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    Isn't it obvious?...

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  1. Fan-frick'n-tastic!
  2. Lucky you.... you'll be able to witness the full "glory" of the failure that is Disney's hubris, vis a vis their cheap plastic monument(s) to pre-landfill garbage, first hand.
  3. Agreed. In light of how niche of a niche Star Trek has become over the Bad Robot/Alex Kurtzman stewardship of the franchise, and the fact that contemporary figures of the same size tend to msrp at twice, or more, the price point of this upcoming line, Star Wars' non selling inventory of unwanted Disney era garbage characters -- littering discount outlets like Ollies -- notwithstanding, the articulation is more than adequate.
  4. NGL, they all look fantastic, some more desirable (Jellico, especially) than others, but all a huge improvement over the limitedly articulated Playmates stuff released around the time First Contact came out, to say nothing of the older smaller scaled fare that could not sit without being awkwardly spread-legged.
  5. Now, THIS is one of those face-palm moments when one says to oneself: Why didn't I ever think of that before? It is so brilliantly simple and deceptively obvious!
  6. 1/28 is such an oddball scale but I suppose it would be at home around 1/32 or 1/24 subjects, depending on the pilot's size. I do consider myself officially... intrigued.
  7. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    They could partially milk the Fire Valk's molds for the other VF-19s, more or less depending on the variant, but not for a YF-19 or VF-19A as those two, although sharing the overall look, are entirely different birds requiring all new tooling with nearly zero parts in common... maybe the hands could be repurposed but not much else.
  8. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, the disappointment is real and it just keeps going on and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on....
  9. You, along with others, are myopically falling for a prejudgment fallacy. He actually mostly praises the series, calling it competent and entertaining, just as he calls Andor a smartly written and overall worthy entry. His point is that what came before it, the many failures pumped out by Disney-Lucasfilm is what doomed it, with special emphasis on The Acolyte; so yes, Star Wars, the way it's been mishandled and abused, killed it.
  10. Like a fungus... STLD and Prodigy are the only two things I personally consider both good AND canon, more so the latter than the former, imo, but heads and shoulders above any of the live action stuff, especially the laughably bad/intelligence insulting/horribly conceived and written/acted/directed/edited garbage that is the overwhelming majority of NuTrek. Much like STP S3, the people behind Lower Decks and Prodigy mostly got what Star Trek is about and had respect, even when engaging in outlandish parody, for the IP's legacy and did not aim to denigrate, undermine or corrupt it into some grotesque 25%-different mutant MESSAGE-cudgel version aimed at (attempting at) pleasing a miniscule portion of a niche fandom nearly impossible to please... only managing to drive away the legacy fans whose support the property depends upon for its relevance and financial health, as the cratering in merchandize revenues can attest. Hopefully, Skydance will do a much better job at curating Star Trek than what's been done over the past decade; then again, the hangovers known as Section 31 and Starfleet Academy are still looming, even if relegated to alternate reality dreck if the scuttlebutt regarding Lower Deck's final episode is to be believed.
  11. It's a fantasy flying brick booster/bomber that transforms into a bruiser robot... making sense has never been a going concern, with any of this genre that MW is dedicated to.
  12. Totally get where you're coming from; however, the super/strike parts don't transform into a badass brawler of a mech all its own...
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