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    Isn't it obvious?...

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  1. If we're quoting Star Trek, I'll paraphrase the 109th Rule of Acquisition: "Inane Klingon insults and an empty sack are worth the sack."
  2. Thing is, if the pudding smells rancid, tasting it to make sure, let alone swallowing it, is not a smart move...
  3. Once marketing is factored in, this thing is unlikely to even come anywhere close to breaking even, let alone turn a profit; it may very well turn into the biggest financial bomb in Marvel history, which after Quantumania and The Marvels is saying something.
  4. This is promising to turn out exactly as most have expected it would... Could it end up okay despite its insistence on "trying to ice-skate uphill?" Well, the chances aren't zero but...
  5. Why not?... It's worked swimmingly for Hollywood, comic books and the AAA gaming industries...
  6. That and a Brownie and I'm all set too. Hop to it already, Bandai!
  7. Ugh!... little to no originality left from the House of Mouse, and when they do try something new it's almost always dreadful.
  8. Everyone on the production side of this thing set out to create an intentionally off-putting and insulting anti sequel... they succeeded.
  9. Or, they were contractually obligated to produce a minimum of two seasons, just like Velma. Note that that particular abomination was unceremoniously canceled after the 2nd season was done.
  10. Star Trek has been turned into such a moribund franchise by this point, due to gross mismanagement and massively unpopular shows over the last several years that even main legacy characters, let alone obscure ones (see also Star Wars), will not sell in large enough numbers to justify the investment in warehousing space, let alone shelf/pegs at the retail level.
  11. Figured as much... "Você me compra" não faz sentido nem em Português. It's all good, we learn, in part, by being constructively corrected.
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