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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. The only thing sales at HLJ, et al, do for me is that I get more stuff than I would ordinarily purchase; I never seem to end up spending any less, and often come out forking over more money than usual... I'm going to keep an owl's vigil on this thread for progress on the VF-11's armor; judging by Kurisama's body of work, it'll be glorious.
  2. The guy either has one sweet gig that allows him to afford all the cool stuff he is into collecting... in bulk no less, or he subsists on nothing but Ramen noodles and tap water... I know... my jealousy is showing, and it ain't pretty.
  3. VF-27 Reissue? We don'need no stink'n reissue... Give us a renewal already, Bandai! In other words, to me, it's either a renewal on par with the VF-25 V2s, or nothing...
  4. Wow! C3... I think I'll wait for the very quick turn around to broadcasting (what do you guys think? FX or Syfy?) before I waste any of my time on this thing.
  5. I have that kit; built it well over 10 years ago. It is small but very nice (10.25", ~ 260 mm in length)... Syd Mead did a very nice job with the 2520 Yamato design. And I like the twin row of main guns top and bottom; it means the ship can fire full broadsides to port and starboard at the same time.
  6. Well, that could end up royally sucking... I guess the thing to do is keep the preorder and see where things stand by mid March.
  7. Are their prices udated to the current exchange rate at the time the invoices are sent out, or are they locked-in to the quoted amount at the time the preorder was placed? I'm curious to know because I preordered in US Dollars as well. Ordering in USD has it's advantages too as you get to avoid Paypal's exchange fees, but if the discrepancy in the exchange rate between when the order was placed and when payment is due is large enough, then that bonus evaporates fast.
  8. That was a good episode: Fallen Sith, Mandalorian Death Watch, Hutts and their hired bounty hunter lackeys, assorted mayhem and alliances of convinience/self preservation... and not a Republic droid, Senator, Jedi, or bumbling comic relief character in sight; what's not to like? Maul's matter-of-fact observation to the Hutt was priceless, I totally agree. It was almost as 'funny' as Cad Bane's “What are you looking at? It's a nice hat”. quip in The Box fromthat Obi Wan undercover arc.
  9. The F-35 may not be the most beautiful fighter to ever be fielded by the US and its allies, but it is downright stunning compared to Boeing's JSF submission, the X-32; that thing fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down... twice!
  10. Very nice, but I'm already so invested in the Revoltech line of Iron Man figures that Bandai's offer is too little too late. I'm fairly sure the S.H. Figuarts will be better quality, without revo-joint compromises to the sculpts, and not as wobbly as Kaiyodo's, but at 140mm they're 15mm shorter and are likely to be twice as expensive as the Revos, and I've read quite a few complaints over the years about Figuart ankles being flimsy and unstable. To me, as good as it looks, it's an easy pass. Now, if they were to make Macross character figures and/or BGC ones, or even GiTS SAC, in that line they'd have my full attention.
  11. I would guess that once the RVF-25 gets released, the chances for a RVF-171 get a little better. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the RVFs share the exact same radar dish design with just, perhaps, different support boom? The belly sails are also very similar but I'm less certain on those being shared.
  12. Fembot?... I wonder... http://youtu.be/IIFPRNIWtKI
  13. Sucks you didn't get the toy you wanted, but it's good that you got the refund with no contesting from N-Y, which tells me that they didn't have it in stock and couldn't easily source a copy to fulfil your order and were just as glad to cancel the order without being the ones to contact you with the bad news. Edit: AE has one in stock at the moment if you're interested and the price doesn't scare you off.
  14. It's not homosexual characters to which some people have objections; it's their inclusion in pre-teen and younger children programming that rubs people the wrong way. LGBT characters in late teen/young adult and adult shows is fine, and often add flavor and scope to a story, but in fare specifically targetted at pre-teens and younger it just smells a bit of intentional, sometimes subtle and sometimes not so much, agenda pushing on a very impressionable audience. Also, these same objectors would find fault with over sexualized heterosexual characters too.
  15. Whoopee!! Got my armored parts today. N-Y continues their unbroken record of delivering the goods, and lousy packaging: one layer of bubble wrap, tossed into a too-small FedEx Express medium box (for SAL shipping, go figure...) with no further cushioning other than some crumpled newsprint to protect the contents from the straining folded over flaps held together with lots of tape; good thing those FedEx boxes are sturdy stuff, and the USPS gorillas took pity on my package, and it arrived in perfect shape with not a mark on the toy's plain brown box. Now to open this bad boy and see what all the fuss, adoration, and frustration is all about.
  16. You gotta admit that peter's post was a hellavalot more entertaining before the edit...
  17. Man, that looks sexy. Still waiting for my set to arrive from N-Y... shipped out on Dec-27 but, since I cheaped out and opted for non-regitered SAL, I have no way to track it or reference it back to N-Y for an inquiry.
  18. At that price, I' not surprised, and I'd been checking that site off and on for days too.
  19. master of macross, woiuld you be so kind as to post the address where you keep all those renewals?... I think I have some breaking&entering to engage in...
  20. Missed the HLJ preorder as well... too bad; I would have liked to get the better price, but I secured one with N-Y, so if the stars don't line up for getting a "cheap" copy I'll still get a copy.
  21. That, and, if you're referring Gundam pens, the black pen's ink is too glossy... the gray looks much more matte and natural.
  22. "Hurting" doesn't even begin to describe it... this is not a hobby for the faint of heart, or the 'thin' of wallet.
  23. I was just about to post N-Y's link for the re-opened preorder, but I see It's hard to catch some of you guys sleeping. At any rate, preorder placed and email confirmation received with tentative unregistered SAL for just under $200.00. I may cancel later if HLJ comes in for significantly less and if I'm able to grab it during what's bound to be a short window; and if not, I can always upgrade the shipping when the bill is due. Edit: Here's hoping that the Japanese Government keep up their efforts to lower the value of the Yen...
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