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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Gotta agree with Agent ONE on this. The following is a rant, so click on the spoiler tag at your own risk . The old 'quote' by Friedrich Nietzsche has lost all meaning in today's overly cocooned society.
  2. Great job on the Gunpod carts. There is just one thing missing from them: the towing boom...
  3. Nah! Think about it. They've had the tooling made in order to include one pair per figure. It's not any harder to manufacture 100K pieces than to make 1K, other than the extra labor to tend the molding machine and cut the parts off the tree, and the economy of scales dictates that the higher the production numbers the lower the cost per unit; It all depends on how many cavities they designed into the molds, which translates into how many copies are shot per cycle (open mold, eject previously molded part(s), close mold, inject molten plastic, cool down, repeat)... if the bracelets are molded from a dedicated tool (no parts sharing), the cycle time could be very short.
  4. Seriously. How much could those tiny things cost... 10th of cent, or less? Max Factory clearly cheapened out on this score. I guess it behooves the buyer to be very attentive when handling the figure.
  5. Believe it or not, there is no butchering involved with that picture; the front assembly of the Cuirassier disconnects from the rest of the bike at a small tab -- not glue, just a tight friction fit. Edit: FYI, you can clearly see the bracelet on her left wrist in that image.
  6. They shipped my order the day after I placed it; they're pretty quick in sending out anything in stock the next business day, and they do email you a notice, with tracking information if appropriate, when they ship. I've bought from them some 3 or 4 times over the past few years and have never had a problem; in my experience, as limited as it is, there is nothing to fret about. And I'm always glad to be able facilitate your parting with the grocery money... Edit: When you get your saber, play close attention when you swap hands on the figure: She has bacelets on both wrists that are free floating and could be easily lost; they're a nice touch that warrant attention/caution.
  7. Yes. From the shipping lable: 57-1-401 Negishi Asahidai Nakaku, Yokohama Kanagawa, 231-0854 Japan
  8. I had been contemplating purchasing this Saber version for some time but the prices were way too high everywhere I looked, but then I checked Otacute one day just browsing and came across Saber and her Cuirassier, so I bit the bullet and bought both for a total of $81.81 SAL shipped (Ebay sellers are charging as much as ~ $140.00 shipped): Bought on the 4th, shipped on the 5th, and I just got it today. They're good sellers (got my YF-29 Alto from them too) who do a much better job of packaging what they sell than N-Y or AE... on par with HLJ or AmiAmi in that regard. As for how responsive they are to requests of the nature that concern your situation, I wouldn't know... sorry. Edit: I appreciate the offer of a smooch, but I choose to decline...
  9. If it's the Figma Saber Fate/Zero you're after, see here.
  10. I finally watched it off a Redbox rental and I must agree with the majority of the criticisms levied against this movie. It is visually stunning, but the acting, action and plot were totally wooden, unappealing, and uninspired; as a stand-alone it was mediocre a best, but as a prequel to Alien it's a total failure: a lot of plot twists felt like forced shoehorning to make tie-ins with the existing franchise, but were so poorly handled that they seemed pointless and/or absurd... heck, the whole main premise of the engineers' motives was preposterous from the get go, and the android's actions were unexplainable.
  11. Engineer the hands around the pins used in the original. That way, the pin can be used directly, or the holes in the replacement parts can be used as drilling guides for the buyer to taylor the holes to fit anything larger, within reason, such as sewing pins.
  12. Canceling before they issue the payment request is a much more honorable way to handle it than just flaking out on them when payment is due, which is always a last minute option. I would not fault them from black-balling a customer for doing the latter, but as a business they should be more than willing to accommodate a 'in good faith' cancelation, specially if you've been a good customer in the past. If and when I do cancel my preorder I'll just send them I nicely worded, courteous request. ...?
  13. That is such a "why didn't I think of that?!" idea that I cannot help but hate you for coming up with it before I did... pure genius.
  14. That would depend on the sales of the 171 line, and if Bandai wishes to milk the mold. Judging by the their anouncement of the CF version, one can assume that the Alto's EX sold well enough to warrant this new release, and the 30th anniversary YF-29 tends to point to their willingness to make multiple variants of Frontier's VFs. Just think, now that they have tooling for the EX and regular VF-171s they can offer us not only Luca's EX, but also the CF Elint.
  15. Same here, with the exact same dilemma. I'm planning on wating until mid November to see where the exchange ends up before dropping one of them, but I'm currently leaning towards keeping the HLJ one due to their customer support track record where Yamato products are concerned, and their more attractive shipping rates... $59.00+ for EMS at NY is absurd.
  16. Crom has finally smiled upon Conan fans, but he's a fickle deity, so who knows how this development will turn out...
  17. I know I'd be all in for Yamato versions of the Legioss and Tread, every variant, in true 1/60 scale, or just go straight to something epic like 1/35 or 1/24 (Legioss only, of course). And if Yamato could continue where Beagle left off, and expand the 1/10 line with Houquet's and Yellow's Ride Armors, that would be a dream come true.
  18. I expect the price will be same as Alto's EX version. What I'm waiting for is the official release anouncement so I can try to pre-order one from Amiami, or HLJ, or AE.
  19. Seriously! Who'd think that a predominantly aquamarine colored VF could look that agressive? Although, to me, the real selling point that makes Luca's unit a must buy, other than OCD (Obsessive Completist Disorder), are the radar dish and Electronic Warfare Sail... too unique (in a Super Sylph-esque way) to pass up.
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