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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. That's because you put a lit M80 up its butt... full disclosure man, full disclosure.
  2. Amuro had the excuse of being a civilian (like so many Gundam protagonists), so a "Bright Slap" would be appropriate; the original Kodai had no such exculpatory circumstance.
  3. Are those fixed-pose fist hands like the old 1/72 M+ and V1 1/60 VF-1s, only without the through holes for gunpod handles? If so, that's just not rigth; I understand the exclusion of a gunpod as the VF-4 has never been officially shown with a dedicated one, but it should be designed to handle one (GU-11?), regardless.
  4. I'd try the super glue trick, but with clear nail polish first; if that solves the problem you don't have to risk the downside of CA: high possibility of marring the surface of the plastic from the residue it leaves behind due to its out-gasing.
  5. Which kit are you refering to, Bandai's Injection molded 1/100 with SAP or the 1/72 resin version?
  6. Wow! Great stuff; there is an icredible amount of authenticity to your portrayal of the characters, as if they were drawn by the original artists -- except for the one with Minmay in the cockpit, that's just Va-va-va-voom!
  7. Oh, you'd be surprised. One word: Gigapulse.
  8. Too true; the level of insubordination portrayed in a lot of anime, specially late '70s to early '90s is very jarring and over-the-top-unrealistic at best when the characters perpetrating such blatant disrespect for superior officers -- often to their faces, the chain of command, esprit de corps, and the military they serve, are soldiers/officers themseves. Anyone mouthing off in similar fashion would get KP duty or a stint in the brig and demotion at best, or a Court Martial leading to a dishonorable discharge in times of peace or a firing squad in times of war, if a realistic portrayal were shown.
  9. Got my order from NY delivered today. The only nitpick I have with Nippon-Yasan is that they need to improve their packaging; they're nowhere near as well protected as HLJ, Amiami, or even Otacute... I had some minor corner damage to both accessories boxes. Other than that very minor gripe I'm happy with their service. Now for the items themselves: The Super parts for the VF-25F are very neat, but the Armor set for the VF-25S is a whole other magnitude of OMG! ... It's monstrous! But in a very good way. The individual parts, by themselves are fairly light, but all that gear loaded on the Messiah will make for a very heavy mech toy, with all the good and bad that goes with it. Now all I can say is that Bandai cannot reissue the Ozma's 25 soon enough! Having the armor without the VF to put it on is going to have me itching like a crack addict looking for his next fix...
  10. That was as much an instance of "technical malfunction" as someone meeting his end by firing squad and having the autopsy's cause of death read "lead poisoning". When will these tinpot despots learn that making wild claims in order to deny the obvious and/or save face just makes them look pathetically foolish?
  11. Why did Ben Kingsley make Blod Rayne? Why did Charlizee Theron do Aeon Flux? 'Tis called easy money, a quick pay day.
  12. I was so hoping to see more pretty pictures of the Lightning III when I noticed activity on this thread... now I'm bummed out.
  13. Damn, missed my 25F super and 25S armor packs delivery from NY today. Redelivery scheduled for tomorrow, hope I get it this time; otherwise, I'll have to schlep to the post office to pick it up in person, but not until Saturday.
  14. That's beside the point to my statement. I'm strictly talking from the stantpoint of the consumer, and have not made any assumptions regarding the viability of such a product from the standpoint of the manufacturer. Whether a company should or shouldn't pursue any particular venture is something for the CEOs and CFOs to decide, and I'll readly agree that now would not be the appropriate time due to worldwide economic conditions; but such decisions on the part of toy companies are completely divorced from some people's desire to never have a 1/60 VF-2SS made at all because of personal, and entirely arbitrary, reasons. The VF-11 and Destroids languished on shelves due, in part, to their price points... they sold well enough once they went on sale; so it's not that fans didn't want them, but that many didn't think they were getting enough value for the money (I feel that way about the VF-19s and VF-17s and have not bought any, but that does not mean I wish they had never been made). It's all a balancing act for manufacturers: bet right and you make a mint; bet wrong and you loose your shirt; bet wrong often enough and you go out of business. Edit: If Bandai or Yamato made a VF-2SS I'd certainly buy a Sylvie and a Nexx, and maybe a third. And I'd buy at least one VF-2JA. But that's me, personally; I can't speak for anyone else, and wouldn't want to speculate if anyone else would.
  15. Why "please no"? Sure, you think it's crap (opinions are like "voids surrounded by sphyncter muscles", everybody has one), but how would a company producing something that you would not buy affect you in any way for you to wish that the product weren't produced at all, thereby affecting everyone else who do want the opportunity to purchase a 1/60 rendition of the Valkyrie II? Or would you feel somehow obligated to buy such a personally hated thing just because it exists? Bandai or Yamato makes a VF-2 toy = everyone who'd want one could buy one, or many. Those who don't want anything to do with the design or M2 can just sit it out and save the cash for something else... Everybody wins. A VF-2 never gets made = everyone who'd want one is left in the lurch. And some of those who dislike (judging from your very post) the mecha from M2 and/or M2 itself get to experience a bit of schadenfreude... Nobody wins, but some think they did.
  16. mechaninac

    DX VF-25G

    Glad I was able to secure a copy with AE when they opened their preorder for the 25G a couple of months back; other than having to pay up-front, the price was decent and I got to skip all the subsequent drama. The F and S were unique in that when the F was released, the only frames of reference people had for the toy's quality were the V1 and the YF-29. There was no overwhelming demand yet as people did not know if the renewals would be worth getting. And the S was opened for preorder before the F was released, so that a lot of people procrastinated, myself included, in pulling the trigger until reviews or personal experience with Alto's 25. Therefore, the preorder windows for the F and S lasted quite a bit of time, but once the cat was out of the bag on how good the renewals were, all bets were off and we've been chasing these things like heroin junkies suffering from withdrawl ever since.
  17. It's the perfect Valk for Basara, after piloting Ronald McDonald it makes perfect sense that he'd ride "Bozo" the Clown... Edit: This does appear to be the perfect candidate for customizing, however.
  18. At this late stage in the game with a release date looming before the end of the year, I'd say the resin prototype is 95%+ indicative of the final product; it's highly unlikely that any changes will be made to proportions, wing and fins geometries, or anything else other than minor tweaks to the parts involved in transformation. Is there a chance that Yamato could still add wing and underbelly hardpoints, angle the wings down a few degrees in their neutral state, make the leg fins and stabilizers parallel in their default positions? With only two or three months left to cut steel, run test shots, work out the kinks in the assembly line, and begin production to make their deadline... I don't think so.
  19. RAWR!, indeed. When does the preorder start for it? That looks fantastic.
  20. I'm still not sure if that's good news or bad news. On the one hand, my wallet could use a break; on the other hand... awesome! I don't collect Hot Toys or any other 1/6 scale stuff (if I did, on top of everything else I spend money on, I'd be in the poor house) so 1/12-ish scale Figmas are a great substitute; their sculpts are generally very good and tactile quality has been consistently top notch, with only a few quirks, with everything in the line released so far. I do wonder how the Iron Man suit will compare with the Revoltech ones in size, quality, and poseability.
  21. No hardpoints in evidence... sigh... such wasted opportunity. But, this thing is so slick in fighter mode that my small nitpick won't keep me from attempting to buy myself a copy.
  22. I don't know, putting a suit of armor on a beauty queen does nothing to improve her looks...
  23. If you're referring to the way the arms meet the legs in fighter mode, they are very reminiscent of the VF-1, flat sided forearm butted up against rounded lower leg, so I don't see a problem there. If your beef is with the open space between the arms in F-mode, it's less severe than on the VF-4, and there are plenty of real world aircraft with widely spaced nacelles -- F-14 being the most obvious example; so, again, no design flaw there. But I get it, you just don't like the VF-2SS, so no matter how many counter points to your criticizims I make in the defence of the mecha, you'll just come up with some other non sequitur to denigrate the design, so that we'd just end up spinning our wheels ad nauseam. Everyone else who have posted here have expressed their desire for a 1/60 toy of the Valkyrie II to be made by Bandai or Yamato, because we all would like to have the opportunity to add such a sexy beast to our collections of Macross toys. So what I don't get is the compulsion to take a wiz in the punch bowl... if you don't like cocktail, don't drink it and just say its not your kind of poison, but also don't spoil it for everyone else. So, moving on...
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