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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. I don't begrudge anyone who is looking forward to this, but anything that has even a tangential involvement by Seth Rogan is a no-brainer hard pass in my book.
  2. It wasn't there, that I noticed, when I placed my preorder, and I haven't been charged, yet, any deposit... maybe I got in before its implementation. Either way, it's less deposit than I've seen elsewhere, and their price + shipping ($0.00) is unbeatable for this release, so it's all good. Edit: Well, damn... chimed in too soon. I just got the $15.00 deposit charged to my PayPal. ...
  3. Niche market + Inflation at every step of production + Lack of Economy of Scale (lower production runs) + Amortization + Desirability to consumers + It's a luxury mostly meant for collectors (nobody needs these things) + Knowing the buyers are willing to fork over the mullah + Retailer Profit Margins + additional factors others are more than welcome to contribute or elaborate = Exorbitant Prices (individual perspective/means dependent)
  4. ^ Thanks for posting that. I wasn't planning on getting one at the prices I had seen up until this, and with the free shipping too, so I took the plunge; plus, given the lead time until the item is released and ready for them to request payment and ship, there will be plenty of time to save up for it. Edit: Too bad I could not find the Hi Metal R Orguss there as well...
  5. Characters are only as good/interesting as the people writing them; that most of Discovery's characters were miserable drecks, and the main protagonist a loathsome one, speaks volumes about those penning the scripts and producing the show... garbage in, garbage out.
  6. There is a definite growing trend in the age of social media/current year: more and more people are mostly, or completely, disinterested in appreciating masterful paintings that awe and inspire -- heck, a lot actively deride such works as "problematic" -- and instead gravitate towards staring at a mirror and calling it high art...
  7. About time that grotesque insult to Gene Rodenberry's legacy, long-time fans, and everything Trek produced prior to this atrocity to intelligence and good taste, is finally being put out to pasture to languish unwatched and forgotten forevermore, same goes for ST-PukeHard. Too bad both these abominations can't be fully excised from existence... ignominy and indifference will have to suffice; unfortunately, the brand and live-franchise damage will long outlast them -- interesting that as currently overseen, same with Star Wars, for the most part, the only productions with even a modicum of competence, narrative quality and legacy integrity are the toons.
  8. Yep, what they did with 2202 was a dumbfounding butchering of the original.
  9. Well now, I guess I've no excuses to vacillate on getting a copy; besides, I missed out on the Hotwheels Elite version of several years back, and it's been quite a long time since I've purchased a 1/18 diecast model car... and this one is giving me that itch again.
  10. I've been looking into possibly getting one of these 308s, but those wheels look balloonish on every picture I've seen, no matter the angle; so, how do they look in real life?.. Otherwise, it looks gorgeous. Cheers
  11. Yeah, prices have gone from questionable, to insane, to ludicrous, and then you add steep US retailer - if even available - mark-ups or outrageous shipping.. pretty much out of this crazy wallet busting train.
  12. Did they mention when they will be issuing the refunds for both Invid toys? I went to their website and, aside from both toys being listed as Out of Stock, found no information/updates. It's a shame these have been cancelled. I've had one of each preordered since they were first announced, to the tune of almost a Benjamin, and would love to have those funds freed for other pursuits.
  13. Really solid two-parter. I truly amazes me that one only finds really solid Star Wars (Star Trek too, for that matter), with exception(s), in the animated productions of the franchise.
  14. Zilch! I suppose something may have been posted on FakeBook or Twatter (I don't do FB or the chirping buzzard, so ). I've been wondering when/if this figure was ever going to be released...
  15. ^ metal+plastic crack addiction has gotten VERY expensive lately...
  16. The sludgy, maggot gagging, dumpster fire that is most likely in the offing, and the ensuing fan blaming, istaphobe accusations from producers, directors, cast, shill media/critics, and Netflix (oh, the copium and reeing to come) - not to mention the well deserved gleeful eviscerations from the usual sources - will be glorious to watch.
  17. Oh, come now, Cowboy Bebop was super popular, embraced and adored by fans of the anime, praised by the original creator, and exceedingly successful... oh, wait...
  18. Well, reaching out to BiJ for a DHL quote paid off: instead of the ¥6800 additional for EMS shipping, DHL's was "only" ¥4510... over a $22.00 savings. I should be getting their shipping notification fairly soon, and the Angel Bird before the end of the month.
  19. Just got a payment request for additional shipping charges from BiJ to the tune of 6800¥ -- sheesh! -- via EMS... that's a huge extra bite, so I messaged them for a DHL quote to see if it's less of a kick to the family jewels.
  20. Easy pass as I have zero attachment to the Genesis Breaker - overly busy and gaudy, imo - designs... thank goodness.
  21. Other than a bit of foreshadowing for Cid as a character, episode 4 was 100% filler... fun filler that eschews the more annoying tropes of "current year" storytelling, but filler nonetheless.
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