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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. The VF-27, if it's a reissue, is not a renewal, but the same old, slightly improved, V1 design with added super parts. Or it could just be a release of stand-alone super parts for those who wish to add them to their existing toys. Either way, not a freshly engineered renewal version.
  2. True, but the SV-51 was packaged at 45o and that too was rear biased -- granted that not as much as the VF-4G, and the wings on the 4 can pivot at the nacelles' roots which would allow more room. However, my nit-picking is entirely academic at this point... the box arrangement is what it is. I've got to check my email for a payment request from HLJ; I'd love to be able to pay after the New Year as I've just paid for the VF-171EX's Armor Parts, and still have preorder commitments for a Revoltech Iron Man Mk.5 and 1/100 Rex kit vying for my cash. Edit: Gack! Got the payment request...3 days to pay. What an expensive year 2012 has been...
  3. What horredous use of real estate. I knew from early on that the 4G wasn't getting any accessories other than extra hands and stand adaptors, but that tray just looks so sparse and lop-sided. It would've been far better to place the Lightning III at an angle, maybe 45%, which would still leave plenty of space for the meager tidbits, and likely allow the box to be more compact, and possibly less expensive to ship too. Or, given the price of this toy, and the amount of unused volume in that box, Yamato should have included a stand... heck, Bandai does at half the MSRP, and in smaller boxes.
  4. Gundam-y, indeed: Space colonies, conflict between two powerful factions with a third, neutral nation caught in yhe middle, HS student stumbles upon military mecha to become its prodigy pilot... just how derivative can you get?
  5. Well aceoftherebellion, now you have no excuse; if you can swing the funds for one, this would be the time to go for it. It's been 1 hour since neoexcaliber's post and it's still up for purchase, and at $303.11 + shipping (which is bound to be cheaper than N-Y) at current exchange rates. DOO EET! Join the dark side of fanancial insolvency... Edit: Merry Christmas everyone!
  6. Complete, he writes... Oh, how often have I said that to myself?... There. Fixed it for ya...
  7. That, and getting colloquialisms and slang to translate properly almost allways leads to epic fail... Just so everyone gets it: "give ball" (dar bola) means 'to pay attention to someone in a flirtatious way'.
  8. Last Macross related item I got this year was the renewal 25G, so that doesn't count; and I won't get the 171's packs until 2013, so that doesn't count either. I did get myself a couple of figmas and an AUTOart 1/18 Platinum-Silver McLaren F1.
  9. Just paid for my preorder too ($83.97 USD with shipping), and encountered no problems at all making payment.
  10. Uxi is absolutely right. The materials are but one facet of what makes an airframe stealthy, and avionics plays a minimal role, if at all. To use the F-16 example, you could substitute the whole skin of the fighter with RAM and the thing would still light up an enemy's radar like a beacon: non-alligned and/or angled surfaces, huge single vertical stabilizer, wing had points and sidewinder launch rails at the tips, a gaping maw of a belly air intake with direct line of sight to the compressor blades, etc., etc.; and the Mig 17 would be an even more impractical stealth conversion candidate... at least the F-16 has a blended wing-to-fuselage airframe design.
  11. Copying is also easier, faster, less risky, and more cost effective than investing in all the necessary research and development to come up with something truly original.
  12. That noise you hear is the sound of the Nerdgasm of a million mecha/giant monters fanboys hyper-ventilating like giddy school girls... Now excuse me whilst I change my pants...
  13. Cool. Resin cast is almost always better than the stair-stepping ridled RP builds... too much clean up, and if you're not intimatly familiar with the piece you're liable to cut or sand off something you shouldn't; besides, you being the modeler, you'll do a much better job at the prep stage prior to molding which will result in a much better final product. I'll keep an eye on this and may be very interested in both the 1/60 and 1/48 sets.
  14. Are you casting these or doing RP (Shapeways) and letting the buyer handle all the clean up and painting?
  15. I'm still fairly confident all the Renewals will see re-releases, but we may have to wait until well after the RVF-25 has been released... and then there is the whole "how many repops for each version?", "how long will the pre-order windows last?"," how many allocated to each retailer?"... all the usual shenanigans we've come to expect and love from Bandai's handling of the DX Frontier Valks.
  16. I haven't encountered customs or brokerage fees with FedEx shipping from HLJ to the US on any occasion, S&H is often slightly less than EMS, and delivery to my door is usually 2 days quicker. However, I'm well aware that other countries impose all sorts of duties, tariffs, charges, taxes or whatever other name they choose to call it; so, your particular situation will dictate the shipping method that best suits you. Edit: Also, even for EMS, HLJ should be at least 35% less than what N-Y is charging.
  17. That's what I'm hoping for, having cancelled my N-Y preorder almost a month ago; their quoted EMS charge (their least expensive option) was absurd. HLJ should come in at 50-60% of that for Fed-EX, and if you add their custormer support for Macross related items...
  18. Spock's age is not that relevant since Vulcans can live up to some 200+ Earth years. And what kind of morals can rationalize the death of billions when one knows there is something he could do to at least try to prevent such devastation; that's not moral, its evil. And Spock hadn't been Starfleet in decades by the time he attempted to intercept the shock-wave with the red matter device, and being a former officer did not deter him from going over the heads of the Federation and Starfleet when engaging in "cowboy" diplomacy in Unification, so he knows how to stretch and bend and break the rules when his logic so dictates; except, apparently, where his home world is involved... then it's c'est la vie. Sure... causing the Praetor to freak out from having a Romulan ship from the future approach Romulus would be far worse than the eventual destruction of at least two populated planets with who knows how many billions of lives... and who says that they would just pop into orbit; they could drop out of warp well outside the star system and approach at impulse while broadcasting an identification signal on all frequencies to give the era's Romulans time to prepare. If Nero's motivation was to destroy the Federation, then what better way to do so than to go into Romulan space, announce his presence and origin, and share his 24th century technology with the 23rd century Romulans in order to give his race a clear advantage against all the quadrant's races? Romulans may be passionate but they were also shrewd, calculating, and methodical even, specially, in Kirk's era; and once the shock wore off and they had a chance to verify Nero's account, they would jump at the tactical and strategic possibilities presented by a starship from the future. Ultimately, an entire fleet of ships incorporating reverse-engineered systems from the Nerada would be far more effective a weapon against Starfleet than just one single vessel. Never played Mist so the reference is lost on me...
  19. You're right, they had no control over being thrown back some, what?, 80 years or so. But, and here is where Nero's motivation falls apart -- and where it's clear the writers did not think through the massive logic chasm in the story--; Nero and his crew end up in the past and they know it, when Romulus and Remus still exist, with information that could lead to mitigation efforts to spare the heart of the Romulan Empire, and its entire population, from the Super Nova's shock-wave, or if that proved undo-able there was enough time to evacuate all planets that would eventually be destroyed. Even assuming that Nero had gone absolutely bat-guano-crazy after the shock of the loss of his family/world and got so twisted by his need for revenge on Spock that he could not recognize the gift of fore-knowledge the Universe had bestowed him to change the future, what about his entire crew? Were they all such imbeciles that they'd just follow his lead unquestioningly?... It makes no sense once you shine a critical light on the entire premise. You also bring up a good point about previous time travel in Star Trek, and 'old' Spock was involved in every single incident not related to TNG and beyond. Here is a logical being, with intimate knowledge of temporal physics, who just witnessed his planet being consumed from within by an artificial black hole and decides to just accept it without even making an attempt to go back to before the Narada arrives above Vulcan to try to prevent the planet's destruction, the near extinction of his race, and the death of his mother (his younger parallel self's mother, but still...)... it's illogical. This is why time travel stories tend to fall apart so badly. The writers get tunnel vision in their use of the plot device in the narration of the story without any consideration for all the paradoxes and inconsistencies that can be created. It's not that time travel hasn't been handled well in Star Trek, it's use in The Voyage Home and First Contact were decent enough, but JJ's version was problematic at best.
  20. Beautiful figure, but it almost looks like she's treating her naginata as a stripper's pole... not that there's anything wrong with that.
  21. In the photographic sequence shown, it looks like the thighs are housed behind integral hinged panels that were subsequently removed to allow greater clarity in showing the storage/swing-out detail in later images. It's possible that they may be optionally removable, with the whole panel-hinge assembly slotting into pockets in the underside of the lifting body, in order to make transformation easier/less prone to damage.
  22. Yeah, projecting by willfully misinterpreting and/or inferring meaning not intended by the author, solely based on a personal bias...
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