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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Speaking of milking the mold, I hope they decide to revisit previous releases and give us repops of them all so that those who missed on any one version will have a chance to score a copy without resorting to price gougers. Then on to renewal VF-27s...
  2. I like that more attention is being paid to the VF-5000 design lately, a 1/72 fighter mode only and a 1/100 full transformation models. This bodes well for the possibility that Yamato will visit this bird sometime in the not too distant future. Edit: I quite like the VF-19-Active too.
  3. mechaninac

    DX VF-25G

    Finally! Since I ordered both the VF-25F SP and VF-25S AP (and I don't even have an Ozma) at the same time with NY, I've been waiting a while to, at last, get these add-ons that I've already paid for when the payment request went out just before the SPs were released. I guess they'll start shipping out around the first week of August.
  4. How about a combination of the two leading egde options? Keep the rounded blends as in V2, but instead of terminating them to the knife's edge look, have them end on flat surfaces that describe a front profile half (1/3?) as thick as V1. This compromise should look more streamlined than V1, but not as precariously thin as V2, with the added benefit of making the whole thing more 3D printer friendly.
  5. Damn, you're right. The wings on my 171 also exibit noticeable curling when viewed from the front or rear. Thanks soooo much for bringing this to my attention... This is a definite demerit on Bandai, but not enough to dampen my enthusiasm for their new DX line of Macross transformables. Would it be too much to hope for that the replacement wings that will come with the super packs will be dead straight?
  6. Got my VF-171EX from HLJ today, along with a Yamato VF-22S Miria type from their sale (just couldn't pass on the awesome discount on the last Macross sale; I'm so weak...), and FedEx did it one day early and for less than EMS!... take that, postal service. What a great looking,complex, toy the VF-171 is; Bandai has hit another one out of the park. One of the things that struck me upon opening the box was just how creamy the white is on this piece... it almost looks like it is slightly yellowed right out of the box. QC on my sample seems to be spot on: Paint apps and Tampo decorations seem flawless, surfaces were devoid of oily mold release residue, and I can't identify any missing parts. I must agree with everyone's complaints regarding the wing pivot pins not being the best design in the world, but they get the job done and I haven't had them pop out on me, yet; it's definitely something one should pay close attention to while handling the toy as the parts are so small there is a hazard of losing them to the carpet monster, and it's a shame Bandai did not see fit to include an extra set for just such a contingency (tiny screws with decorative caps would have done a better job IMHO). This is certainly a great, albeit expensive, time to be a Macross collector, what with two companies releasing such wonderful high-end products in the same scale and at such high quality... I'm downright giddy!
  7. Don't care for the Bey-ified look either. The original design is Iconic; and while I wouldn't mind a re-imagined or updated look, what they've come up with looks more like some 3D hobbyist's "super-duper, extra kwel, mega armed, overly greebled, nobody-can-beat-me" fanwank pet project... like many fanmade starship designs one can find all over the net.
  8. Un-freak'n-real! Thanks for just making me poop my pants; expect a laundering bill from me shortly. I don't believe I've witnessed such meticulous attention to detail in any fan-made 3D mesh WIP, ever. I'm truly in awe! Quick question, are your meshes "water-tight"? if so, you could have them built in any number of additive manufacturing processes and have yourself the definitive, fully transformable, VF-1... in any scale your wallet and ambition desires.
  9. I'd expect it to be at least as much as a VF-17S; in other words, a lot. Is it going to be totally worth the MSRP and shipping, plus whatever other costs associated with securing a copy? Not likely, but we won't know that for sure until the price is announced and we actually have it in hand in order judge for ourselves. Therein lies the rub; being a web exclusive one has to pre-order one sight unseen and hope the final product is as awesome as it looks from all the pictures we've seen. However, regardless of the final price, the subject is just too cool to ignore; aside from Yamato deciding to milk the mold with subsequent non-exclusive releases in the future, what are the chances we'll ever see another full transformation VF-4 toy in 1/60, at any price? Therefore, I'll be there, along with the legions of Lightning III fans, hoping for a reasonable MSRP and/or favorable exchange rate, with my finger at the ready to click that preorder button... hopefully at HLJ, but Nippon-Yasan would do just as well.
  10. The 17 looks like a tank next to the 117... The 17, as a toy, may be better, but is it near twice the MSRP better?
  11. Got my shipping notification email from HLJ, now to wait till next Tuesday's expected delivery date to get my VF-171EX... the anticipation is going to drive me nuts!
  12. Good idea. As I have not received a shipping notfication from HLJ yet, I went ahead and emailed them requesting that the include a nominal declared value for any free promo item included in the shipping box they send via FedEx. Now to see if they follow through or not, or if it makes any difference.
  13. The funny thing is that the light blue used on the real thing would suit the VF-17 a lot better than the red on the V-Stabs...
  14. I'd blame HG's stranglehold on the International Macross licence for all the inconvinience related with obtaining support for broken/defective toys from both Yamato and Bandai... HLJ is a unique case in that they do try to make good on their sales regardless of the legal limitations. If only HG would partner with the Japanese companies producing the real high end Macross products, and strike a deal with BW, so as to import and support them (the Beagle produced/ Toynami released MPC Ride Armors/Cyclones ,dito for the Megahouse 1/15 ones, prove this could be done), through Toynami if necessary, instead of being an endless source of frustration to all Macross fans outside of Japan and China, they could make a mint and gain for themselves a level of respect and gratitude... as oposed to the current disdain they've worked so hard to earn.
  15. I'm hoping HLJ will be offering these, as the have done with a few other Yamato exclusives. Aside from that, I'm sure Nyppon-Yasan and Tokyo-Hunter will be posting preorders for it.
  16. Glad to read everything has been resolved satisfactorily, if a bit delayed; it's heartening to know that HLJ's customer support is on the ball. I just got a shipping payment request from HLJ myself, paid it, and now the waiting for the shipping notification email begins...
  17. I had an order for other things with Amiami and it shipped withing 24 hours of payment; HLJ, not so much. My order containing my VF-171EX, like many others', is sitting in processing hell right now; I haven't even received a shipping payment request yet. HLJ's main page does have a note regarding inventory counting they're currently performing, so that may be why they're slower than usual.
  18. Exactly! I most definitely want to get a renewal VF-25S, but only upon a hopefully eventual re-release at, or better under, MSRP... if that doesn't happen then I guess I'm just not meant to own one.
  19. Nippon-Yasan won't charge you until 2-3 weeks prior to the confirmed release date, if you choose the preorder charging option upon check-out. They also offer a panoply of shipping options. At any rate, that's where I placed my preorder for the 171's FP.
  20. Geek'xploitation at its best...
  21. Dude, that sucks... and I just chose FedEx for shipping of my 3 items, one of which is my VF-171EX, I purchased with HLJ as it was 610 JPY cheaper than SLA and EMS, both. I find myself hoping that HLJ won't include any bonus material with my package, or that your case is a unique one (no offense or wishing of misery intended) as I don't feel like jumping through any extra hoops or waiting too long (FedEX should be comparable to EMS) to have my items delivered to me.
  22. mechaninac

    DX VF-25G

    I'd hazzard to guess that Fast Packs for the VF-25G are a sure thing. Considering the cost of having injection molds made, Bandai would be nuts not to produce them as the only change from the previously released versions is that the yellow and red bits need to be shot in blue, aside from the tampo appliqués, of course. After all, amortizing your tooling costs is part of the game, and the FPs are easy money (no additional development or tooling expenses).
  23. I lke that it comes with an extra set of head laser/antennas, ABS I presume... they should have done this with the YF-29.
  24. The only other shows on Disney XD worth watching from what I've been able to glean from online line-up lists are reruns of Gargoyles, and maybe Duck Tales and Darkwing Duck. All their original programming seem to follow the same formulaic Disney Channel not-fit-for-anyone-over-11yo vomit inducing pap.
  25. I ordered a VF-25F super packs set and a VF-25S Armor packs set at the same time with Nippon-Yasan; they were paid for just prior the the release of the super packs, but since they are bundled under the same invoice the two sets won't ship until the armor packs hit the market (end of this month?). So, yes, if you placed the order for the VF-171EX and the packs at the same time you will be waiting for the Nightmare Plus until the packs are released. My advice is to shoot them an email requesting that the two items be broken into two separate invoices with their own shipping quotes... can't hurt to try.
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