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  1. That and a Brownie and I'm all set too. Hop to it already, Bandai!
  2. Nobody can (truthfully) deny that these movies are extremely well executed visual feasts.
  3. Ugh!... little to no originality left from the House of Mouse, and when they do try something new it's almost always dreadful.
  4. Everyone on the production side of this thing set out to create an intentionally off-putting and insulting anti sequel... they succeeded.
  5. Or, they were contractually obligated to produce a minimum of two seasons, just like Velma. Note that that particular abomination was unceremoniously canceled after the 2nd season was done.
  6. Star Trek has been turned into such a moribund franchise by this point, due to gross mismanagement and massively unpopular shows over the last several years that even main legacy characters, let alone obscure ones (see also Star Wars), will not sell in large enough numbers to justify the investment in warehousing space, let alone shelf/pegs at the retail level.
  7. Figured as much... "Você me compra" não faz sentido nem em Português. It's all good, we learn, in part, by being constructively corrected.
  8. Don't you mean, "you sold me"?..
  9. Well, I would not look askance if they were to reissue the Cavaliers version or decided to finally release an Alaska Base livery one and/or a Low-Viz; as for everything else VF-1, I share your sentiment.
  10. Thankfully, everything I preordered with them has been delivered but the humongous wait for the Dana figure soured me to ever paying upfront, partial or full payment, ever again; if/when they announce something of interest to me and I feel the urge to place a preorder, I'll go through BBTS or elsewhere... if it's delayed indefinitely, they completely flake out or just go under, it won't matter.
  11. Judging by the more colorful reviews available, not only did PRIME and everyone else involved learn nothing, they doubled down. Wonder how many of the 30% who bothered to finish the 1st season will come back for the 2nd and stick with it to the end... and, as I understand it, Amazon is contracted for five seasons of this financial hemorrhage.
  12. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    I'll third that sentiment but the wings do give me pause. I suppose the most efficient and stable solution would be interchangeable sets, one for each folding/folded state; also, given how thin they would be, the boosters, if included, would likely present some sagging issues unless the plastic grade of the boosters are extremely light or the ones for the wings that mount them are very tough/rigid. Regardless... BRING IT ON!
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