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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. There, fixed it!.. I'm so going to have to come up with some really convincing, self-excusing, platitude in order to justify buying this thing, but buy this thing I will.
  2. Not really. The VF-1 does not have a "clean" ventral area; it's got two side by side shoulders that create a flat wall right behind the stored head. Where the arms are concerned in fighter mode, the VF-2SS has a cleaner flow than the VF-1. To me, the VF-2SS and the VF2-JA are very pleasing desings, just like all the other VFs I mentioned. Personally, I like all the VF designs in all of Macross' incarnations with only two exceptions: the VA-3 and the Metal Siren. I'm also not fond of Basara's VF-19Kai and Mylene's VF-11MAXL, although the other 19s and 11s (icluding the non-canon, non-boobied delta winged 11) are awesome.
  3. The eyes, sure... we all buy that... That IS a very nice figure.
  4. And???.... The VF-0, VF-1, VF-17, VF-171, YF/VF-19, VF-25, and YF-29 all have what look like superfluous intakes; the VF-2SS is just a bit more blatant about it with the two inner ones forward of the stowed arms.
  5. Oh, I know the unit is canon to the show (everytime I see that sequence I'm reminded of how lousy the animation was in that episode...), I just never thought I'd see that variant released, and it seems it's not going to be. Bummer on it being just a painted 1/60 assembly kit, but I suppose that the kits of the 1A, 1J, 1S, and 1D are a costomizers dream come true.
  6. Looks badass in both bodes, but fighter is most definitely it's forte.
  7. VF-4G LITNING III ?... It's LIGHTNING, Yamato... It's still amazing to me that in this day and age, with the internet as an available resource for proofreading, companies still manage to F'-Up the spelling of English words on their products; it's one thing to misspell words in the IB, but to do it to the item's name on a promotional poster, and often on the product's box, is just sloppy (I really want to say stupid and unforgivable, but I want to be kind here). Other than that, the bird looks superb. I'm so sold on it.
  8. I recall seeing a similar image before, clearly remember the Alaska base 1A on the right, but I just noticed the Browny 1D on the left... non-trainer 1D on the way, too?
  9. 7-Up or Sprite soda bottle? Soldier on man. That looks fantastic! I can only dream what the whole VF-1, done to this level of excellence, would be like... likely enough to make half the members in this forum faint in ecstatic geek-gasm.
  10. Inspiring, and a very ambitious endeavour. The amount of talent I see represented within these forums, for all media forms, is truly something to behold.
  11. Conceptually, that Elint Alpha is a nice idea and looks intriguing, but the execution is pure "kit-bash" plagiarism. Note to RT fans: You don't do yourselves any favors when you blatantly lift parts off Kawamori's VFs to tack on to an Armo-Fighter... it's beyond tacky. It's perfectly fine to take inspiration from MF to create something nifty for RT, after all a masted radar dish and belly sail are what they are, but do make an attempt to develop your own design that conforms to the aesthetics of the Mospeada mecha.
  12. Something like this?... vf-2ss-sap.pdf *** The pdf is 3D and can be rotated, spinned, zoomed, etc. *** Sorry, it's all just the SAP components at the moment. And before someone asks, this is just something I've been toying with off and on for more than two years (bursts of activity interspersed with long periods of lack of interest) for my own amusement and to see if I could pull it off. What you see is a 3D assembly done in Pro-E judiciously based off Bandai's 1/100 kit. Of course, being a solid model, building them in 1/60, or 1/48 for that matter, is entirely doable.
  13. That's so amazingly cool, it's downright indecent...
  14. Aren't most surfaces inside the cockpit comprised of flat panels? It occurs to me that almost everything could be cut and assembled from plastic sheet stock and only the details grown (O2 canisters, rocket nozzles, handles/controls/switches, etc). That could cut any out-of-pocket expense down considerably... just putting the idea out there...
  15. Now THAT is a work of art on your part, and to a much lesser extent, on Shapeways' too (they really did do a nice job). Here's an off the wall idea to get the marbles ratling in your head: get yourself a 1/6 Flight Suit Hikaru figure and have a1/6 scale cockpit made; clean it, light it, paint it... the ultimate Macross VF-1 pilot-in-his-office display piece.
  16. It's the suspense that kills me. Can't wait to see pictures of the 1/24 head model...
  17. It's a placeholder, same as with the VF-25G. They'll have both up for preorder shortly before the release dates if they can confirm stock allocation numbers, or open regular orders once they have confirmed stock. The trick will be to be ready to pounce once they do open... no easy feat.
  18. That...Is...Bitch'n...! So glad I have that on preorder with NY. Thanks for posting the larger, clearer, image.
  19. Chronocidal, the images you posted show exactly what I was referring to. The EX's upper nose section is pinched 'in' at the bubble canopy's base, whereas the regular 171 is not... the surface flows form back to front, undisturbed, with the Hex-framed canopy smoothly transitioning from the fuselage. If Bandai goes ahead with releasing grunt units I hope they take this into consideration and design a proper upper nose half and appropriate canopy (the plan and elevation view profiles are the same for both 171 and 171EX with the exception of the canopy, so no other extra parts or changes need to be made to make it work), as well as the single visor face-plate.
  20. Are there any physical differences between the VF-171 and VF-171EX, other than the canopy? For some reason I get the impression, when looking at rendered images from the show, that the upper section of the nose fuselage, specially around the cockpit is "flatter-more oval" than the EX. If my perception is correct, Bandai would need to create new molds for both the upper fuselage half and the Hex-framed canopy in order to create a true representation of the grunt VF-171 and its Elint counterpart. Then again, maybe the only outward distinction, other than color, is the canopy design, and the nose just looks squatter because the canopy isn't as narrow or tall as the EX's version. Either way, I'm all for Bandai releasing the Teal (or is it Intermediate Blue?) version(s).
  21. If I'm not mistaken, starblazers.com posted an interview with someone associated with 2199 where the point was brought up regarding the different skin tones for the Gamiras/Gamilons. The gist of the response was that only the blue skinned one are true Gamiras/Gamilons; all the others are different races, citizens of the Empire from numerous conquered worlds. They have varying degrees of autonomy and rank, some achieving very high rank within the marshal hierarchy of the Empire, but are all answerable to the master race... think Roman Empire lording over conquered territories nominally controlled by native born puppet rulers or appointed governors from Rome who must pay tribute to the imperial treasury as well as supply conscripts for the maintenance, expansion, and glory of Rome. The Gamiras/Gamilons as portraid in Yamato/Starblazers always struck me as being inspired by the Roman Empire, where Deslar/Deslok is Caesar.
  22. The 27s' batroid mode is squatter and doesn't match the lankiness of the renewal 25s, if I'm not mistaken; they're supposed to be about the same height since they share similar aerospace frames. Another inferior area is the inability to thrust the waist forward like the new 25s. Long story short, I want a renewal, not a re-release.
  23. I'm not aware of any plans on their part, but I'd be all in for renewal versions of the Lucifers (Brera, Grace, and CF). Even if the V1s were available at reasonable prices, I would not buy one; I know they are better than the original 25s but they're still inferior to the new 25s, and would look a bit inadequate (they don't stand as tall in batroid mode, if I'm not mistaken, for example) displayed next to the renewal VF-25s and VF-171EX, IMO.
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