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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Have you looked into a used office furniture outlet? You may be able to find some decently priced and lightly used stuff some business unloaded due to downsizing, remodeling, etc.
  2. The Critical Drinker's take on movies and shows, agree with him or not, are always well put together and highly entertaining... and he absolutely eviscerates Lucas Films/Disney's latest attempt at digging up old, fondly remembered, IPs and torturing them into grotesque caricatures made for "modern audiences".
  3. Reading and comprehension, not even once... Dr. Strange 2 and Thor L&T disappointed; everything else I mentioned lost money... some downright flopped hard (Ex.: Lightyear - production costs, not including promotion, was app. $200 million - $400 million needed to barely break even; it grossed $226.4 million worldwide), as in they did not make enough to recoup production, advertising, and other costs. Obtuseness and over sensitivity is not an argument; all the information on theatrical releases' performance is readily available... ignoring or denying the numbers don't make them any less stark or real. The streaming side of things is just as lackluster, with Marvel and Star Wars shows drawing fewer and fewer numbers with every release, to the very nadir of She Hulk (a certifiable bomb) to Andor (an apparently decent series that has the lowest viewership numbers of all the SW live action entries), to the LA/CG Pinocchio (almost universally panned as hot garbage). Have all Disney's releases failed? No, but oh boy, have they had a higher that statistical number of stinkers all around.
  4. Just in recent years: Mulan, Light Year, Solo, Shang-Chi, Black Widow, Eternals, even Dr Strange 2 and Thor L&T disappointed... Shall I go on? The one thing I don't understand is why be so defensive about it? Is Disney some unreproachable sacred cow or something???...
  5. Quality is subjective (it is perfectly within one's right to like or dislike whatever they want), too little too late is a thing, and Disney's list of mediocrities, disappointments, failures, and wtf-ims over the past several years far outstrips their successes, as attested by their dwindling viewership and box-office losses.
  6. We shall all see in due time, won't we? That said, Disney's track record over the last few years does no inspire much hope...
  7. Oof! I sense another bait and switch Disneysaster in the making...
  8. ^ Well, sure... but can it transform?...
  9. ^ Clean, and ordnance attachment points versions?...
  10. In all fairness, speculation, conjecture, hope, disappointment and coping are all time honored MW traditions...
  11. The trailer makes it seem that they're staying true to the original movie and actually paying respect to those characters while introducing new ones to expand its world and carry it forward, instead of the all too insidious trend of reimagining/rebooting/adapting to current year hang-ups/narratives... refreshing and commendable if that turns out to be the case; however, this being from Disney (their track record of producing mostly garbage and eviscerating franchises and their own past glories to push The Message over the past several years), I'm not holding any hope that the trailer isn't just a cynical bait-and-switch and that the final product won't be a butchered pile of Troll droppings. Please let me be wrong...
  12. I guess Voyager did a very comprehensive and ludicrously detailed scan when it encountered the NX-01-A Dauntless in the Delta Quadrant, so much so that Starfleet, upon downloading and analyzing its database, decided to slavishly reverse engineer (in structure and tech) an alien ship that just tried to mimic a Federation vessel -- or what its sole occupant assumed would be a plausible revolutionary prototype Starfleet would build -- as a trap for the crew. However, I can't criticize Prodigy too harshly for using this design as a proper future Starfleet vessel as I like the design quite a lot, and this show is by no means the only "offender"... Enterprise did it first in the episode where Archer is time-ported to the Enterprise J and a Dauntless Class ship can been seen flying by one of the windows. That bit of tongue-in-cheek nitpicking aside, Prodigy and Lower Decks do scratch that itch for legacy Trek. Two animated series do a far better job -- not perfect by any means -- of being true to the roots of the franchise than the live action offerings that can only be described as dreadful, and that's being generous; sure, I've read that SNW is supposably okay, but that, to me, is damning with faint praise -- like saying it is "good"... when compared to the other two unwatchable offerings.
  13. Big in Japan shows it as available for preorder for 22900 Yen + Shipping. I just successfully checked out and received a confirmation email.
  14. Thursday, July 21 - Midnight on Adult Swim... can't wait!
  15. On the heels of embarrassing themselves with their nearly universally lambasted insult to Cowboy Bebop, they take one more open-mouthed plunge into cesspit with yet another attempt to westernize an anime with a built-in fanbase (which in today's environment just means a cynical attempted cash grab that will gut it of whatever made it popular with its fanbase - whom they'll invariably accuse on toxicity - and wokefy it with box-checking and "correcting problematic" content to appease a so-called audience that has no interest in the franchise beyond the initial thrill of seeing old fans groan).
  16. Miss Magenta arrived today and, to be honest, I find that the color isn't nearly as obnoxious as some pictures and comments made it seem; to be sure, if it were redder in hue and a bit less saturated it would've been a whole lot better, but it's not bad and I'm just glad to have a large scale, complete set, of Ride Armor figures.
  17. It was super easy, barely an inconvenience...
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