charged, only then does your stuff get sent out to you.
  4. Just like the super and armor packs for the VF-25s, the one for the VF-171EX is a Tamashi Web Exclusive. As such, you have to go with a service like www.Nippon-Yasan.com or www.Tokyo-Hunter.com, or wait for someone of these forums to organize a group buy in order to acquire these. Neither AmiAmi nor HLJ ever carried any of the previous Macross related Tamashi stuff, so I doubt either of them, maybe not even AE, will carry this.
  5. Swap-out wings for the win! I wasn't at all keen on the possibility of clip-on ordnance, so this confirmation of the best solution possible is welcome news and completely sold me on getting the packs. Preorder placed with Nippon-Yasan... $72.95 + S&H (app. 5,785 JPY at current exchange rates) is a decent price at under 800 JPY mark-up for a Tamashi exclusive.
  6. mechaninac

    DX VF-25G

    I keep reading about people visiting HLJ, but every time I try I get a 504 Gateway Time-out error. Is their maintenance truly done or is the site acting wonky and unstable, or have they changed their address from www.hlj.com? Or is it something on my end?... Edit: I guess Dobber addressed part of my problem already...
  7. I beg to differ: Pink Pecker Squadron colors...
  8. "For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky", or Megazone 23, or a number of others I can't recall... seen it! Now back to the Valkyrie Project.
  9. Doesn't it though? Scrutinizing everything and making educated conjectures, and oftentimes wild baseless guesses, as to why something is the way it is is the MW way...
  10. Only the VF's overall design and general transformation. The engineering behind solving certain transformation issues or other features are solely the purview of the company that creates and patents them. For example: Yamato's unique swing bar and anchoring for the VF-1's legs, or their solution for the deployment of the VF-1's arms; any company that acquires the rights to produce a VF-1 toy can follow the basic transformation parameters and come up with their own take on any particular design challenge pending BW's and SK's approval, but they cannot copy Yamato's ideas.
  11. I thought as much. And the nature of engineering and design patents is such that they're so broadly written and all-inclusive that there was no wiggle room around it for Bandai's design team to create a comparative solution for clean under-wing attachment points. This is totally understandable as Yamato needs and deserves to protect their intellectual property, but it sucks nevertheless because Bandai's only likely alternative will be the clip-on rout*... a very unsatisfying option. Se la vie Edit: *unless if they embedded magnets in the wings, but that would require 2-part wings or glued-in panels to cover the magnets, and the use of panels and/or wing assemblies may be covered by Yamato's patent too. And even strong magnets would still make aligning the ordnance a bit fiddly anyway. Err, never mind, back to clips.
  12. Damn Dobber, you're right. There are no underwing hardpoints in evidence... they were obviously there on the prototype. Could it be that Yamato has a design patent on that particular implementation (Bandai's looked like a dead ringer for Yamato's), thus necessitating that Bandai drop that feature on their product to avoid a lawsuit?
  13. mechaninac

    DX VF-25G

    I believe they're down to update their system for that new "Private Warehouse" feature they're implementing starting June 28.
  14. Once upon a time I seem to remember we had a dedicated GITS threat but after conducting a search I got nothing, so I'll post this here. I find it to be too pricey for what it is, but some may be interested; it is a very nice action figure of the major from STAND ALONE COMPLEX, much better than the one Yamato put out a few year ago. Amiami has it up for preorder.
  15. She reminds me a bit of Musubi from Sekirei, at least in that image.
  16. I'd personally like to see a VF-5000, any variant, before a redo of the YF-19.
  17. Ninguém jamais acusou HG de fazer decisões sã para melhorar a visibilidade e a viabilidade da propriedade ROBOTECH. Nobody has ever accused HG of making sound decisions to improve the visibility and viability of the ROBOTECH property.
  18. I was able to get a YF-29 reisue... no regrets on that score. I do hope to catch a VF-25S renewal reissue if/when it happens, just have to be ready to pounce as soon as preorders open and hope that when I do they are still available.
  19. Okay, that was pretty sick for a fan project... far more impressive than Bayformers.
  20. I'll try to get that too if it's ever released, and the Elint version(s) as well.
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