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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. That's quite a blemish on that visor, and it should never have gotten past QC.
  2. The animation looks luscious. The synopsis has shades of Waterworld in it, right down to the salvaging of relics from the sea floor... I'm almost positive the anime will handle the premise far better than that sorry excuse of a Kevin Costner ego trip.
  3. We're all predictable suckers, aren't we?
  4. Reflect on that a minute... now, what do you think?
  5. I assume that a few would think "cool". Many will scoff and say "geeks" or "nerds", with a few being even more derisive with "F'n rich geeks/nerds". But most won't give it any consideration.
  6. If this happens to be a web exclusive, the MSRP may be somewhat higher than the post YF-29 general release Frontier DX line, but it should also be easily attainable just like all the accessory packs for the 25, 29, and 171 have been... where Bandai's MF DX efforts are concerned, web exclusive is actually a good thing.
  7. If you're referring to the HGUC 1/144 Sniper II from UC0080, then yes, it's been released.
  8. All I need is Luca's RVF and a reissue of Ozma's S model, and perhaps a CF "A" version, and my 25 collection will be complete. I do hope that any further releases will be at least as relatively easy to secure, as a preorder or near retail, as the G has proven to be.
  9. It stands to reason that the pectoral armor bits should house micro missiles, the same way they do on the 25 armors; however, I don't think Bandai included that added detail as they were never shown openning and unleashing beer-can hell in either the series or movies... at least that I can recall. It's a shame too as that would have added play value, visual interest, and display possibilities. And if I'm mistaken and they do open to reveal missiles I'll be very happy.
  10. Anime52k8 beat me to it; there are cheap bootlegs. I once bought a Saber Lily off ebay for considerably less than the average price; when I got it its quality was immediately apparent to be considerably inferior to the genuine article. Like I said, it was cheap so I wasn't overly put off by it as it still displays well... it just doesn't hold up to up-close scrutiny.
  11. Carefull, the styrene family of plastics doesn't react too well to the solvents used in automotive paints, unless you use the lastest water based variety, but you'd do well to use a plastic friendly primer like Krylon first... just to be safe.
  12. Not crazy over the scheme in that game image... much more of a fan of how they have it now; alas, a toy would follow the game... I can live with that.
  13. Wow! Model or toy? I'm hoping DX toy... Love the name too; goes with Messiah and Lucifer a lot better than Durandal.
  14. If you're so inclined, a little masking with tape an a rattle can of paint should give you satisfactory results; of course, matching the orange-yellow that Bandai uses may prove a challenge.
  15. I'm really sorry to read about all your delivery trouble. Looks like you've just had a first hand experience with the faceless, unaccountable, bureaucracy that is the USPS. You should be able to track your package's progress online, albeit with up to a 48 hour delay -- they're slow to update information.
  16. That's the latest, and by far the most expensive, of several AUTOart 1/18s I've added to my collection over the years, and I haven't been dissapointed yet. The workmanship and attention to detail in everything they release is incredible... this thing even has opening side trunks with removable luggage! It oozes authenticity and quality.
  17. That could be where the toolmaker located the gate on that part; I don't have mine yet (hasn't even shipped), so I can't be sure, but if I'm right it's both bad and good news: bad because all examples will have some degree of chin "rot" that will depend on the deftness of the person cutting them from the sprue, and good because it looks to be an easy location to lightly file, sand, and polish so that the blemish disappears.
  18. Well, that means that the preorders will open, followed by insta-close and much bemoaning and gnashing of teeth, sometime around mid January, +/- a week. What was the average lead time on the other Frontier DXs?
  19. And with a missile load out different from that seen on the EX version... sweet!
  20. Cool video, impressive fireball... but the knuckle draggers repeatedly yelling 'Allahu Akbar' just creep me out.
  21. That's just it, they do. To the best of my knowledge, these new Super Parts were specifically designed around the previously released, original VF-27 that came out after the V1 VF-25s (the 27 was derivative of, but an impovement upon the 25 that preceded it), and before the first run of Alto's YF-29. So, if a new run of 27s are brought to market, they'll be reissues of the original, and not a newly engineered renewal version. Personally, I'll only spring for a 27 if Bandai does release a renewal edition like they did with the superb renewal 25s... I'll accept no substitute.
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